Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to tell you that Billericay Community Trust Teaching School Alliance are now working with Leadership East (a licensee of the National College for Teaching and Leadership) todeliver the new National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML) and the National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL), facilitated by Alliance Practitioners and delivered in Alliance partner schools locally.
We would like to offer you the opportunity to send one or more of your staff (all phases) on the NPQML course starting in the first half of next term in the local area.We anticipate running NPQSL in the second half of the summer term and information about this will be provided at a later date.
The chart below will help you to identify who might be eligible for each programmebut more details about both of these courses can be found on the NCTL website and the Leadership East website
NPQML has been developed for those leading a team within an organisation, traditionally associated with middle leadership.NPQML is suitable for staff who:
- have recently taken on a middle leadership role or a new responsibility
- are more established as middle leaders
- Subject/curriculum leader
- Head of key stage
- Head of department
- Pastoral leaders, for example, head of year or head of house
- Gifted and talented co-ordinator
- Advanced skills teacher
- Assessment co-ordinator
- Career co-ordinator
- Experienced middle leaders who are ambitious for and seeking promotion to a senior leadership role
- Deputy or assistant head
- Specialist Leader of Education (SLE)
- Senior leader in a federation with responsibility across several schools
- Someone with responsibility for supporting other schools.
- Senior leaders who are not qualified teachers (for example bursars, HR officers)
The recommended retail price for the NPQML programme is £1050 but as a local cluster group we can offer the programme at the reduced price of £968 including venue and refreshments costs.When you register, Leadership East will apply to the National College for a scholarship for each participant to reduce the cost still further.
In primary schools with over 250 pupils and secondary schools with over 500 pupils you can therefore expect to pay £850 per participant.*
In primary schools with between 101 and 250 pupils you can expect to pay £468 per participant.*
In primary schools with less than 100 pupils and in secondary schools with less than 500 pupils the scholarships cover the full cost of the programme and there is no charge to participants.*
If you are interested in this opportunity to improve leadership within your school and would like to know more please come along to a free information session, by placing a booking below *NPQML Information and Recruitment Briefing
Wednesday 12th March
The Billericay School, CM12 9LH
(Refreshments from 4.00pm)
The briefing is suitable for prospective participants and their sponsors, CPD leaders and headteachers.
Approximately 20 places (all phases) will be available on the Billericay Community Trust Teaching School Alliance NPQML programme.
If you would like further information about the programme or would like to reserve a place and are not able to attend the meeting on the 12th March then please contact Laura
We look forward to seeing you on the 12th March and working with you in the future.
Tony Ward
Billericay Community Trust Teaching School Alliance,
‘Uniting schools and community in the pursuit of excellence’
Mob: 07912 178 484
Sch: 01277 655 191
*(Please note Leadership East will allocate scholarships which are then formally confirmed by the NCTL. In the unlikely event of a scholarship not being confirmed a participant is liable for the full cost of the programme)