East Carolina University

Residence Hall Association

General Assembly Agenda

January 31st, 2012

v  Call to Order

o  5:05

v  Roll Call

v  Approval of Last Week’s Minutes

o  Umstead

o  Seconded by White

v  Nominations

o  Sarah Vogan for Business Manager

o  Michelle Ankins Business Manager

v  Elections

o  Questions

§  Jamitress Bowden

·  Jones- How will you strengthen our RHA?

o  Join the forces of the programs and make them stronger

·  RA- How will you balance all of the priorities

o  Not going to be on the paper and limit credit hours: easier schedule to do a good job as President.

·  Pro- Organized person and dedicated

·  Con-

·  Pro-A lot of experience

·  Con-

·  Pro- Knows what to do with the programs next year

·  Con-

·  Pro-

·  Con-

·  Pro-

·  Con-

§  Sarah Moran

·  Christian Lugo-What are your best attributes as a leader?

o  As a go getter and challenge taker

·  RA- Which groups would you like to work with?

o  SAB is strong organization and the Alumni: good way to g

·  Umstead- Ideas to get with SAB or anybody else

o  Add onto other events and have RHA put out there to be known and with

·  CFJ- will we lose identity while being with other groups

o  Have RHA have a strong hold on programs and to have the people know that RHA is there for them

·  Brandon- How are you going ot increase the participation outside of the hall governments

o  Have PLAN before elections so people can be involved even if not in hall government

·  Motion to end questions

o  Umstead

o  Seconded by Jones

·  Pro- Experience on Executive board

·  Con-

·  Pro-

·  Con-

·  Pro-

·  Con-

§  Kaylee Wheeler

·  Jones Motion to extend

·  Seconded Umstead

·  Umstead- What ideas do you have to bring other students into RHA?

o  Recommend that liasons be picked and have hall governments picked within first few weeks and have ads to be more involved

·  Motion to end

o  umstead

o  Second by scott

·  Pro-Good leadership experience

·  Con- not much experience on exec board

·  Pro- driven to everthing

·  Con-

·  Pro- Her involvement in Garrett hall

·  Con-

·  Pro-She is willing ot go above and beyond

·  Con-

o  Discussion

§  Umstead- Kaylee is new but has good ideas and Sarah and Jamitress have good experience and involvement but Kaylee can do that as well

§  Brandon- Both Sarah and Jamitress are both were good in hall government, Kaylee isn’t afraid to mess up and all candidates aren’t afraid of failure. All great candidates.

§  Motion to end

·  Jones

·  Umstead

v  2012-2013 President- Kaylee Wheeler

v  Office Reports

o  President- AnnaMaria Gallozzi

§  Congratulations to General Assembly for a good job at elections

o  Vice President- Sarah Moran

§  Not going to circus; no participation

§  Siblings weekend looking great; schedule change up online

o  NCC- Ryan Rutherford

§  Spirit Committee- wear pink and red on the 14th

§  NCURH interview coming out shortly

§  Have a great week

o  Parliamentarian- Hannah Moehrke

§  Candidate meeting on Thursday at 9 pm

o  Business Manager- Christian Lugo

§  Spread the word of Super Bowl game downstairs Mendenhall

§  Come to me if not on email

o  Marketing Manager- Jamitress Bowden

§  Yearbook- next week is pictures

§  Siblings week registration now online

§  Updates will be online also

§  Sex Week give titles and dates

§  PR committee will meet sometime

v  Open Floor

o  Scott- Come with shirts? Yes

o  Ryan- NCARH meeting tonight at cotton office at 7:30

v  Coordinator’s Corner

v  Adjournment

o  Jones

o  Seconded by Scott