Elementary Math Updates:
December 2014
Content Information and Recommendations
· K-1 Math Assessments:
o The MOY Summative Assessment has been sent from DPI. Slight modifications have been made based on the WCPSS pacing guides.
o Year-round schools should have received their assessments before the Thanksgiving break. Traditional schools will receive materials no later than January 5th. The benchmark assessment days have been built into the instructional calendar.
o Teachers should use the results to identify students who have not mastered the standards taught thus far. Remediation/enrichment activities can be used to focus on the key areas. The information can also be shared with parents during conferences.
Curriculum Updates
· Case 21 ALERT! There are 2 errors on the Quarter 2 benchmark for 5th Grade. Question #7 and #11 will not be included in the score reports for students.
· Orders for quarters 3-4 alignment lesson materials have been submitted to the Print Shop for printing and delivery. The Print Shop has experienced a slight delay, and year-round orders should be complete in 2 weeks.
· As the NCDPI standards review process progresses, we look forward to gathering information from stakeholders to inform the work of the NCDPI Standards Review Committee. To gather input, NCDPI is administering two surveys this fall—one in October for educators and one in November for the broader community.The educators’ survey is now live for teachers and other educators tocomplete:http://ncdpireview.weebly.comThe survey will be available until Wednesday, Dec. 31,at 5 p.m.
Staff Development Opportunities
· Math Foundations Training: SRN 149020210 (1/29, 2/4, 2/11, 2/19, 2/26). Subs are provided for all 5 days of training. Teachers must attend all 5 days!
· This year we have modified the ways in which the math department is providing professional development. In the past, afterschool sessions focused on a particular area have been poorly attended. This year, we are focusing on providing support to schools through the administrators and IRTs. We are developing consistent trainings that can be delivered in various formats (whole group, grade level teams, etc.) to all teachers. We are also working to support schools to analyze core instructional practices through walkthroughs and by support common planning. We have additional PD support planned for the 2nd semester where we will conduct district-wide webinars.
· Walkthroughs – in collaboration with the administrative team at schools, we are availalbe to conduct day-long walkthroughs to observe math instruction. This has been a valuable experience for all involved and provides key areas on which to focus. We have been consumed with requests recently, so please contact us as soon as you think you might want to participate in this professional development opportunity.
· Structures of a Math Classroom – resources have been provided (PowerPoints, agenda, and handouts) to facilitate PD on this topic. IRTs and math coaches have also received this training. Please see the resources posted on the appropriate wiki.
· Upcoming Webinar Topics: (dates and details to be announced later)
o Math Fluency
o Common Grade Level Planning
· NEW Parent Resource! Based on feedback, we have created a document titled “Math at a Glance for Parents.” This document provides an overview of the math pacing and links the unit overviews and videos for parents to support their children at home. There are links for both English and Spanish! These are currently posted to CMAPP, but will be provided on the new Curriculum Management System (WCPSS Internet) launching in January. Here is a link to a 3rd grade example.
· There is an abundance of manipulative kits and white boards at the warehouse. Please use this opportunity to satisfy needs or stock up. You can contact the “warehouse” directly to set up a pick-up time. Act now….before they are all gone!
· Provide feedback about the lessons and resources on CMAPP using:
o http://tinyurl.com/14-15MathFeedback
· Sumdog Math Contest is excited to announce their biggest ever national math contest to bring in the holiday season - it starts December 12. The prize for the winning class is an iPad and every student who plays in the Holiday Contest will receive festive outfits for their on-screen avatar: Santa, snowman and reindeer! Teachers can enter here: http://www.sumdog.com/en/holiday_contest
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