Open Forum
4 members of the public attended the meeting with1 requesting to speak
Mrs Parkin asked if the Parish Council could advise by how much the Parish Council were subsidising the activities of the Mickle Trafford Village Club.
The Clerk did not have this information.
Cllr Rowlands, who is also a Village Hall Trustee, stated that the answer to Mrs Parkins question should come as a written reply from the Trustees
No report presented
The Chairman then closed the Open Forum
Cllr Roger Parkin - in the Chair, Cllr Barbara Harrison, Cllr Les Bartley, Cllr Andrew Merrill; Cllr Jean Woods,
Cllr David Rowland’s, Cllr Ian Jones, Cllr B Ancliff, Cllr Wendy Faulkner, Cllr John Taylor,
Cllr Margaret Parker, Cllr P Blackman, Cllr R Law, Cllr J Spence, Cllr G Nicholas and Cllr Alan Gardiner.
Clerk:- Mr D Bowker
Item 01 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Dorothy Opyd (Abroad), Cllr Fran Mitchell (Business) and Cllr John Jackson (Business)
Item 02 Declarations of Interest
All councillors declared their interests as per their “Notification of Interests”
Village Hall – Cllr Parker
Item 03 Approval of Parish Council Minutes.
RESOLVED – The Minutes of the PC meetings held on 12 January 2015 were then approved.
Proposed Cllr Ancliff , seconded by Cllr Rowlands. ALL AGREED
RESOLVED – The Minutes of the Extra-ordinary PC meetings held on 23 February 2015 were then approved.
Proposed Cllr Blackman , seconded by Cllr Harrison. ALL AGREED
As the extra- ordinary meeting had been related to the Path in the Queens diamond jubilee Park the Chairman then moved forward Item 10
Item 10 Queens Diamond Jubilee Park – Path
Cllr Nicholas gave a brief outline of the discussions that had taken place with the original contractor and it was then
Proposed by Cllr Nicholas, seconded by Cllr Rowlands and agreed by ALL that the negotiated figure of £3300.00 should be paid in full and final settlement of the work carried out by B&K Blockpaving Ltd.
Cllr Nicholas then advised the Parish Council that discussions had been held with the 2nd bidder from the original quotations and a specification had been agreed which would allow the path to be completed.
It was proposed by Cllr Nicholas, seconded by Cllr Ancliff and agreed by ALL that Cagna contractors should be retained to carry out the work on the remainder of the path.
Cllr Parker asked if any further work would be done to the path laid by B&K and was advised that none would be done.
Cllr Gardiner asked if Cagna would need the Park to be closed during the work, Cllr Nicholas will confirm the situation.
Cllr Rowland placed on record appreciation to Cllrs Harrison, Nicholas and Blackman for the work they had done to resolve this matter.
Item 04 Planning Committee
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the planning committee held on the 2nd February 2015 were then proposed for acceptance.
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the planning committee held on the 2nd March 2015 were then noted by the Parish Council and both were proposed for acceptance by Cllr Nicholas, seconded by Cllr Bartley and agreed by ALL.
It was noted that the Planning Application for the “Land at The Street” had now been received
Item 05 Finance & General Purposes Committee
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the F&GP committee held on the 2nd February 2015 were then proposed for acceptance by Cllr Ancliff, seconded by Cllr Taylor and agreed by ALL.
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the F&GP committee held on the 2nd March 2015 were then noted by the Parish Council and proposed for acceptance by Cllr Rowlands, seconded by Cllr Harrison and agreed by ALL.
At the March meeting it had been discussed that a letter be sent to Barclays Bank relating to the dissolution of the Parish Council and the Chairman bought forward Item 12
Item 12 Parish Council Banking
The Draft letter read out by the Chairman was proposed by Cllr Parkin, seconded by Cllr Rowlands and agreed by ALL to be sent
Travellers Site – Plemstall Lane
Cllr Blackman then asked if CWaC had forwarded any more detail about the Traveller site on Plemstall Lane.
The Clerk, to the best of his knowledge, advised the general position regard Travellers in CWaC but stated he would need to do further work to give accurate information to Cllr Blackman.
Item 06 Youth and Community Development Committee
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Y&CD committee held on the 4th February 2015 were then proposed for acceptance by Cllr Merrill, seconded by Cllr Harrison and agreed by ALL.
As this committee is responsible for the Queens Diamond Jubilee Park the Chairman bought forward Item 14
Item 14 Queens Diamond Jubilee Park – Grounds Maintenance Contract
Due to the work that has been agreed to the path it was agreed that the Tender put forward to the contractors needed to be amended and the quotations discussed at a later date.
It was then proposed by Cllr Rowlands, seconded by Cllr Harrison and agreed by ALL that the changes needed on the Tender document should be authorised by the Youth and Development committee.
It was then proposed by Cllr Parkin, seconded by Cllr Parker and agreed by ALL that a further extra-ordinary Parish Council meeting be held on the 30th March.
Item 07 Gowy Liaison Committee
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Gowy Liaison committee held on the 5th February 2015 were then proposed for acceptance by Cllr Jones, seconded by Cllr Harrison and agreed by ALL.
Cllr Harrison advised the meeting that there is an open invitation from the site manager, Mr Hughes, should anybody wish to view the site.
It had been reported that horses had been running on the Park but Cllr Spence advised that they had been collected today
Item 08 Dissolution of Mickle Trafford and District Parish Council – March 2015
Election procedure
The Clerk advised the assembled councillors of the existence of Nomination packs from CWaC and also the relevant dates when nomination had to be in.
It was agreed that the Clerk would be in attendance at the Village Hall between 6.30pm and 8pm on the 2nd April should anybody wish to return their nomination forms to him in order that he could then take them all into CWaC.
Annual Parish Meeting
It was proposed by Cllr Taylor, seconded by Cllr Ancliff and agreed by ALL that the Annual Parish Meeting be deferred until after the NEW Parish Council had been elected
Election Poster
The Clerk sought permission to have a general notice alongside the “Notification of Elections” notice that would direct the general public to the Clerk should they wish further information about putting forward a nomination for the role of Parish Councillor.
Item 09 Village Hall Insurance 2015/16
Discussions are currently taking place with companies to combine the Parish Council and Village Hall Insurances.
The final outcome of these discussions will be an agenda item for the meeting of the 30th
Item 11 Village Hall (VAT Reclamation)
Following the F&GP Meeting on the 2nd March a letter was sent to HMRC on the 3rd asking for clarification of our position relating to the claiming of VAT on items relating to the Village Hall
Item 13 Queens Diamond Jubilee Park – Path
Duplication of previous Item
Item 15 Recording of meetings
Following new information received the resolution passed under item 16 of the January was not legal and it was proposed by Cllr Taylor, seconded by Cllr Rowlands and agreed by ALL that this be rescinded.
Item 16 Letters / Correspondence
Cllr Blackman felt that a system should be devised so that all councillors could see all correspondence that was received via the Clerk.
Cllr Rowlands said that in most Councils the Clerk sieved the incoming correspondence and should councillors require any information then the Clerk could be asked to provide.
The comments produced further discussion on the subject and it was proposed by
Cllr Ancliff, seconded by Cllr Rowlands that this matter be raised again under the new Parish Council
A vote was taken with 5 for, 3 against, 4 abstentions and 4 no votes
Item 17 Bowling Green – Hoole Lawn Tennis Club
Cllr Ancliff stated that the proposed Bowling Green had been included in the plans for the new Hoole Lawn Tennis Club following a survey carried out at an open meeting some years ago about the new Tennis Club development
The funding for the Tennis Club would not allow for the development of a bowling green and the Tennis Club would be looking for a partner to make this happen.
It was then proposed by Cllr Taylor, seconded by Cllr Ancliff that this matter should be considered by the new Parish Council.
A counter proposal was made by Cllr Blackman, seconded by Cllr Spence that the Parish Council should not support the development of a bowling green at the new Hoole Lawn Tennis Club because they are a limited company by guarantee.
A vote was taken on the counter proposal with 10 for, 5 against and 1 abstention.
Item 18 Queens Diamond Jubilee Park – BMX Pump Track
Cllr Blackman put forward the case for exploratory work to be done to find out if it was viable for this type of development to be considered.
Cllr Rowlands stated that this could be developed through the Neighbourhood Plan to establish what the youth of the community actually required.
Cllr Harrison was concerned that this could take quite some time to establish.
Cllr Spence said that information may be available through the Village Design Statement
Cllr Merrill put forward that this may be ideal for a small group from the new Parish Council.
Item 19 Youth Activity Funding
Cllr Blackman and others will be looking at what funding may be available to establish a Youth Club or similar activity
Cllr Faulkner said there was a very vibrant group at the Frodsham Community Centre which could be looked at for ideas.
Item 20 New Play Equipment
Duplicated, will be covered under Item 19
Item 21 Village Hall Trustees
Latest meeting minutes have been circulated, nothing further to report.
Item 22 Events working group
Nothing to report
Item 23 Community resilience group
No further communication from CWaC so nothing to report.
Cllr Parker will follow this up with CWaC
Item 24 Neighbourhood Plan
A meeting was held last week of the active members and another public consultation will take place in the near future
Item 25 Matters raised at the discretion of the Chairman (Not for resolution)
Fracking Debate
This will take place on the 18th March in the Village hall at 7.30pm and Cllr Parker encouraged all councillors to attend.
Superfast Broadband
Cllr Parkin advised that there will be a photo-shoot on the 13th march at 2pm to promote that Superfast Broadband
Band has now arrived in Mickle Trafford
Election 2015
Cllr Merrill stated that the count for the Parish Council elections would not be held until 2pm on the Saturday following the election.
Highways and Byways
Cllr Merrill concerned that the last edition of the H&B had not been delivered to either Springfields or Carlton Close
Mr Brace (member of the public) noted the concerns
Cllr Taylor placed on record thanks to both the Chairman (Cllr Parkin) and the Vice Chairman (Cllr Parker) for their many years of service to the Parish Council. ALL AGREED
Item 26 Date and time of Next Parish Council Meeting
Monday 18 May 2015 (TBC) at the Village Hall @ 6.30pm
Meeting closed at 20.33pm
Signed...... Dated......
Prepared by Derek Bowker
10th March 2015
No: 2015/10
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