Name: Scott Zeman

Email Address:

1) Where will you find the data for the labs? (Tell me the full path)


2) Print screen of AFS ACL. Crop and expand box so that instructor can read the text of the box!

3) What is the drive letter of your home directory (i.e., your ATN home directory, not your GEOG 370 class directory)? Where do you save your labs?

M is the drive letter. M:\students\sazeman is where my labs are saved.

4) If you were working on a computer in an ATN lab and wanted to save your work to a location where only you and no one else could see it, where should you save it?

The H drive.

5) If you had a webpage at UNC, what would be the URL for your web page?

6) Print screen of step 7 in the trip to San Francisco exercise. (-1.0)

7) What is a layer? (-0.5)

A set of points, lines, and areas with a common theme.

A layer contains features that represent real-life objects; data frames are made of layers. A GIS map is made of multiple layers.

8) What is a feature?(-0.5)

An item to be placed on a map.

Features have a location, shape, and symbol; features within a layer have the same shape and characteristics and are within the same geographic extent.

9) Describe the difference between large and small scale, including the level of detail and example ratios.(-1.0)

Large scale is a more detailed than small scale. 1:100 is a larger scale than 1:10,000.

Large scale: covers a small area in more detail; examples are a map of city streets or a building plan; Possible scale is 1:200,000

Small scale: covers a large area in less detail; example is a world map; Possible scale is 1:80,000,000

10) What are the two views in ArcMap and what can you do within each one?(-1.0)

Layout view and data view. You can do the same things in each view, but data view is used for a more detailed analysis.

Data view: explore, edit, query, analyze, and symbolize data; can only view one frame at a time

Layout view: arrange data frames and add map elements like scale bars and titles; where a map gets ready to be published; can view multiple frames
