11:709:441 Nutrition Counseling & Communication
(Fall, 2005; 4 Credits; Pre-Req: 709:255 & 709:202)
The course website is in the WebCT (http://webct.rutgers.edu)
Course e-mail list:
Lecture: MW 2:15 – 3:35 Hickman 210
Recitation: Th (2:30 – 3:25, HCK 204) or,
Th (4:10 – 5:05, HCK 112)
Instructor: Soo-Kyung Lee, Ph.D., R.D.Assistant Professor
Dept. of Nutritional Sciences
Rm 213 Davison Hall
/ Office Hours: MW 3:40 – 4:30
By Appointment
Teaching Assistant: Jocilyn E. Dellava
/ Office Hours: M 1:00 – 2:00
By Appointment
I. Course Description
This course uses a combination of didactic and hands-on learning experiences to teach students how to develop meaningful and effective nutrition programs and services in clinical and community settings. The course meets for two 80-minute lectures and one 55 minute recitation section each week.
II. Course Objectives
1. Students will learn media presentations, interpersonal communication skills, theories on counseling and education and methods, interviewing techniques, concepts of human and group dynamics, public speaking, and educational materials development.
2. Students will also learn health behaviors and educational needs of diverse populations.
3. Students will be able to use oral and written communications in presenting an educational session for a group, to counsel individuals on nutrition, document appropriately a variety of activities, use current information technologies, and work effectively as a team member.
III. Course Policies
1. The instructor reserves the right to reschedule exams during the semester. In the event that the class is canceled due to inclement weather on the day of the exam, the exam will be given during the next class meeting.
2. All problems and exceptions should be brought to the attention of the instructor
and /or TA a week prior to the exam or assignment dates.
3. Each day a paper or project is handed in late will result in a half grade deduction, daily.
IV. Course Grade
Final grades for this course will be based on points earned in exams and projects.
a. Exam: (20 % of total grade)
Final exam will be given. There are no mid-term exams.
b. Projects: (75%)
Gathering Data & Information
1. My Pyramid (5%)
2. Dietary Assessment (20%)
3. Learning Your Eating Environment (10%)
Delivering Messages
4. Current topics (10%)
5. Nutrition Education Project (30%)
a. Lesson Plan (10 %)
b. Conducting the lesson (5%)
c. Final Report & Evaluation (15%)
c. Participation: (5%)
You are expected to attend and participate in each lecture and recitation.
V. Readings
All required readings are on the course website. Additional readings may be assigned.
Books you may find useful include:
Bauer K, Sokolik C. Basic Nutrition Counseling Skill Development. Belmont, CA: 2002. [B&S]
Holli BB, Calabrese RJ, Maillet JO. Communication and Education Skills for Dietetics Professionals. (3rd ed) Philadephia: Lippincott, Williams&Wilkins, 2003. [HCM]
Chernoff R (editor). Communicating as Professionals. American Dietetic Association, 1994.
709:441 (Fall 05) Lee
Class Schedule
Date / Topic & Reading Assignment / Recitation / Assignments DueWK 1
9/5 (M) / No Classes / 1) Introduction to Recitation;
2) Creating Groups
3) Choosing a topic for the project
4) How to use the JADA reference citation system?
9/7 (W) / Introduction to the course;
Definition and Goals of Nutrition Education.
Nutrition Counseling
WK 2
9/12 (M) / The Counseling Interview
Reading: B&S Chapter 3 / Current topics I / Personal Statement
9/14 (W) / Nutrition Counseling for Sport Nutrition
Guest Speaker: Ms. Felicia D. Stoler
WK 3
9/19 (M) / Developing a nutrition care plan I: Dietary Assessment
Reading: B&S Chapter 4, Gibson Chapter 3 / Nutrition Counseling:
First Interview
9/21 (W) / Developing a nutrition care plan II:
Dietary Guidelines and Tools
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)
Dietary Guidelines for America http://www.healthierus.gov/dietaryguidelines/
Food Guide Pyramid
Food Label
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/label.html / MyPyramid Due
WK 4
9/26 (M) / Developing a nutrition care plan III:
Putting them all together / Diet Analysis
9/28 (W) / Why do we eat what we eat?
Reading: HCM Chapters 1 and 10
Date / Topic & Reading Assignment / Recitation / Assignments Due
WK 5
10/3 (M) / Promoting Change
Reading: B&S Chapter 5 / Nutrition Counseling:
2nd Interview / Diet Analysis Due
10/5 (W) / Making Behavior Change Last
Reading: B&S Chapter 6
WK 6
10/10 (W) / Nutrition Counseling for People with Eating Disorders I
Guest Speaker: Dr. John Worobey
Reading: Eating Disorders Chapter 8 / Current topics II
10/12 (W) / Nutrition Counseling for people with Eating Disorders II
Guest Speaker: Ms. Peggy Policastro, MS, RD / Evaluating web-based nutrition education Due
WK 7
10/17 (M) / Nutrition Counseling for the Elderly
Guest Speaker: TBA / Nutrition Counseling:
3rd Interview
10/19 (W) / Nutrition Education Programs: 5-a-Day
Guest Speaker: Ms. Mary Ann Ellsworth, MS, RD
Nutrition Education
WK 8
10/24 (M) / Creating Lesson Plans
Reading: Chapter 13. Creating the future through planning. In: Owen AL, Splett PL, Owen GM, eds. Nutrition in the Community. 4th ed. Boston:WCB McGraw-Hill;1993. / Nutrition Education Project / Dietary Assessment Report Due
10/26 (W) / Implementing & Evaluation
Reading: HCM Chapter 12
WK 9
10/31 (M) / Nutrition Education with very young children
Guest Speaker: Ms. Harriet Worobey
Davison Hall Rm 216 / Current Topics III
11/2 (W) / Nutrition Education with school-aged children:
Guest Speaker: Ms. Audrey Adler
Date / Topic & Reading Assignment / Recitation / Assignments Due
WK 10
11/7 (M) / Developing Nutrition Education Materials: Where do you get reliable information?
Reading: C Chapter 10.
Quality information on web.pdf
Also, try http://www.sosig.ac.uk/desire/internet-detective.html / Nutrition Education Project / Lesson Plan Due
11/9 (W) / Conducting Nutrition Lesson – putting it all together
WK 11
11/14 (M) / Nutrition Education and Critique I / Nutrition Education Project
11/16 (W) / Nutrition Education and Critique II
WK 12
11/21 (M) / Nutrition Education and Critique III / No recitation class
And Others….
11/22 (T) / Food Politics
Guest Speaker: Ms. Jocilyn E. Dellava, MS
(Please note the date!)
WK 13
11/28 (M) / What about Eating Environment?
Reading: Story M, Neumark-Sztainer D, French S. JADA 2002;102:S40-S50. / Discussion on the Eating Environment Project
11/30 (W) / Communicating with the New Diversity
Reading: Chapter 18. Working effectively in cross-cultural and multicultural settings. In: Owen AL, Splett PL, Owen GM, eds. Nutrition in the Community. 4th ed. Boston:WCB McGraw-Hill;1993.
Date / Topic & Reading Assignment / Recitation / Assignments Due
WK 14
12/5 (M) / Communicating through Media
Guest speaker: Dr. Audrey Cross / Discussion on the role of Media in Child Nutrition
Reading: Kaiser Foundation’s Report on the Role of Media in Childhood Obesity / Eating Environment Project Due
12/7 (W) / Ethics in Nutrition Education
Reading: Chapter 19. Ethnics in Community Nutrition. In: Owen AL, Splett PL, Owen GM, eds. Nutrition in the Community. 4th ed. Boston:WCB McGraw-Hill;1993.
Chernoff, Chapter 21
WK 15
12/12 (M) / Looking ahead
What’s on the horizon? / Nutrition Education Project Final Report Due
709:441 (Fall 05) Lee
Assignment 1: MYPYRAMID
Goal: This assignment will familiarize you with the newly developed MyPyramid.gov website.
Objective: 1. Students will be able to describe the new Food Guide Pyramid.
2. Students will be able to identify functions of each component of the site.
Due : September 21 (W)
How to submit: Hand it in before class starts
Grading: 5% of your total grade
(Late penalty: 10% of the total assigned points per day it is late)
Your personalized MyPyramid: 2%
Critical evaluation on your personalized MyPyramid: 1%
Good description of your evaluation of the MyPyramid site: 2%
Format: The final report should NOT exceed 3 pages including references, if any. Typed with 12 font-size, double-spaced, at least 1 inch margin all around. The report should be written in full sentences.
The report should include:
1) Printout of your personalized MyPyramid
2) Critical evaluation on your personalized MyPyramid
3) Good description of your evaluation of the MyPyramid site
709:441 (Fall 05) Lee
Goal: This assignment will familiarize you with various dietary assessment methods and nutrition care plan.
Objective: 1. Students will be able to use various dietary assessment methods (24hr recall, FFQ, diet history, and diet record).
2. Students will identify advantages and disadvantages of each method.
3. Students will be able to evaluate the client’s current diet.
4. Students will be able to communicate their assessment and recommendation to their client.
Due : Diet Analysis: October 3 (M)
Dietary Assessment Report: October 24 (M)
How to submit: Hand it in before class starts
Grading: 20% of your total grade
(Late penalty: 10% of the total assigned points per day it is late)
Correct and complete dietary assessment: 3%
Correct and complete nutrient analysis: 3%
Good evaluation of your client’s diet: 5%
Comprehensive recommendation to your client and good report on the subsequent interviews: 5%
Good description of advantages and disadvantages of each dietary assessment method: 4%
Format: Necessary forms will be distributed in class. The final report should NOT exceed 5 pages including references, if any. Typed with 12 font-size, double-spaced, at least 1 inch margin all around. The report should be written in full sentences.
Use format of Journal of American Dietetic Association (JADA) for references, if you have any.
Example] For articles, Schiller MR. Current hospital practices in clinical dietetics. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 1984;84:1194-1197.
For books, Jackson R. Nutrition and Food Services for Integrated Health Care: A Handbook for Leaders. Gaithersburg, Md: Aspen Publishers, 1997:207.
Remember you must follow the JADA reference format. Points will be taken off for papers not following the format.
The report should include:
1) your assessment of your client’s diet from the various method;
2) your evaluation of your client’s diet;
3) your recommendation to your client;
4) your assessment on the 2nd and 3rd interview;
5) advantages and disadvantages of each dietary assessment methods.
709:441 (Fall 05) Lee
Goal: Students will become aware of their eating environment and various food products.
Objective: 1. Students will be able to identify facilitating and inhibiting environmental factors for healthy diets.
2. Students will know the definitions of health claims.
3. Students will recognize potential benefits and harms of the food products that are low in specific nutrients.
Due : December 5 (M) (Hand it in before class starts)
Grading: 10% of your total grade
(Late penalty: 10% of the total assigned points per day it is late)
Thorough completion of the form: 2%
Correctly answering the questions: 5%
Critical thinking: 3%
Format: Complete the form that will be distributed in class. For this report, handwriting is acceptable. Keep a copy of the report so that you can discuss your findings in the recitation class.
Assignment 4: CURRENT TOPICS
Goal: Students will provide a comprehensive, yet short oral presentation on a topic current in the media.
Objective:1. Students will be able to find accurate information from diverse sources.
2. Students will be able to create concise messages from the collected information.
3. Students will be able to deliver a clear oral presentation.
4. Students will be able to create a good visual aid for his/her presentation.
Due: varies
Grading: 5% of your total grade
Grades on this project will be determined by:
1) Correct description and good understanding of the current topic (2%);
2) Delivering a clear oral presentation (2%);
3) Creating a good transparency (1%)
Format: Conduct a short (8~10 minutes) presentation on one topic discussed in the media on the days you are assigned. You must have one transparency to support your oral presentation.
Each student will be assigned to a period of days that they have to screen media for any relevant nutrition news. Among various nutrition news, students choose and research one topic. The topic will be presented to fellow students during the recitation classes.
709:441 (Fall 05) Lee
Assignment 5: NUTRITION EDUCATION PROJECT – Group project
Goal: Students will develop, implement, and evaluation a nutrition education lesion for college-aged audience.
Objectives: 1. Students will be able to write goal and objective statements.
2. Students will be able to develop a lesson plan appropriate for the target audience.
3. Students will be able to develop effective visual aids for the lesson.
4. Students will be able to deliver effective oral presentation.
5. Students will be able to create an appropriate evaluation plan.
6. Students will evaluate their lesson.
7. Students will be able to write concise report on their lesson.
8. Students will be able to work as a team.
1] Topic of the Choice
How to submit: Hand it in at the end of your first recitation class.
Format: Use the form that will be given in class.
2] Lesson Plan
Due: November 7 (M)
Grading: 10% of your total grade
(Late penalty: 10% of the total assigned points per day it is late)
Good description and assessment of your target audience: 2%
Good goal and objective statements: 5%
Good nutrition lesson plan & evaluation plan: 4%
Creativity: 1%
Format: A template will be distributed in class. The lesson plan should NOT exceed 5 pages including references, if any. Typed with 12 font-size, double-spaced, at least 1 inch margin all around.
The plan should include 1) a brief description and assessment of your target audience, 2) your nutrition lesson plan and 3) evaluation plan.
3] Conducting a Lesson
Grading: 5%
Grades will be determined by:
1) Evaluation by Professor Lee and the TA (3%);
2) Evaluation by the audience (2%).
Assignment 5: NUTRITION EDUCATION PROJECT – Group project (continued)
4] Final Report
Due: December 12 (M) (Hand it in before class starts)
Grading: 15% of your total grade
(Late penalty: 10% of the total assigned points per day it is late)
Good description and assessment of your target audience: 2%
Well described nutrition lesson plan: 5%
Good description and report on the lesson evaluation: 5%
Well written and complied report: 3%