You may wish to have a consultation with an Early Help Social Worker or Senior Primary Mental Health worker prior to making a referral for additional targeted support. To arrange a consultation ring 0345 678 9021.

Please send this completed form, with a Webstar Score and any other assessment to;Compass, Mt McKinley, Anchorage Avenue, Shrewsbury Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY2 6FG

Fields marked with an * are mandatory. Others may be left blank providing this information is included in the accompanying assessment

Date of referral
*Name of Referrer / *Organisation / *Contact Details
*Name (of child/ren or young person/s) / *DOB/EDD / *Age
*Name of parents/carers
Address of parents/carers
(if different to child’s)
*Telephone Number

Early Help Referral Form v6.2 Nov 151

1)*Please confirm there isconsent for information being shared and used for purposes of providing services to the child/young person and their family.


2)*Please confirm who this referral has been discussed and agreed with.

Early Help Referral Form v6.2 Nov 151


Young person


Other (please specify):

Early Help Referral Form v6.2 Nov 151

Signature of child/young person/parent/carer (please indicate) ______

Print Name:______Date: ______

Please confirm that the signature has been obtained

3)*What current assessment information are you sending in to support this referral?

*A copy should be sent with this referral form if Compass has not already been sent one

Early Help Referral Form v6.2 Nov 151

Family Webstar Assessment

Individual Webstar Assessment

Asset / Onset

Social Work Assessment

Self-Harm / Suicide Prevention or other SSCB approved assessment tool

Education, Health and Care Plan

Other, please state:

Early Help Referral Form v6.2 Nov 151

Whole Family Action Plan

Social Work Plan (LAC/CP/CiN)

Early Help Referral Form v6.2 Nov 151

Please note all assessments should be accompanied with a webstar score

4)What is the reason for your referral (what do you hope to achieve for this child/youngperson)?

5)What do you want the outcome (goal) of the intervention to be for the child/young person and how will you know when it has been achieved?

Early Help Referral Form v6.3 April 20161

6)*Which specific targeted service provider are you requesting?

If you are unsure of the service you require then you MUST book a consultation slot with an Early Help Social Worker. A consultation is requested by calling 0345 678 9021.

If you know which specific service provider you are requesting – please tick the appropriate box

Information about these service providers is available on our website

Early Help Referral Form v6.3 April 20161


Children’s Centres


Targeted Youth Support



Early Help Referral Form v6.3 April 20161

**Please note if you are requesting a CAMHS Service you MUST have had a recent CAMHS consultation prior to making the request. Consultation is requested by calling 0345 678 9021

CAMHS Consultation Date:

Further information on other services and support available can be found by contacting Shropshire Family Information Service 01743 250465

7) *Risk assessments:

You are only required to complete this section if the information is not already indicated on the assessment

Please advise if there are any known risks if a home visit was to be carried out.

Yes No Don’t Know

Details if known:

Please indicate which, if any, of the SSCB priorities/monitoring information this child/young person and family may currently be subject to:
Domestic AbuseChild Sexual ExploitationSubstance Misuse
Mental Ill Health Neglect Self Harm:
Neuro-developmental Pathway

For Compass use only

Accepted by Agency: / Date:
Agency Allocation: / Date:
Allocated workers name
Rationale for allocation non-acceptance

Early Help Referral Form v6.3 April 20161