West Hickory, Pa 16370 13 June 2017 12:30 pm
D. Beach, K. beach were present. Also present were; Cora Passauer, Christine Hulings, Pat Burns, Ron Zeigler, Dylon Snell and Robert Funk. Due to lack of quorum the meeting was rescheduled for June 22nd after the special meeting for the roof replacement bids.
22 June 2017 12:30 pm
A special meeting was held to open and read the community bldg roof replacement bids. The following members were present; Derrick beach, Chairman; Thomas Gibson, Vice- Chairman; Scott Kennedy, Supervisor( via speaker phone) and Karla Beach, Secretary/ Treasurer. Also present was Ron Zeigler, Steve Bereksazi, Ruben Gillenwater, Don Reiland, R. Funk, Shawn Passauer, Dylon Snell and Christine Hulings.
There were 2 bids received for the roof replacement. Quality Construction- $15, 750.00 and Cuttler Construction- $7,000.00. D. Beach made a motion to accept Cuttlers bid, 2nd by Gibson, motion carried unanimously.
The Chairman moved to the regular meeting that was rescheduled from June 13th. The May minutes were read and approved. Treasurer report was read and filed for audit.
Shawn Passauer said Cora had nothing new to report for the Ambulance Committee.
The Verizon claim for Fogle Farm was discussed. Time sheets were sent to the Solicitor to prove we had no workers cleaning ditches on that site on the dates claimed. He will submit them to Verizon law firm.
Nuisance violation letters have went out from the Solicitor to Uzmack, Thompkins and Prohaska. Thompkins cleaned up his yard and mowed the grass. Cathy beach made a complaint on the property next to her on Main St. The owners moved and left bags of garbage behind. The yard is also not getting mowed. Gibson made a motion to declare the property a nuisance violation, 2nd by D. Beach, motion carried.
The Supervisors approved and signed a holding tank agreement for Goldsmith.
Semi- trucks parking in the community bldg parking lot was discussed. Signs will be purchased and erected for no semi parking without Supervisor permission.
Roadmaster report- Passauer cleaned out culvert ditch on Crestmont/rt 127. D. Beach confronted Gibson about illegally working on the roads in the backhoe and accusing employees of fudging hours. Quotes have been received for a backhoe purchase. 1988 John Deere 410 C W/4 WD, 35 hours from Passauer Excavation for $19,586. Cooley had a similar backhoe for $25,000. Five star didn’t have any and Kahles didn’t have any. D. Beach made a motion to purchase backhoe from Passauer Excavation, 2nd by Gibson, motion carried.
Correspondences were reviewed. Bills were submitted. Gibson made a motion to pay bills, 2nd by D. Beach, motion carried. Public comment period was held. A letter was received from Scott Thompson concerning the SMP. Bereksazi asked about road work on Shields Hill rd. Gibson said McArthur to preacher Hill needs work. The loggers on Preacher Hill was discussed. K. Beach asked if the Supervisors could hire a school kid to mow and trim around the building, playground and ballfield as it is not being mowed well. K. Beach will advertise on Facebook.
Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 1:28 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Karla Beach, Secretary