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Membership Policies

Definition of Membership

A membership consists of a household of persons residing at the same address (i.e., member families). Alternate Memberships and Regular Memberships enjoy all the use and privileges of the Club facilities, activities and programs. Member families of Alternate Memberships and Regular Memberships each have one vote in Club matters which are brought to vote at all-member meetings, and agree to abide by club rules and policies. Inactive Memberships do not enjoy the use and privileges of the Club facilities, activities, programs or voting rights during their inactive period. Memberships may not be split or shared. The Club’s Membership Year runs from March 1 through February 28/29.

Types of Membership

There are three types of memberships in the Club:

1. Alternate Memberships: A member family who has been a regular member in good standing for 10 or

more years, with one household member age 55 and over, and with no children age 18 or younger living

at home are eligible for Alternate membership. Alternate members pay one half the annual dues, and all

other fees in whole or in part as determined by the Board. The number of alternate memberships is not

included toward the Club’s membership limit.

2. Regular Memberships: All other club memberships are Regular memberships, for which families pay the

full annual dues, assessments and any other fees as determined by the Board. The capacity limit of the club is 288 regular club members.

3. Inactive Memberships:Inactive membership is for membership families who are requesting a year or more off from membership due to relocation or other reasons. If an Alternate or Regular Member decides to become an inactive member they must contact in writing the Board President and Membership Director via email with reason/explanation before March 15th. All Inactive Member Families will be required to pay (1/3) one-third of annual dues and full amount of all assessment annually by March 15th of every year in order to remain inactive. After March 15th, there will be an additional $100 late fee. Inactive members who wish to reactivate their membership will be placed at the top of the wait list and will be re-admitted as Regular Membership when space becomes available. Inactive members who do not make their membership active, and resign from the pool, are not entitled to any refund for past years inactive payments. If an inactive member fails to pay their annual dues and assessments by March 15th of every year, they will be charged a late fee. If they do not pay their inactive dues by April 1, they will be removed from inactive membership and automatically resigned from the club. Should an inactive member who did not pay their inactive dues by April 1 of every year, they will need to reapply for membership and pay all fees and costs associated with the regular application process and will be placed on the waitlist as if they were a first time applicant. The benefit of inactive status is you will remain at the top of the list and will be granted membership annually on March 1 should you wish to become active again.

Membership Application Process and Offers

Applicants for membership are added to a waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis depending upon the date the application fee is received and processed. Homeowners who pay homeowners association dues to either Foxcroft East or Governors Square are added to the top of the waitlist in order of the date their application fee was received and processed.

Upon availability of an open spot in the Club, the Membership Committee will contact applicants via email to offer them membership. Applicants must inform the Membership Chair within 3 calendar days about their decision to join the club or not, and then have 7 days to pay their remaining initiation and annual fees and other board approved fees or assessments. If they do not wish to join the club the year they are offered membership, they are allowed to defer for one year, and are kept at the top of the list in date order of when their application fee was paid and processed. If they accept membership and do not pay their invoice within 7 days, they will be placed next on the list and we will re-offer them membership one more time. If after this 2nd offer, they do not pay their invoice within 7 days from the date that they accepted their 2nd chance membership offer, they will be removed from the waitlist completely and will need to reapply with full application fees should they wish to apply again.


All Annual membership fees are due in full by March 15th via the online invoice emailed to you. Payments are accepted by clicking through on the email and manually entering your checking account and routing number. We do not accept paper checks via snail mail nor do we accept bill pay through your online banking system. Fees for membership are determined and subject to change by the Board each year. At a minimum, there are the following components to member fees:

1. Application Fee: Applicants for membership pay a non-refundable fee to secure a spot on the waitlist.

This application fee applies toward payment of the initiation fee when membership is offered. The

application fee amount is 10% of the initiation fee.

2. Initiation Fee: In order to become a member of the Club, applicants must pay a one-time non-refundable initiation fee the first year joining.

3. Annual Membership Renewal Dues: Each year, member families must pay dues and other fees in the amount determined by the Board.

4. Other fees: Such as one-time maintenance fee, capital assessments, and the like, may be instituted at the discretion of the board.

Fee Schedule for Current Members

Annual fees are payable by March 15 of the membership year. After March 15, a late fee will be assessed for those paying by May 1. After May 1, memberships will be terminated for non-payment and members will need to reapply for membership including all application and initiation fees and will be placed on the waiting list in order of the date their application was received and processed

Fee Schedule for New Members

Applicants who are offered a membership invitation to join the Club at times throughout the year may do so according to the following fee schedule: Applicants joining March 1 through July 14 pay the full initiation fee amount and full annual fees.

Applicants joining July 15 through Labor Day Weekend pay the full initiation amount and half the annual fees.

Applicants joining after Labor Day through February 28 the following year pay the full initiation amount and no annual fees until the annual billing cycle March 1 of that second year (i.e., applicants joining Sept 15, 2015 would pay the initiation amount and no annual fees for 2015; their first annual fees due would be for the 2016 year).


Refunds for fees may be granted in whole or in part due to relocation, etc., for those requesting it, subject to

approval by the Board, according to the following guidelines:

Application fees are non-refundable.

Initiation and annual fees may be refunded in whole (less the amount of the application fee) if the

request is made prior to Opening Weekend.

Initiation and annual fees may be refunded by half if the request is made after Opening Weekend and

prior to July 15.

Refunds will not be granted if the request is made after July 15.

Members receiving refunds will have their memberships terminated.

If members who received refunds wish to rejoin the club, they will need to re-apply as new applicant and go through the entire application process including all fees and waitlist as if they were applying for the first time.

Membership Referrals

The Board may periodically institute a membership referral program. When the program is active, current

members are eligible for a referral fee when they refer a new member. The new member must designate one

current member family as the referring member on the membership application. If more than one member is

listed on the application, only the first will receive the referral fee. Current members are eligible for referral

fees up to the amount of the annual dues for that year (i.e., they may not receive more referral fees than they

pay in annual dues in a given year). Referral fees are paid to the current member after the new member has

paid their joining fees (initiation and annual fees) in full.

Special Circumstances

Situations arise for which special consideration may be given by the Board. All such situations are subject to

review and approval by the Board on an individual basis. The following lists some of these types of


In-kind Payment: Certain services to the Club may be deemed appropriate and adequate to serve as

payment in kind for certain member fees. Such services may include but not be limited to landscaping,

construction, painting, etc. Club volunteer activities, including Board roles, do not qualify as in-kind


Divorce: When a member family divorces, it is up to the involved parties to determine which, if either,

member household will continue the membership, and communicate that information to the Club

Membership Chair. At the retaining member’s election, the former spouse of the original membership

may continue to use the Club facilities in company of the retaining member family without paying a

guest fee, until such time if and when a re-marriage occurs. When a re-marriage occurs for either party,

the non-member party must reapply for membership in order to use club facilities and programs.

Member Credits: The Board may approve credits to member families, on a case-by-case basis, toward initiation fees or annual fees for reasons including but not limited to hardship, etc.

In general, fees are due in full according to the calendar determined each year by the

Board. Members may request paying over the course of several payments, provided that the first such

payment and the payment plan request is made by March 15th. Payment plans should be such that fees will be paid in full no later than July 1.

Foxcroft East Racquet and Swim ClubMembership Policies – Updated Spring 2015 7701 Fairview Road

Charlotte, NC.

(704) 366-0116