Presentation of case study1: Hurricane Hydrocarbons
The conflict between workers and administration " Hurricane Hydrocarbons" [now PetroKazakhstan] began in 2002 though occurrence of the Canadian company in the Kazakhstan market in 2001 promised only iridescent prospects. From the very beginning of the activity at a factory representatives " Hurricane Hydrocarbons" publicly declared, that the company aspires to become an integral part of the Kazakhstan community, and the basic priority have proclaimed. Interests of the Kazakhstan employees and republics as a whole. " Any honesty исполняющийthe duties the worker should not worry about the future ", - the president of the company B.Izotje in the reference(manipulation) to labour collective spoke. So there were occasions for optimism. However declarations have remained only declarations. Soon workers have collided(faced) severe realities of a pragmatic policy(politics) of a management(manual). Not interests of republic and workers have been put in a basis of work, and reception of the maximal profit - the purpose which could justify any means.
So, the company has refused to begin negotiating process on the conclusion of the new collective agreement. Persistence and determination of trade-union committee, his(its) intention to address in court with the claim to the company have forced the Canadian management(manual) to begin negotiations. However, hardly having begun, negotiations actually came into impasse in connection with that the administration has refused to bring to the collective agreement even in those items(points) which performance would cost the scanty sums for such economically powerful company. It, for example, payment of the monthly grant(manual) to the women who are taking place in maternity leaves, increase of wages, etc. Negotiations which have begun practically three years ago, and have remained uncompleted. Профкомуit was possible to fix only substantive provisions of the old collective agreement and by that to keep available social guarantees.
The conflict proceeded about three years. Workers used all methods accessible to them (down to protest actions) for achievement of the purposes. The Federation of trade unions of Republic Kazakhstan, the international trade-union structures in person ICEM, bodies of the government, Office of Public Prosecutor have been involved.
On result of work of the governmental commission and Office of Public Prosecutor RK the decision on break of attitudes(relations) with the Canadian company " Hurricane Hydrocarbons" was accepted. At the enterprise in 2005 the new investor who, first of all, has suggested trade union to conclude the collective labour contract in which interests of labour collective first of all would be taken into account has appeared. However the further events have shown, that the employer will ALWAYS put the interests above interests and the rights of workers.
Having failed to find common language with new administration, the trade union committeeof the shymkentsk oil refining factory has brought an action against him(it).
Now the conflict proceeds.
Presentation of case study2: Ispat-Karmet
For 2004 on mines(shafts) of coal department of joint-stock company Ispat-Karmetbelonging to the British billionaire of Indian origin Lakshi Mittal33 miners, from them 23 - on mineShakhtinskayawere lost. It has turned out, that each one million fuel cost three human lives. It that the cost price of one ton of the Karaganda coal made 14 dollars, and in the next Russia - about 100 US dollars.
In total in the Karaganda area function 8 mines(shafts) belonging to metallurgical company " Mittal Steel ". This company wins first place in the world on a gain of incomes and profitability and is the leader of a world(global) steel industry.
Heavy working conditions, the beggarly salary and low standard of living became the reason of the conflict between trade unions and the owner of the company. The trade union of the enterprise was not included at the moment of the labour conflict into one of national trade-union federations of Kazakhstan, but was with them in partner attitudes(relations), first of all, with Confederation of independent trade unions RK (Now trade union has concluded the contract about cooperation with regionalcouncil of trade unions of Federation of trade unions of Republic Kazakhstan).
When the conflict to the employer has reached(achieved) the apogee, there wasone more tragedy. 23 miners of mineShakhtinskayajoint-stock company Ispat-Karmetwere lost under the ground on depth more than 500 m is all night shift добычногоa site. The workers taken from mine identified on metal number counters and number miner's lamps. For today there is a unique reason of event: mines of the Karaganda coal basin have always had high levels of methane risk, and, probably, there was an emission of gas.
The tragedy at the enterprise became not so much the reason of a new coil of the conflict, how many last drop in a number of the collected not ¿decided(solved) problems.
However, Lakshi Mittalwhich on the official data now enters into the three of the richest people of a planet, has not wanted to listen to requirements of miners. And on March, 2, almost secretly having arrived(flied) in Karaganda and having visited combine in Temirtau, it(he) has quickly left to London, and not having wished to enter negotiations with trade union. Miners demanded from heads of the company to enter new system of a payment and to provide everyone working under the ground a social package.
Set the billionaire for a negotiating table the next tragedy on mine Tentekskaja, taking off 43 human lives could only. After this tragedy miners have refused to leave in забойwhile all their requirements will not be executed.
Administrations of the enterprise have been given instructions on performance of requirements of miners.
Presentation of case study3: Virgin mountain - chemical combine
In 1999 a property complex of Virgin mountain - chemical combine in. Stepnpgprskhas been sold to foreign investor A.Gajdamaku, in his(its) person to firm " SabtonLTD. " all for 36 million tenge. The foreign firm has undertaken obligations to pay to workers ЦГХКa duty on wages in the sum 271, +-. Tenge. At that time property ЦГХКwas estimated in the sum about 2 billion tenge. Under the contract of sale and purchase from 30.04.99 the investor took obligations to provide employment of workers on all validity of the contract (5 years), except for that to continue manufacture of chemical, metallurgical production, the electric power.
C May, 1999. The virgin mountain - chemical combine with working manufacture and qualified personnel began to refer to ЭАО "Kazsabton".
First four months the investor paid wages to workers in time, manufacture worked. But delays have begun from October, 1999 with payment of wages, manufacture began to stand idle is more often, than to work. The collective agreement on 2000 гconsist during 9 months.
Групкомtrade union repeatedly informed the government, parliament and even President РКon the facts of infringement of Constitution РК, contracts of sale and purchase and the collective agreement of Joint-Stock Company " Kazsabton ". In government RK held meeting with participation of investor A.Gajdamaka on a question of work of the enterprise. Schedules of repayment of debts have been made, but all remained still. Debts on wages were not paid 2-3 months, in НПФobligatory pension payments are not listed(transferred) more than two years, the average wages in "Kazsabtonе" remained very low and made 14167 tenges (about hundred dollars), manufacture is long stood idle, and mine Rudoupravlenija-1 of item. Shantobein 2002 гat all did not work any day. The experts who have fulfilled long time in ЦГХК, have been compelled to leave.
After the numerous protest actions organized by trade union at the end of 2004 of a problem of Open Society " Kazsabton " have remained in the past. His(its) primary trade-union organization (chairm A.Kuzmin) has actively worked. Long months of an opposition and struggle for rights and interests атомщиковhave not passed for nothing. Now the company the new employer who reckons with opinion of trade-union committee, heads workers. The industrial situation was adjusted, successfully uranium mine, a metal works work, to the city of Stepnogorsk there has come long-awaited heat - operates with thermal power station.
The operational experience of this primary organisationwith assistance of the Central committee of Republican trade union атомщиковonce again reminds us what if the collective agreement is signed it(he) should correspond(meet) to the validity and works really for the blessing of members of trade union, instead of to subscribe for a proforma.
As a whole Kazatomprominto which system now enters Stepnogorskcombine, led by president M.Dzhakishevym supports cooperation with trade union of branch.