Milton, Florida

June 19, 2014Meeting Minutes

For Review

& Approval

The Santa Rosa Bay Bridge Authority (SRBBA) met on June 19, 2014 with the following members present: Chairman, Morgan Lamb;Vice Chairman, Gerry Goldstein, FDOT Secretary, James T. Barfield, Ex-Offico Member;Jim De Vries,FDOT Planning; Roy Andrews, Esquire, SRBBA Attorney; Don Richards, Secretary/Treasurer.

Chairman Lamb called the meeting to order.Chairman Lamb welcomed teleconference guests that included Mike Watkins from Greenburg Traurig,

Mr. Rick Gallant from Florida Transportation Commission, Mr. Steven Coulter from Riva Ridge.

Chairman Lamb called for a motion to approve the minutes from the October 24, 2013. A motion was made by Vice Chairman Goldstein to approve the minutes. Motion was seconded by Mr. Don Richards. Motion Approved.

Chairman Lambasked the board to revise their agenda. Chairman Lamb added to the agenda WL Bank Notices, Ice Storm 2014 report and to change date on the agenda from February 6, 2014 to June 16, 2014. Chairman Lamb called for a motion to approve the revised agenda.Vice-Chairman Goldsteinmade a motion and was seconded by Secretary/Treasurer Don Richards. Motion Approved.

Chairman Lamb discussed a letter from the Commission on Ethics requesting the Authority update the information on their website. The list is for public officials to file financial disclosure is due by January 9, 2014. Chairman Lamblet the Board know that had been completed with no changes made.

Chairman Lamb presented the proposed meeting dates for 2014. With no quorum the dates had been revised to meet June 19, 2014 and August 28, 2014 to complete fiscal year end requirements.

Chairman Lamb presented a quote from FDOT for Nuance a computer program. Once this program is installed it would help with Public Request for copies of SRBBA emails. With discussion from the Attorney and Board, Secretary Barfield agreed to cover the cost of the program if the program would benefit other Department employees as well as the Authority.

Chairman Lamb presented the West Land Bank statements and the Bank of New York “Notices”. The Trustee had made partial payments to the Bondholders as the amended Resolution of the Bond Document requires every January and July.

Chairman Lamb presented a check from the Department for tolls removed from the Garcon Point Bridge. On January 28 and 29, 2014 due to an Ice Storm the tolls were removed. The full amount required was forwarded to the Trustee $9,948.00.

Chairman Lamb turned to the next item on the agenda. Sign Changes to I-10. Secretary/Treasurer Richards gave a status report for signs changes on I-10 to direct the public to the beaches by way of the Garcon Point Bridge. Secretary/Treasurer Richards discussed meetings with County Commissioners and they were all for the sign change.Mr. Richards will contact the Department of Transportation to discuss the requirements to accomplish this. Secretary Barfield suggested Mr. Richards get with Mr. De Vries in the Planning Department for further direction.

Chairman Lamb turned to the Attorneys Report

Attorney Mr. Roy Andrews discussed the appointment of members to the Authority. Requests were sent from Vice-Chairman Goldstein and Secretary/Treasurer to the Governor’s office for appointment and no response has of date been received. No action from County or State to appoint members to the Authority has been received. It was decided after in depth discussion that a formal letter is sent from the Authority by the Attorney and Chairman to fill these vacant State and County vacancies.

Mr. Andrews turned to the next agenda item of Traffic Consultant. Mr. Andrews told the Authority an agreement between the Department and the Trustee had not developed. Trustee did not feel the scope of services would not provide what the Bond Document requires. Mr. Andrews presented a letter from GreenbergTraurig requesting a Traffic Consultant be put in place. The cost of engaging a Traffic Consultant would be treated as part of the Authority’s Administrative Expenses. The Trustee is willing to discuss how these Administrative Expenses can be paid. With discussion from Board members it was agreed that Mr. Andrews would acquire quotes and present them to the Authority and the Trustee at the August 2014 meeting.

Mr. Andrews covered the funding for Audits from the Trustee. Although nothing has been put in place the Trustee is willing to entertain negations for the funding of Audits for the Santa Rosa Bay Bridge Authority’s

Chairman Lamb requested at the next meeting approval be given by the Board for him to handle all end of year reoccurring notices from all State Departments as in the past.

Chairman Lamb called for a motion to adjourn. Secretary/Treasurer made a motion and was seconded by Vice Chairman Goldstein. Meeting Adjourned.


  1. Morgan Lamb, Chairman August 28, 2014