Ground water Term
absorption coefficient / 吸附系数 / A measure of the amount of radiant energy, incident normal to a planar surface, that is absorbed per unit distance or unit mass of a substance.accumulation (glacial) / 堆积 / All processes, which include snowfall, condensation, avalanching, snow transport by wind, and freezing of liquid water, that add snow or ice to a glacier, floating ice, or snow cover. The term also includes the amount of snow or other solid precipitation added to a glacier or snowfield by these processes.
acid rain / 酸雨 / the acidic rainfall which results when rain combines with sulfur oxides emissions from combustion of fossil fuels.
acidity profile / 酸度剖面 / The acid concentration in ice core layers as a function of depth as determined from electrical measurements. The magnitudes of some volcanic eruptions in the Northern Hemisphere have been estimated from the acidity of annual layers in ice cores taken in Greenland. This methodology is sometimes referred to as acidity signal or acidity record.
adhesion / 内聚力 / the molecular attraction asserted between the surfaces of bodies in contact. Compare cohesion
adsorption / 吸附 / the adhesion of a substance to the surface of a solid or liquid. Adsorption is often used to extract pollutants by causing them to be attached to such adsorbents as activated carbon or silica gel. Hydrophobic, or water-repulsing adsorbents, are used to extract oil from waterways in oil spills.
advance time [irrigation] / 行进时间 / Time required for a given stream of irrigation water to move from the upper end of a field to the lower end of the field.
advection / 水平对流 / The predominately horizontal large-scale movement of air that causes changes in temperature or other physical properties. In oceanography, advection is the horizontal or vertical flow of sea water as a current.
aeration / 曝气 / the mixing or turbulent exposure of water to air and oxgen to dissipate volatile contaminants and other pollutants into the air.
aeration zone / 包气带 / (also known as the unsaturated zone):The zone above the water table is known as the aeration zone.
aerosol / 悬浮质 / Particulate material, other than water or ice, in the atmosphere ranging in size from approximately 10x-3 to larger than 10x2 磎 in radius. Aerosols are important in the atmosphere as nuclei for the condensation of water droplets and ice crystals, as participants in various chemical cycles, and as absorbers and scatterers of solar radiation, thereby influencing the radiation budget of the earth-atmosphere system, which in turn influences the climate on the surface of the Earth.
aggressive water / 侵蚀性水 / water which is soft and acidic and can corrode plumbing, piping, and appliances.
agriculture water use [water-use category] / 农业用水 / Composed of livestock, animal specialty, and irrigation water use.
alkalinity / 碱度 / the measurement of constituents in a water supply which determine alkaline conditions. The alkalinity of water is a measure of its capacity to neutralize acids. See pH.
alluvium / 冲积物 / Sediments deposited by flowing rivers. Depending upon the location in the floodplain of the river, different-sized sediments are deposited.
altithermal period / 高温期 / A period of high temperature, particularly the one from 8000 to 4000 B.P. (before the present era), which was apparently warmer in summers, as compared with the present, and with the precipitation zones shifted poleward. Also called the hypsithermal period.
anisotropy / 各向异性 / The condition under which one or more of the hydraulic properties of an aquifer vary according to the direction of flow.
antecedent moisture / 前期降水量 / The soil moisture present before a particular precipitation event.
aquaculture / 水产业 / farming of organisms that live in water, such as fish, shellfish, and algae.
aquaculture water use [water-use category] / 水产用水 / Water used for farming of organisms that live in water, such as fish, excluding fish hatcheries (commercial water use), shrimp, and other shellfish. Activities included in SIC code 0273. Subset of animal specialties water use.
aquatic / 水生的 / growing in, living in, or frequenting water.
aquiclude / 隔水层 / A unit of low permeability but is located so that it forms an upper or lower boundary to a groundwater flow system, now also called confining layer or leaky confining layer.
aquifer / 含水层 / a geologic formation that will yield water to a well in sufficient quantities to make the production of water from this formation feasible for beneficial use; permeable layers of underground rock or sand that hold or transmit groundwater below the water table.
aquifer [hydrology] / 含水层 / (1) A geologic formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable material to yield significant quantities of water to wells and springs (USGS); (2) A geologic formation, group of formations, or part of a formation having structures that permit appreciable water to move through them under ordinary field conditions (ASCE).
aquifer depletion [management] / 含水层疏干 / Condition of declining water levels within the aquifer's structure because natural recharging from surface water and precipitation is inadequate to maintain normal level. Can be caused by withdrawal rates exceeding recharge rates.
aquifer test / 含水层试验 / See pumping test
aquifer, confined / 承压含水层 / An aquifer that is overlain by a confining bed. The Confining bed has a significantly lower hydraulic conductivity than the aquifer.
aquifer, perched / 上层滞水含水层 / A region in the unsaturated zone where the soil may be locally saturated because it overlies a low-permeability unit.
aquifer, semi-confined / 半承压含水层 / An aquifer confined by a low-permeability layer that permits water to slowly flow through it. During pumping of the aquifer, recharge to the aquifer can occur across the confining layer. Also known as a leaky artesian or leaky confined aquifer.
aquifer, unconfined / 非承压含水层 / An aquifer in which there are no confining beds between the zone of saturation and the surface. There will be a water table in an unconfined aquifer. Water-table aquifer is a synonym.
aquifuge / 不透水层 / An absolutely impermeable unit that will not transmit any water.
aquitard / 弱透水层 / A layer of low permeability that can store groundwater and also transmit it slowly from one aquifer to another. Also named as leaky confinging layer.
artesian aquifer / 自流含水层 / An aquifer that contains water under pressure as a result of hydrostatic head. For artesian conditions to exist, an aquifer must be overlain by a confining material and receive a supply of water. The free water surface stands at a higher elevation than the top of the confining layer thus if the aquifer is tapped by a well, the water in the well will rise above the level of the aquifer.
artesian well / 自流井 / a water well drilled into a confined aquifer where enough hydraulic pressure exists for the water to flow to the surface without pumping.
artesian zone / 自流区 / a zone where water is confined in an aquifer under pressure so that the water will rise in the well casing or drilled hole above the bottom of the confining layer overlying the aquifer.
atmosphere (the) / 大气圈 / The envelope of air surrounding the Earth and bound to it by the Earth's gravitational attraction. Studies of the chemical properties, dynamic motions, and physical processes of this system constitute the field of meteorology.
available soil moisture / 可用土壤含水量 / The portion of water in a soil that can be readily absorbed by plant roots. It is the amount of water released between in situ field capacity and the permanent wilting point.
average annual recharge / 年平均补给量 / amount of water entering the aquifer on an average annual basis. Averages mean very little for the Edwards because the climate of the region and structure of the aquifer produce a situation in which the area is usually water rich or water poor.
barrage / 拦河坝 / any artificial obstruction placed in water to increase water level or divert it. Usually the idea is to control peak flow for later release.
barrier boundary / 隔水边界 / An aquifersstem boundary represented by a rock mass that is not asource of water.
basal sliding (basal slip) / 基部滑动 / The movement or speed of movement of a glacier on its bed.
baseflow / 基流 / That part of stream discharge from ground water seeping into the stream
baseflow recession / 基流衰减 / The declining rate of discharge of a stream fed only by baseflow for an extended period. Typically, a baseflowrecession will be exponential.
baseflow-recession hydrograph / 基流衰减水文图 / A hydrograph that shows a baseflow-recession curve.
bedrock / 基岩 / A general term for any consolidated rock.
beneficial use[management] / 有效用水 / Any of a number of water uses that are recognized by a political entity as valuable to society and worthy of protection, are defined by statutes, and may need to be protected against quality or quantity degradation. These water uses include, but are not necessarily limited to, domestic, municipal, agricultural, and industrial supply; cooling in thermoelectric power generation; and instream uses that include hydroelectric power generation; recreation; aesthetic enjoyment; navigation; and preservation and enhancement of fish, wildlife, and other aquatic resources or preserves.
biosolids / 生物体 / a nutrient-rich organic material resulting from the treatment of wastewater. Biosolids contain nitrogen and phosphorus along with other supplementary nutrients in smaller doses, such as potassium, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, copper and zinc. Soil that is lacking in these substances can be reclaimed with biosolids use. The application of biosolids to land improves soil properties and plant productivity, and reduces dependence on inorganic fertilizers.
biosphere / 生物圈 / The portion of Earth and its atmosphere that can support life. The part (reservoir) of the global carbon cycle that includes living organisms (plants and animals) and life- derived organic matter (litter, detritus). The terrestrial biosphere includes the living biota (plants and animals) and the litter and soil organic matter on land, and the marine biosphere includes the biota and detritus in the oceans.
blation (glacial) / 冰川消融 / All processes, which include melting, evaporation (sublimation), wind erosion, and calving (breaking off of ice masses), that remove snow or ice from a glacier or snowfield. The term also refers to the amount of snow or ice removed by these processes.
bod / 生化需氧量 / Biochemical Oxygen Demand. A measure of the amount of oxygen required to neutralize organic wastes.
bog / 沼泽 / a type of wetland that accumulates appreciable peat deposits. They depend primarily on precipitation for their water source, and are usually acidic and rich in plant matter with a conspicuous mat or living green moss.
boiling point / 沸点 / the temperature at which a liquid boils. It is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the pressure on its surface. If the pressure of the liquid varies, the actual boiling point varies. For water it is 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 degrees Celsius.
bored well / 钻井 / A well drilled with a large truck-mounted boring auger, usually 12 inches or more in diameter and seldom deeper than 100 feet.
boring / 钻孔 / A hole advanced into the ground by means of a drilling rig.
Boussinesq equation / 布捷涅斯克方程 / The general equation for two-dimensional unconfined transientflow.
brine / 卤水 / highly salty and heavily mineralized water containing heavy metal and organic contaminants.
calcium carbonate / 碳酸钙 / CACO3 - a white precipitate that forms in water lines, water heaters and boilers in hard water areas; also known as scale.
calcrete / 钙质胶结砾岩 / A surficial gravel and sand conglomerate cemented by calcium carbonate.
caliche / 硝酸钠 / Also called hardpan; an opaque, reddish-brown-to-white calcareous material, which occurs in layers near the surface of stony soils in arid and semiarid areas.
caliper log / 测径器测井 / A borehole log of the diameter of an uncased well
capillary forces / 毛细力 / The forces acting on soil moisture in the unsaturated zone, attributable to molecular attraction between soil particles and water
capillary fringe / 毛细带 / The zone immediately above the water table, where water is drawn upward by capillary attraction.
capillary water / 毛细水 / Just above the water table, in the aeration zone, is capillary water that moves upward from the water table by capillary action. This water can move slowly and in any direction. While most plants rely upon moisture from precipitation that is present in the unsaturated zone, their roots may also tap into capillary water or the underlying saturated zone.
capillary zone / 毛细带 / soil area above the water table where water can rise up slightly through the cohesive force of capillary action. See phreatophytes.
carbon isotope ratio / 碳同位素比 / Ratio of carbon-12 to either of the other, less common, carbon isotopes, carbon- 13 or carbon-14.
carbon source / 碳源 / A pool (reservoir) that releases carbon to another part of the carbon cycle.
carbonates / 碳酸盐 / the collective term for the natural inorganic chemical compounds related to carbon dioxide that exist in natural waterways.
carbon-based resources / 碳资源 / The recoverable fossil fuel (coal, gas, crude oils, oil shale, and tar sands) and biomass that can be used in fuel production and consumption.
casing / 套管 / a tubular structure intended to be watertight installed in the excavated or drilled hole to maintain the well opening and, along with cementing, to confine the ground waters to their zones of origin and prevent the entrance of surface pollutants.
cation excbange capacity / 阳离子交换能力 / The ability of a particular rock or soil to absorb cations.
cavern / 溶洞 / a large underground opening in rock (usually limestone) which occurred when some of the rock was dissolved by water. In some igneous rocks, caverns can be formed by large gas bubbles.
cement grout / 水泥灰浆 / a mixture of water and cement in the ratio of not more than 5-6 gallons of water to a 94 pound sack of portland cement which is fluid enough to be pumped through a small diameter pipe.
cementation / 胶结作用 / The process by which some of the voids in a sediment are filled with precipitated materials, such as silica, calcite, and iron oxide, and which is a part of diagenesis.
cesspool [wastewater] / 化粪池 / An underground catch basin for liquid waste, such as household waste. Also called a septic tank.
check dam / 检查坝 / a small dam constructed in a gully or other small water course to decrease the streamflow velocity, minimize channel erosion, promote deposition of sediment and to divert water from a channel.
chlorination / 氯化 / the adding of chlorine to water or sewage for the purpose of disinfection or other biological or chemical results.
chlorine demand / 需氯量 / the difference between the amount of chlorine added to water, sewage, or industrial wastes and the amount of residual chlorine remaining at the end of a specific contact period. Compare residual chlorine (残余氯).
chute spillway / 溢洪道 / the overall structure which allows water to drop rapidly through an open channel without causing erosion. Usually constructed near the edge of dams.
circulate / 循环 / to move in a circle, circuit or orbit; to flow without obstruction; to follow a course that returns to the starting point.
cistern / 蓄水池 / a tank used to collect rainwater runoff from the roof of a house or building.
cistern [water supply] / 水塔(蓄水池) / A reservoir, tank, or vessel for storing or holding water or other liquid.
clearwell [water supply] / 洁水井 / A reservoir for the storage of filtered water of sufficient capacity to prevent the need to vary the filtration rate with variations in demand. Also used to provide chlorine-contact time for disinfection.
climate / 气候 / The statistical collection and representation of the weather conditions for a specified area during a specified time interval, usually decades, together with a description of the state of the external system or boundary conditions.
climate change / 气候变化 / The long-term fluctuations in temperature, precipitation, wind, and all other aspects of the Earth's climate. External processes, such as solar-irradiance variations, variations of the Earth's orbital parameters (eccentricity, precession, and inclination), lithosphere motions, and volcanic activity, are factors in climatic variation.
climate sensitivity / 气候敏感 / The magnitude of a climatic response to a perturbing influence. In mathematical modeling of the climate, the difference between simulations as a function of change in a given parameter.
climate system / 气候系统 / The five physical components (atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere) that are responsible for the climate and its variations.
climate variation / 气候变化 / The change in one or more climatic variables over a specified time.
climatic anomaly / 气候异常 / The deviation of a particular climatic variable from the mean or normal over a specified time.
climatic cycle / 气候循环 / the periodic changes climate displays, such as a series of dry years following a series of years with heavy rainfall.
climatic optimum / 气候适宜 / The period in history from about 5000 to about 2500 B.C. during which surface air temperatures were warmer than at present in nearly all regions of the world. In the Arctic region, the temperature rose many degrees, and in temperate regions, the increase was 1.0 degrees - 1.7 degrees C. In this period, glaciers and ice sheets receded greatly, and the melt-water raised sea level by about 3 meters.
climatic year / 气候年 / a period used in meteorological measurements. The climatic year in the U.S. begins on October 1.
cloud / 云 / A visible mass of condensed water vapor particles or ice suspended above the Earth's surface. Clouds may be classified on their visible appearance, height, or form.
cloudburst / 暴雨 / a torrential downpour of rain, which by it spottiness and relatively high intensity suggests the bursting and discharge of water from a cloud all at once.
coagulation / 凝结 / in water treatment, the use of chemicals to make suspended solids gather or group together into small flocs.
coastal zone / 海岸带 / Lands and waters adjacent to the coast that exert an influence on the uses of the sea and its ecology or whose uses and ecology are affected by the sea.
cohesion / 凝聚力 / a molecular attraction by which the particles of a body are united throughout the mass whether like or unlike. Compare adhesion.
cold vapor / 冷气 / method to test water for the presence of mercury.
coliform bacteria / 大肠菌 / A group of bacteria that mostly inhabits the intestinal tract of humans and animals, but also found in soil. While harmless in themselves, coliform bacteria are used as indicators of the possible presence of pathogenic organisms.
collection site / 集水区 / A stream, lake, reservoir, or other body of water fed by water drained from a watershed.
collector well / 集水井 / a well located near a surface water supply used to lower the water table and thereby induce infiltration of surface water through the bed of the water body to the well..
colloids / 胶体 / finely divided solids which will not settle but which may be removed by coagulation or biochemical action.