/ Office of the Registrar
Assam Agricultural University
JORHAT– 785013

No. 2.1 (2)/ RG/ 2013-14/ ______Dtd.______/2013.

Advertisement No. 3/2013

Applications from Indian Citizens are invited for the post of Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Science/ Director of Research (Vety.), AAU, Khanapara/ Dean Fisheries Science, C.F.Sc., AAU, Roha/ Associate Director of Extension Education, AAU, Khanapara/ Director of Physical Plant, AAU, Jorhat and Chief Librarian, Rev. B.M. Pugh Library, AAU, Jorhat. Interested candidates may apply in prescribed form which can be obtained along with other details from the Office of the Registrar, AAU, Jorhat on all working days on payment of crossed IPO of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten) only payable to the Registrar, AssamAgriculturalUniversity, Jorhat. The details of qualification etc. and the application forms are also available on the University website and can be down loaded. The applications completed in all respect along with necessary enclosures in support of academic qualifications, professional experience etc. should reach the office of the Registrar, AssamAgriculturalUniversity, Jorhat on or before June 03, 2013.



Assam Agril. University,


Memo No. 2.1 (2)/ RG/ 2013-14/ 1081 - 92 Dtd. 30/04//2013.

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :-

  1. The P.S. to the Vice- Chancellor, AAU, Jorhat
  2. The Advertising Manager, M/S Adwell Advertising Services, Jail Road, Jorhat. He is requested kindly arrange to publish the Advertisement No.1/2013 in one issue of the news papers viz., (1) The Dainik Janambhumi, Jorhat, (2) The Assam Tribune Pvt. Ltd., Tribune Building, Guwahati-781 003, (3) The Telegraph (Kolkata Edition) and submit the bill in triplicate along with the paper cutting of the Advertisement to the undersigned, AAU, Jorhat for payment in due course.
  3. The Director of Research (Agri./Vety.)/Extension Education/Physical Plant/ Students’ Welfare/Post Graduate Studies, AAU, Jorhat/ Khanapara, Guwahati-22
  4. The Dean, Faculty of Agriculture/Veterinary Science/Home Science, AAU, Jorhat/ Khanapara, Guwahati-22
  5. The Comptroller, AAU, Jorhat.
  6. The Chief Librarian, AAU, Jorhat.
  7. The Centre Director, DBT-AAU, Jorhat.
  8. The Assoc. Dean, Biswanath College of Agriculture/ Lakhimpur College of Veterinary Science, /College of Fisheries science, AAU, Roha.
  9. The Assoc. Director of Research/Extension Education, AAU, Jorhat/ Khanapara, Guwahati-22.
  10. Dr. A. Saikia, Professor & Web Master, Deptt. of Horticulture, AAU, Jorhat. He is requested to incorporate the (enclosed) Advertisement in the AAU website.
  11. All Chief Scientists/ Programme Co-ordinators, AAU, Outstations.
  12. The Deputy Registrar(Acad.),AAU, Jorhat/ Khanapara, Guwahati-22.
  13. The In-charge, Employment Exchange, AAU, Jorhat.
  14. The System Administrator, ARIS Cell, AAU, Johat.



Assam Agril. University,

Jorhat-785 013.

Reference of the Advertisement No. 3/2013

1)Name of the Post : 1) Director of Research (Vety) (Tenure post of 5 (five years)

Pay scale : Rs. 37,400-67,000/- + Grade Pay 10,000/- P.M. (UGC) P.M.

Qualification :

Essential :

i)Passed Bachelor’s degree in relevant subject.

ii)Secured 55% marks or an equivalent OGPA of 3.00 in 4 point scale or 7.00 in 10 point scale at the Master’s degree level from an IndianUniversity, or an equivalent degree from a foreign University.

iii)A person in the rank of Professor and equivalent holding basic degree in the concerned faculty with at least 15(fifteen) years of service experience in teaching/ research/ extension education out of which 5(five) years of service experience shall be in the rank of Professor or equivalent rank.

iv)Ph.D degree in any field of the concerned faculty.

v)Has made some mark in areas of scholarships as evidenced by quality of publications in relevant discipline, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula etc. Quality of publications shall be judged as per list published by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi.


a)Intimate knowledge of functioning of Agricultural University system and problems of agriculture in the country, particularly of Assam.

b)Evidence of Initiative, Leadership and capacity to plan, organize, coordinate and supervise high level of education/ research/ extension programmes.

c)Administrative experience.

Note : Academic qualifications under item (i), (ii) & (iii) are relaxable in case of regularly appointed in-service candidates of AAU.

2)Dean, Faculty of Vety. Science, AAU, Khanapara. (Tenure post of 5 (five years)

Pay scale : Rs. 37,400- 67000/- + Grade pay 10,000/- p.m. (UGC)



i) Passed Bachelor’s degree in relevant subject

ii) Secured 55% marks or an equivalent OGPA of 3.00 in 4 point scale or 7.00 in 10 point scale at the Master’s Degree level from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from a foreign university.

iii) Ph.D. degree in any field of the concerned faculty .

iv) A person in the rank of Professor and equivalent holding basic degree in the concerned faculty with at least 15(fifteen) years of service experience in teaching/research/extension education out of which 5(five) years of service experience shall be in the rank of Professor or equivalent rank.

v) Has made some mark in areas of scholarships as evidenced by quality of publications in relevant discipline, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula etc. Quality of publications shall be judged as per list published by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi.


a)Intimate knowledge of functioning of Agricultural University system and problems of agriculture in the country, particularly of Assam.

b)Evidence of Initiative, Leadership and capacity to plan, organize, coordinate and supervise high level of education/research/extension programmes.

c)Administrative experience.

Note:Academic qualifications under item (i) & (ii) are relaxable in case of regularly appointed inservice candidates of AAU .

3)Dean, College of Fisheries Science, AAU, Roha. (Tenure post of 5 (five years)

Pay scale : Rs. 37,400- 67000/- + Grade pay 10,000/- p.m. (UGC)

Qualification :


i) Passed Bachelor’s degree in relevant subject

ii) Secured 55% marks or an equivalent OGPA of 3.00 in 4 point scale or 7.00 in 10 point scale at the Master’s Degree in relevant subject level from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from a foreign university.

iii) Ph.D. degree in any field of the concerned faculty .

iv) A person in the rank of Professor and equivalent holding basic degree in the concerned faculty with at least 15(fifteen) years of service experience in teaching/research/extension education out of which 5(five) years of service experience shall be in the rank of Professor or equivalent rank.

v) Has made some mark in areas of scholarships as evidenced by quality of publications in relevant discipline, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula etc. Quality of publications shall be judged as per list published by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi.


a)Intimate knowledge of functioning of Agricultural University system and problems of agriculture in the country, particularly of Assam.

b)Evidence of Initiative, Leadership and capacity to plan, organize, coordinate and supervise high level of education/research/extension programmes.

c)Administrative experience.

Note:Academic qualifications under item (i) & (ii) are relaxable in case of regularly appointed inservice candidates of AAU Basic degree in Fisheries Science is relaxable as per Notification No. AAU/RG/ACAD-213 (AT) 2012-13 / 3346-355 dtd. 19.6.2012

4) Name of the post : Associate Director of Extension Education, Khanapara,

Pay scale : Rs. 37,400- 67,000/- + Grade pay 10,000/- p.m. (UGC)



i ) Passed Bachelor’s degree in relevant subject

ii)Secured 55% marks or an equivalent OGPA of 3.00 in 4 point scale or 7.00 in 10 point scale at the Master’s degree level from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from a foreign university.

iii) Ph.D. degree in any field of the concerned faculty.

iv) 10 years of service experience in teaching/research/extension out of which

5 years in the rank of Associate Professor excluding periods spent for

obtaining Ph.D. degree.

v) Has made some mark in areas of scholarships as evidenced by quality of publications in relevant discipline, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula etc. Quality of publications shall be judged as per list published by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi.


a)Knowledge of rural agricultural situation in Assam.

b)Knowledge of local language of Assam.

c)Quality of Leadership and ability to plan, coordinate, conduct and guide teaching/research/extension education programme like externally funded projects/awards/recognition.

d)Administrative experience in management positions.

Note:Academic qualifications under item (i) and (ii) are relaxable in case of regularly appointed inservice candidates of AAU.

5)Name of the post : Chief Librarian (Tenure post of 5 (five) years)

Pay scale : Rs. 12,000-40,000/- + Grade pay 7,600/-



i)Bachelor’s degree in any field of study followed by :

ii)At least Second Class Master’s degree in Library Science of a recognized university with at least 50% marks,

iii) 15 years service experience in Library of which at least 5 years in the rank of Dy. Librarian or in an equivalent rank in a University or such institutions

iv)Evidence of initiative and ability to plan, organize, administer University Library.

Desirable :

i)Doctorate degree in Library Science or equivalent published research work,

ii)Experience of modern retrieval and reprographic techniques.

iii)Experience of teaching and/ or handling needs of post graduate students/ research works.

iv)Working experience under University system.


Assam Agril. University,

Jorhat-785 013.


Application form for the posts of Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Khanapara/Director of Students’ Welfare/Dean, College of Fishery science, Roha/Director of Research(Vety.), Khanapara/Associate Director of Extension Education, Khanapara.

Please affix
your latest
passport size
self attested

Advertisement No. 3 /2013

Particulars of Bank Draft enclosed Bank Draft No...... Rs......

Name of Post applied for ………………………………………………………

1. / Name in full (in Block letters) / :
2. / Sex (Male/ Female) / :
3. / Father’s Name / :
4. / Date of birth (Day-month-year) / :
5. / Age as on 01.01.2013 (Enclose age proof certificate, Enclosure No. ______) / :
6. / Permanent Address / :
7. / Full postal address for communication
with pin code
8. / Contact details : / Mobile No.
Tel. No. (with area code)
Fax No.
E-Mail ID
9. / Are you a citizen of India ?. If so, is it by birth/ domicile. / :
10. / Do you belong to SC/ST/OBC/PH category
(If yes, enclose certificate : Enclosure no.
______) / :
11. / Have you ever been employed by AAU/ICAR/ Govt. or other organization ? If so in what position and for how long. (Enclose employer’s certificate : Enclosure No.______)
12. / Have you ever been convicted by a court of law for any offence ? If so, details thereof
13. / Have you ever been punished or debarred from service of AAU/ICAR/ Govt. or other organization ? If so details thereof.
14. / Whether any disciplinary case pending against you ? If any major/ minor penalty has been imposed on you.

15. Academic qualification, beginning with 10th standard Examination (please attach

attested copies of Pass Certificates and Mark-sheets/ Grade Cards):

No. / Examination Passed / Year of passing / % of marks with Division/ Class or CGPA / School/ College / Board/ University / Subjects taken

16. Which languages do you know ?:

Language / Proficiency attained* / Examination passed, if any

* State whether you can speak, read or write.

17. Present occupation with designation:

18. Previous appointment/work experience :

Sl. No / Post held / Employer/ Organization / Last pay drawn with pay scale / Period with date / Nature of duties in brief

19. Brief particulars of significant contributions in teaching, research and extension

services, including published work .

20. Attach two testimonials from persons not related to you who know about your

work and conduct (one should preferably be from the present or last employer, as

the case may be). *



21. Details of enclosures:

Enclosure No. / Details

I hereby declare that the information given by me in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case of any false statement, I shall be liable to such action as the Authority may deem fit.

Date :

Signature of Applicant

Place :______

Note : The application form must be accompanied by :

1. Bank Draft of Rs.150.00 (Rs. One hundred fifty) only for General Category and

Rs.75.00 (Rupees seventy five) for SC/ ST/ PH candidates in favour of the

Registrar, AAU payable at Jorhat.

2. Send applications along with the attested copies of all relevant

Testimonials, certificates etc.

3. Applications either incomplete or not received within the specified date shall not be considered.


* In-service candidates of Assam Agricultural University need not submit.


Application form for the post of Chief Librarian, Rev. B.M. Pugh Library, AAU, Jorhat.

Please affix
your latest
passport size
self attested

Advertisement No. 3/2013.

Particulars of Bank Draft enclosed Bank Draft No...... Rs......

Name of Post applied for ………………………………………………

1. / Name in full (in Block letters) / :
2. / Sex (Male/ Female) / :
3. / Father’s Name / :
4. / Date of birth (Day-month-year) / :
5. / Age as on 01.01.2013 (Enclose age proof certificate, Enclosure No. ______) / :
6. / Permanent Address / :
7. / Full postal address for communication
with pin code
8. / Contact details : / Mobile No.
Tel. No. (with area code)
Fax No.
E-Mail ID
9. / Are you a citizen of India ?. If so, it is by birth/ domicile (Attach PRC Enclosure
No. ______) ? / :
10. / Do you belong to SC/ST/OBC/PH category
(If yes, enclose certificate. Enclosure
No. ______) / :
11. / Have you ever been employed by AAU/ICAR/ Govt. or other organization ?
If so in what position and for how long. (Enclose employer’s certificate. Enclosures No. ______). / :
12. / Have you ever been convicted by a court of law for any offence? If so, details thereof
13. / Have you ever been punished or debarred from service of AAU/ICAR/ Govt. or other organization? If so details thereof.
14. / Whether any disciplinary case pending against you? If any major/ minor penalty has been imposed on you.

15. Academic qualification, beginning with 10th standard Examination (please attach

attested copies of Pass Certificates and Mark-sheets/ Grade Cards):

No. / Examination Passed / Year of passing / % of marks with Division/ Class or CGPA / School/ College / Board/ University / Subjects taken

16. Which languages do you know ?:

Language / Proficiency attained* / Examination passed, if any

* State whether you can speak, read or write.

17. Present occupation with designation, if any

18. i) Previous appointment/work experience, if any

Sl. No / Post held / Employer/ Organization / Last pay drawn with pay scale / Period with date / Nature of duties in brief

ii) Do you want your pay to be protected in the event of selection, ( if applicable) ?

19. Total service experience (Till the last date of receiving application) :

______years ______months ______days.

20. Service experience in the rank of Deputy/Senior Librarian or equivalent (Till the

last date of receiving application ).

______years ______months ______days.

21. Brief particulars of significant contributions in research, original papers/Projects

related to the relevant field work.

(Enclose the publication list separately (Enclo No. ______) for books, book

chapters, bulletins, research papers (in bibiliographical order and with NAAS

scores), popular articles, reports etc. and produce before the selection

committee, if called for interview).

22. Details of initiative and ability to plan, organize and administer university library

(Enclo. Nos. ______).

23. Details of experience in modern retrieval and reprographic techniques (Enclo

Nos. ______).

24. Details of experience of teaching and/or handling needs of P.G.students/research

work/University system (Enclo. Nos. ______).

25. Attach two testimonials from persons not related to you who know about your

work and conduct (one should preferably be from the present or last employer,

as the case may be).



26. Details of enclosures :

Enclosure No. / Details

I hereby declare that the information given by me in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case of any false statement, I shall be liable to such action as the Authority may deem fit.

Date :

Signature of Applicant

Place :______

Note : The application form must be accompanied by :

1. Bank Draft of Rs.150.00 (Rs. One hundred fifty) only for General Category and

Rs.75.00 (Rupees seventy five) for SC/ ST/ PH candidates in favour of the Registrar,

AAU payable at Jorhat.

2. Send applications along with the attested copies of all relevant testimonials

certificates etc.

3. Applications either incomplete or not received within the specified date shall not

be considered.


Application form for the post of Director of Physical Plant, AAU, Jorhat

Please affix
your latest
passport size
self attested

Advertisement No. 3/2013.

Particulars of Bank Draft enclosed Bank Draft No...... Rs......

Name of Post applied for ………………………………………………

1. / Name in full (in Block letters) / :
2. / Sex (Male/ Female) / :
3. / Father’s Name / :
4. / Date of birth (Day-month-year) / :
5. / Age as on 01.01.2013 (Enclose age proof certificate, Enclosure No. ______) / :
6. / Permanent Address / :
7. / Full postal address for communication
with pin code
8. / Contact details : / Mobile No.
Tel. No. (with area code)
Fax No.
E-Mail ID
9. / Are you a citizen of India ?. If so, it is by birth/ domicile (Attach PRC Enclosure
No. ______) ? / :
10. / Do you belong to SC/ST/OBC/PH category
(If yes, enclose certificate. Enclosure
No. ______) / :
11. / Have you ever been employed by AAU/ICAR/ Govt. or other organization ?
If so in what position and for how long. (Enclose employer’s certificate. Enclosures No. ______). / :
12. / Have you ever been convicted by a court of law for any offence ? If so, details thereof
13. / Have you ever been punished or debarred from service of AAU/ICAR/ Govt. or other organization ? If so details thereof.
14. / Whether any disciplinary case pending against you ? If any major/ minor penalty has been imposed on you.

15. Academic qualification, beginning with 10th standard Examination (please attach

attested copies of Pass Certificates and Mark-sheets/ Grade Cards):

No. / Examination Passed / Year of passing / % of marks with Division/ Class or CGPA / School/ College / Board/ University / Subjects taken

16. Which languages do you know ?:

Language / Proficiency attained* / Examination passed, if any

* State whether you can speak, read or write.

17. Present occupation with designation, if any

18. i) Previous appointment/work experience, if any :

Sl. No / Post held / Employer/ Organization / Last pay drawn with pay scale / Period with date / Nature of duties in brief

19. Attach two testimonials from persons not related to you who know about your

work and conduct (one should preferably be from the present or last employer,

as the case may be).



20. Details of enclosures :

Enclosure No. / Details

I hereby declare that the information given by me in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case of any false statement, I shall be liable to such action as the Authority may deem fit.

Date :

Signature of Applicant

Place :______

Note : The application form must be accompanied by :

1. Bank Draft of Rs.150.00 (Rs. One hundred fifty) only for General Category and

Rs.75.00 (Rupees seventy five) for SC/ ST/ PH candidates in favour of the Registrar,

AAU payable at Jorhat.

2. Send applications along with the attested copies of all relevant testimonials

certificates etc.

3. Applications either incomplete or not received within the specified date shall not

be considered.