Odd seats do program 1, even do program 2
Program 1: Write a program that presents the following numbered menu items (just the first six items) to the user and asks him to selectthree items by typing in the number corresponding to the item.
The program then prints out the total calories, fat, carbohydrates, and protein in the order.
If the calorie total is between 500 and 1000, it prints out, “You’re calorie intake is just fine.”, otherwise it just prints, “Re-examine your calorie intake.”.
If the protein total is less than 20 it prints out, “You’re protein is a bit on the lean side.”, if it’s between 20 and 50, it prints, “Your protein intake is fine.” If it’s over 50 it prints, “Too Much Protein.”
Food item / Calories / Fat / Carbohydrate / Protein1 Cheese Burger / 295 / 11 / 31.1 / 14.7
2 Double Cheese Burger / 421 / 21 / 34 / 26
3 The Big Mac / 485 / 21.5 / 42.5 / 27
4 Chicken Nuggets ( 1 ) / 40 / 2.4 / 1.9 / 3.1
5 Ham Burger / 249 / 7.5 / 33 / 13.5
6 Chicken Sandwich / 370 / 17 / 37 / 17
7 Quarter Pound + Cheese / 500 / 26 / 38 / 30
8 Fish Burger / 370 / 17 / 41 / 17
9 Bacon Double + Cheese / 475 / 24 / 34 / 28
10 Big Breakfast / 578 / 36 / 40 / 26
11 Large Fries / 400 / 17.5 / 57 / 6
12 Hash Brown ( 1 ) / 134 / 75 / 16 / 1.5
13 Milkshake / 380 / 9 / 68 / 11
Do a run of your program with various food items to make sure it works. Make sure your program is fully commented and save your program in the Homework folder.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......
Program 2: Write a program that presents the following numbered menu items (just the last seven food items) to the user and asks him to select two items by typing in the name of the item (not the number) .
The program then prints out the total calories, fat, carbohydrates, and protein in the order.
If the calorie total is over 900, it prints out, “That’s too much on the extras!!.”, otherwise it just prints, “You are fine.”
If the carbohydrates total is greater than 85 it prints out, “You’re carbohydrates are a bit on the heavy side.”, if it’s between 20 and 85, it prints, “Your carbohydrate intake is fine.” If it’s less than 20 it prints, “Too little carbohydrates.”
Do a run of your program with various food items to make sure it works. Make sure your program is fully commented and save your program in the Homework folder.