Pre-AP English I: Lemon Bay Composition Checklist

As you develop as academic writers, you will be required to produce thoughtful and quality written work; therefore, we should follow some basic composition expectations. For every formal paper, including in-class essays, you must review this contract to remind yourself of these preventable errors -- the ones over which you have total control. If you submit a paper that contains any of these composition errors, you will receive a point deduction for each error, despite the quality of the writing or ideas. We will add to this list as the year goes on, and we acquire more skills.

·  Using second person “you” and any forms of “you” in literary analysis

·  Not writing about literature in present tense

·  Improper MLA formatting and documentation, including parentheticals and work cited

·  Unnecessary “ I” statements such as “I think,” “ I feel,” “I believe,” “ in my opinion” …

·  Texting abbreviations and slang (“&” for “and”; “u” for “you”; “ i” for “I” and others in similar fashion )

·  Incorrect title formatting

·  Misspelling words in the prompt or characters’ and authors’ names

·  Improper possession: Using unnecessary apostrophes or not using them at all

·  Informal Language:

good/bad stuff very really things any contractions

·  Using phrases like:

“A lot” or “lots of” “the ______is about…”

“In conclusion” or “As you can see”

“…creates a mental picture or helps”/ ”allows the reader to…”

·  Using clichés for themes –for example “Never judge a book by its cover…” or “Love conquers all.”

·  Saying the book, (or whatever work) is “awesome,” or “brilliant,” or “interesting,” or “the best” or any other editorializing

·  Misspelling the following words:

imagery college savagery villain beginning character tragedy therefore

each other= 2 words it’s = it is simile metaphor high school= 2 words