University of Brighton, Faculty of Education and Sport
Lesson PlanStudent teacher’s Name: Melanie Trevaskis Curriculum Area / Activity: ICT - controls
Lesson Number: 1 of 3 Date/Time: 1.30-2.30 Lesson Duration: 1 hour
SEN Pupils - Number in lesson: 5 Names of other adults present: Miss Wiggins / Class: Year 2 - Amethyst
Number of pupils: 17
Student teacher target in relation to Standards and ITDP
· Use skills, experience and expertise in future solo practice. Q7 & 8, Q25· Support and differentiate lessons more effectively and with more confidence for children with SEN. Q10, Q19 & Q20
· Confidently manage behavioural issues inside the classroom. Q2 & Q10
Identified targets based upon previous lesson plan evaluation
· N/ALearning Objectives /
Differentiated Learning Outcomes
/ What do I intend the pupils to learn?(Knowledge, understanding, values attitudes and skills) / Working towards… / Achieving… / Beyond…
/ Understand the vocabulary used with controls. / With help, children use vocabulary such as forwards, backwards, up and down. / Children use vocabulary independently and understand which direction the vocabulary refers to. / Children use the correct vocabulary and understand how many times the item needs to travel in that direction.LO2 / Being able to give a set of controls to get the beebot/probot from point A to point B. / Children were able to give the correct controls when travelling in a straight line, but needed help to change direction. / Children are able to give the correct controls when travelling in a straight line and changing direction. They understand the need to turn and then move forwards again. All of this with support. / Independently children are able to give the correct controls when travelling in a straight line and changing direction. Independently they think about routes to plan.
Learning across the curriculum
/ Resources· Maths, Literacy / · Beebots/Probots, Mats, Computers, scissors, glue, worksheets
LearningObjectives / Pupil learning activities
Including reference to inclusion strategies
/ Teaching points/ strategies / teacher roleincluding reference to how tasks have been differentiated /
Organisation and risk assessment.
/Assessment for learning strategies
Formal and informal
5 minutesLO1 / Children need to think about contexts where they have used a control and what the purpose of a control is. / Get the children to read the learning intention.
Using talk partners, ask the children to discuss what they think a control does and what type of controls they can think of. Eg. Xbox control, TV controls, beebot etc.
Ask children to think about why we use controls and what do they do. Use examples linking to x box control and TV control. / Children will be sat on the carpet. / Assess what children already know about controls.
10 minutes
LO2 / Children will need to listen carefully to the instructions for each station. They will raise their hands and ask questions if they are unsure about anything.
Little Red Ship (computers) – This group will need to direct the ship to the lighthouse without crashing into the rocks. They will need to use the controls on the computer screen. They will work in pairs.
One partner will use the controls on the computer and the other will need to write the instructions down on the worksheet given. These will be forwards, backwards, up, down. The children will write the number next to the instruction for the amount of times they ship moves in that direction.
Map making and route planning (cutting and sticking) – Children will need to cut out images of the ship, rocks and lighthouse. They will need plan the route for their ship round the rocks they will stick down, in order to reach the lighthouse.
They will need to write the instructions for their ship to get to the lighthouse using the words forwards, backwards, up and down. They will write a number next to the control for how many times the ship has to move in that direction.
Beebots/Probots (carpet) – Children will be sat on the carpet with Miss Wiggins. They will need to explore the controls and then given instructions to each other they will need to follow. / Explain to children that there will be 3 stations of activities and the teacher will rotate them. They will not get a chance to do all 3 today but this will continue next lesson.
TA will be sat with the group at the computers, ensuring that their instructions work.
TA will ask questions to help children alter their instructions if they do not work.
Miss Wiggins will sit on the carpet with this group. She will ask the children to first explore the beebots/probots. She will then ask them to use the controls to direct their beebot/probot to a particular place on their map.
Children in their pairs will then need to take turns telling the other where to go on the map. / Children will be sat on the carpet in front of the IWB.
They will need to stand when the beebot/probot demonstration is done so they can see.
SEN group will use the beebots on the carpet, the other two will work with the pro bots. / Assess how well the children are able to listen to and give instructions.
Assess how well they are able to write instructions.
40 minutes
LO2 / Children will be in their maths groups and go to their allocated tables. / Allocate children to their groups and rotate each group after 20 minutes.
Cubes – Computers
Pyramids – Cutting and sticking
Cuboids – Beebots/beebots
Children will get a chance at 2 stations this lesson. / Assess how well children complete each activity. How much help they need and how much they are able to do independently.
5 minutes
LO2 / Children will feedback their ideas about what they have learnt when incorrect controls are given. / Bring children to the carpet and discuss with them what might happen if we use incorrect controls. / Children will be sat on the carpet. / Assess what children have learnt about giving incorrect controls.
Lesson evaluation
To what extent have the learning outcomes been achieved in relation to the learning objectives
Targets for the next lesson based upon evaluation of pupil learning
Reflection of teaching/ management/ organisation strategies