August 19, 2017
Stage One
9 + 1 Rifle - Staged on Position 1
10 Pistol
4 + Shotgun – Staged on Position 3
Shooter starts at Position 1 with Nine rounds in Rifle and staged on Position 1 table. Hands are on your hat. When shooter is ready they say the following line “I’ll be standing my ground”. ATB pick up rifle and engage rifle targets in the following order… R1, R2, R3, R1, R2, R3, R1, R2, R3, load one round from your person and engage R4. Safety your rifle on Position 1 table and move to Position 2. Draw your pistols as required and engage the four pistol targets in the following order… P1, P2, P3, P1, P2, P3, P1, P2, P3, P2. Holster your pistols and move to Position 3. Pickup your shotgun and engage the shot gun targets in any order.
Stage Two
10 Rifle - Staged on Position 1
10 Pistol
4 + Shotgun – Staged on Position 3
Shooter starts at Position 2 with hands at their side. When shooter is ready they say the following line “Time to dish out some justice!” ATB draw pistols as required and engage Pistol targets in the following order… 2 on P1, 2 on P3, P2, 2 on P1, 2 on P3, P2. Holster pistols and move to Position 1. Pickup rifle and engage rifle targets in the same order as pistols… 2 on R1, 2 on R3, R2, 2 on R1, 2 on R3, R2. Safety rifle on Position 1 table and move to Position 3. Pickup your shotgun and engage the targets in the following order… S1, S4, S2, S3.
Stage Three
10 Rifle - Staged on Position 1
10 Pistol
2 + Shotgun – Staged on Position 1
Shooter starts at Position 1 hold the cards in both hands. When shooter is ready they say the following line “Read em and weep”. ATB pickup rifle and engage the rifle targets in the following order… 5 on R1, 5 on R2. Safety your rifle on Position 1 table and draw your pistols as required and engage pistol target dump all ten on P1. Holster your pistols and pickup your shotgun and engage the shotgun targets from left to right.
Stage Four
10 Rifle - Staged on Position 1
10 Pistol
4 + Shotgun – Staged on Position 1
Shooter starts at Position 1 with hands on table. When shooter is ready they say the following line “Some one in here is a horse thief”. ATB draw your pistols as required and engage pistol target… dump all ten on P1. Holster your pistols and pickup your rifle and engage the Rifle targets… 1 on R1, 2 on R2, 3 on R1, 4 on R2. Safety your rifle on Position 1 table and pickup your shotgun and engage the shotgun targets in the following order… double tap S1 then double tap S2.
Stage Five
10 Rifle - Staged on Position 1
10 Pistol
4 + Shotgun – Staged on Position 2 or 3
Shooter starts at Position 1 with hands on your hat. When shooter is ready they say the following line “If you’re cold I’ll send ya to hell!”. ATB pick up rifle and engage rifle/pistol targets in the following order… 2 on R/P1, 2 on R/P3, 6 on R2. Safety your rifle on Position 1 table and draw your pistols as required and engage the rifle/pistol targets in the same order as rifle… 2 on R/P1, 2 on R/P3, 6 on R2. Holster your pistols and move to Position 2 or 3. Pickup your shotgun and engage the first two shot gun targets from left to right. Safety the shot gun and move to the opposite two shot gun targets and engage the last two shot gun targets from left to right.
Stage Six
10 Rifle - Staged on Position 1
10 Pistol
4 + Shotgun – Staged on Position 3
Shooter starts at Position 3 with hands at their side. When shooter is ready they say the following line “No man talks to me like that!” ATB Pickup your shot gun and engage the shot gun targets in any order. Safety your shot gun and taking it with you move to position 1. Saftey your shot gun on table 1 and draw pistols as required and engage Rifle/Pistol targets in the following order… 2 on R/P1, 2 on R/P3, 1 on R/P2, 2 on R/P1, 2 on R/P3, 1 on R/P2. Holster pistols and pickup rifle and engage rifle/pistol targets in the same order as pistols… 2 on R/P1, 2 on R/P3, 1 on R/P2, 2 on R/P1, 2 on R/P3, 1 on R/P2. Safety rifle on Position 1 table, pickup your shot gun and move to Position 2. Engage the last two shot gun targets in any order.
Stage Notes
Stage Raw time Misses Procedurals Total Time