Human Biology
Exam Study Guide
May 20, 2011
Chapters Covered on Exam:
Chapter 9 – Senses
Chapter 6 – Skeletal System
Chapter 7 – Muscular System
Chapter 8 – Nervous System
Chapter 19 – Reproductive System
Chapter 20 – Fetal Development and Genetics (in part – know info on Life’s Greatest Miracle worksheet & what was required for Rep/Fetal Dev Test)
Chapter 12 – Heart (in part, Diagram would be fun extra credit on final, which some of you might want to help you get that grade you really want in the end)
· Study your OLD tests and OLD quizzes. This is always a good place to start. You WILL see some OLD questions on the final. But, you are better off to understand why the answers on the tests are what they are. That way, if I change something up, you will still be able to get the question right. So, do more than memorize when you can!
o Know the words from the completions on all tests (you will be responsible for the words included in the word banks on each test).
o Study the multiple choice questions from the old tests – you will see some old friends on the exam.
o Study diagrams that you saw on your old tests. I will not give you diagrams other than what I gave you on your tests/quizzes.
o Know the answers to the short answer questions on the old tests – you will likely see those questions asked in a similar way, even if as multiple choice questions.
· Utilize the Online Study Guides for each chapter (especially Muscular, Nervous, Reproductive . . . but fetal development, heart and blood may somewhat helpful as well . . . just don’t spend time on the questions and sections that we did NOT cover)
· Online feedback multiple choice questions and/or other online mc questions, like the birth control/STD online questions
· Unit MC pre-tests that were provided before unit tests
· Jeopardy Powerpoints
· LECTURE POWER POINTS – this is the main document that I review when I am writing your tests and your exams.
· Read the sections in your book that were covered in the power point. Skip the sections that were not covered in your power point. If I did not cover it in class, then it will not be covered on the exam.
· Review your Lorenzo’s Oil questions. You should understand how to do Punnett Squares and also understand basic scientific concepts as presented through the movie.
· Review your mink lab (especially the anatomy of the mink because you may get questions like about mink anatomy on the final).
· Study the heart diagram. Make sure you know heart anatomy and can explain the way blood flows through the heart with regard to direction and when it is oxygenated/deoxygenated.
Below are some more detailed questions that have showed up on final exams in the past.
1. Definition of Senses, both general and specific.
2. Scientific names for smell and taste.
3. Cells found within the retina, and what type of vision they detect (light vs. color)
4. Types of sensory receptors.
5. Anatomy of the eye and definitions for main structures within the eye.
6. Anatomy of the Ear
7. What are the three main ossicles of the ear?
8. What is the name of the structure within the ear that vibrates to generate sound?
Skeletal System:
1. Compact vs. cancellous bone?
2. What are the four main classes of bone (think shape)?
3. What are the different types of bone cells that build, maintain and breakdown bone?
4. What is ossification and how does it work?
5. Anatomy of compact bone.
6. Skeletal bone anatomy – full body skeleton
7. Functions of skeletal system.
8. Bone make-up – cells and extracellular matrix
9. Axial vs. Appendicular Skeleton
10. Types of joint and joint movements
11. How many bones are in the body?
12. Skeletal System involvement in Calcium ion regulation.
Muscular System:
1. Characteristics of a skeletal muscle?
2. Three types of muscles including the similarities and differences (# of nuclei, striations, voluntary vs. involuntary)?
3. What are the two main proteins utilized during muscular contraction?
4. What are the two subproteins within the actin myofilament?
5. What is an action potential; what is the difference between depolarization and repolarization?
6. Main neurotransmitter involved in establishing the action potential that results in muscle contraction?
7. Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Respiration – including an understanding of which type of exercise utilizes which type of respiration, requirements, efficiencies of each?
8. Major functions of the skeletal system?
9. Understanding of differences between actin and myosin myofilaments.
10. Understanding of the components of the sarcomere, including Z line, I band, A Band and H Zone, and which portions contain the actin and myosin myofilaments?
11. What is a motor unit and what does it control?
12. Differences between slow and fast twitch muscle fiber?.
13. Conditions under which muscle contraction can continue?
14. Understanding the sequence of muscular contraction.
Nervous System:
1. Conceptual understanding of the role of the Nervous System and its major functions?
2. Components of the Central Nervous System?
3. Components of the Peripheral Nervous System?
4. Components and function of a neuron (nerve cell)?
5. Differences between long term, short term and sensory memory?
6. Major regions of the brain?
7. Instrument used to calculate brain activity?
8. Knowledge of diseases as presented in nervous disorder presentations.
9. From Lorenzo’s Oil, what is ALD, what causes it and what are the symptoms associated with it?
10. Understanding of competitive inhibition, as presented in Lorenzo’s Oil.
11. Understanding of sex-linked vs. autosomal diseases, which includes the use of Punnett Squares
12. Right and Left Hemisphere Dominance?
13. Differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system?
14. Position, structure and function of the components of the eye?
Reproductive System:
1. Where does maturation of sperm cells take place?
2. Know the difference between the various hormones that affect ovulation and female development (FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone) with regard to the menstrual cycle. This would include knowing the difference between the secretory and proliferative phases.
3. General understanding of male and female anatomy and their respective functions with regard to reproduction.
4. Why are the testes placed on the outside of the body?
5. Differences between male and female gametes, such as relative sizes, processes that enable their production, etc….
6. Functions of accessory structures of the female anatomy (such as breasts)
7. Knowledge about the roles of the various system of ducts and glands within the male anatomy, including what portion of the semen each part produces and in what quantity (e.g. prostate gland, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory duct)
8. Birth control and STDs
9. Understanding of basic differences between male and female reproductive systems with regard to anatomy, chromosomal differences and hormone influence.
10. Understanding of Alleles, gene expression (dominant vs. recessive), homologous chromosomes, diploid/haploid, homozygous vs. heterozgous
Fetal Development and Genetics:
Let the Life’s Greatest Miracle Worksheet and the terms required on the Reproductive/Fetal Development Test be your guide for this unit.
You will only be held responsible for the diagrams that have previously been assigned on quizzes and/or tests.