The Lakewood Township Committee held a Meeting on Thursday, February 5, 2015, in the Lakewood Municipal Building, at 5:30 PM for the Executive/Workshop Session and 7:30 PM for the Public Meeting, with the following present:
Mayor……………………………………………..Albert D. Akerman
Deputy Mayor…………………………………..Menashe P. Miller
Committee Members………………………….Raymond Coles
Michael D’Elia
Meir Lichtenstein
Interim Municipal Manager…..Absent……Herbert Massa
Municipal Attorney…………………………….Steven Secare, Esq.
Municipal Clerk…………………………………Kathryn Cirulli
Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6, and published in the Asbury Park Press on January 8, 2015 and revised and noticed to the Asbury Park Press on January 23, 2015.
Resolution No. 2015-91 - Adopted
Motion by Committeeman Coles, second by Committeeman D’Elia, and carried, to open the meeting.
Motion by Committeeman Lichtenstein, second by Committeeman D’Elia, and carried, to approve the above Minutes. Committeeman Coles did not vote.
15, 2015
Motion by Committeeman Lichtenstein, second by Committeeman D’Elia, and carried, to
Approve the above Closed Session Minutes. Committeeman Coles did not vote.
PRESENTATIONS - Retirement of Robert Haytas-EMS
Mr. Haytas was recognized for his service to the Townshipfor the past twenty-five years as an EMT. Mr. Haytas was presented with a Proclamation in recognition of his retirement from the Township.
Comments from the public will be heard for a limit of one (1) hour. Each speaker will have four (4) minutes and shall be limited to one time at thepodium.
Mayor Akerman opened the meeting to the public.
Bill Hobday, 30 Schoolhouse Lane –Commented with regard to the NJ American Water Company utility easement behind the Fairways. He advised they are experiencing a lot of traffic where cars are sitting there for long periods of time, including municipal vehicles. Residents have been complaining and saying traffic behind there has been increasing tremendously. He asked that a sign be installed to say “Authorized Vehicles Only”.
Mayor Akerman requested this be forwarded to Public Works to make a sign.
Alex Libman – Expressed his feelings about Lakewood.
Seeing no one else wishing to be heard, Mayor Akerman closed the meeting to the public.
The items listed below are considered to be routine by the Township of Lakewood and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
1.Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey Authorizing the Tax Collector to Refund an Over Payment on Exempt Property.- B-24.04 L-10 And B-24.04 L11.
Resolution No. 2015-92
2.Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey Authorizing the Cancellation of Tax Over Payments or Delinquent Amounts Less Than $10.00.
Resolution No. 2015-93
3.Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Appointing a Member to the Lakewood Industrial Commission.
Resolution No. 2015-94
4.Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Releasing the Performance Guarantee Posted by Regency Development in Connection With Application Number SP#1998 Block 1130 and 1131 Lots 1 and 1.
Resolution No. 2015-95
5.Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Authorizing Appropriation Reserve Transfers in the 2014 Municipal Budget.
Resolution No. 2015-96
6.Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Authorizing Application for 2014 Recycling Tonnage Grant.
Resolution No. 2015-97
7.Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Authorizing the Receipt of Personal Property.
Resolution No. 2015-98
8.Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Authorizing the Receipt of Personal Property.
Resolution No. 2015-99
9.Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, and State of New Jersey, Granting Approval for Fireworks Displays to be held at First Energy Park.
Resolution No. 2015-100
10.Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, and State of New Jersey, Reducing the Performance Guarantee (First Reduction) Posted by Platinum Developers @ Waverly, LLC in Connection with SD #1817, Block 548, Lots 30, 31, 270 and 271.
Resolution No. 2015-101
11.Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, and State of New Jersey, Reducing the Performance Guarantee (Second Reduction) Posted by CV Lakewood Realty, LLC, in Connection with SP #1735 (Covington Village) for Block 1082, Lot 9.
Resolution No. 2015-102
- Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, and State of New Jersey, Consenting to the Assignment of the Accepted Bid of the Public Sale Block 1006 Lot 1, Block 1006 Lot 3, Block 1007 Lot 1, Block 1007 Lot 3, and Block 1009 Lot 1.07; Removing Block 1009 Lot 1.04 From the Sale and Amending Other Terms of Sale.
Resolution No. 2015-103
- Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Authorizing Execution of a Deed of Release of Reverter as to Institutional Lenders for Yeshiva Tifereth Torah.
Resolution No. 2015-104
- Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Authorizing the Township to Forward a Request to the NJDOT for the Installation of a New Traffic Light at the Intersection of Route 9 and Broadway.
Resolution No. 2015-105
Motion by Deputy Mayor Miller, second by Committeeman Coles, to approve Resolution Nos. 1 through 14 on the Consent Agenda.
On Roll Call – Affirmative: Committeeman Coles, Committeeman D’Elia, Deputy Mayor Miller and Mayor Akerman.
Not present for the vote: Committeeman Lichtenstein
Resolution Nos. 2015-92 through 2015-105 – Adopted.
Mr. Secare advised of the addition to the Agenda; the Township Clerk read the Resolution’s title.
Resolution of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Deed of Reverter for Yeshiva Tifereth Torah.
Motion by Committeeman Coles, second by Deputy Mayor Miller.
On Roll Call – Affirmative: Committeeman Coles, Committeeman D’Elia, Deputy Mayor Miller and Mayor Akerman.
Abstain:Committeeman Lichtenstein
Resolution Adopted.
An Ordinance of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Vacating the Previous Acceptance of the Dedication of Block 430 Lot 16 for Open Space.
Read by title only for second reading.
Mayor Akerman opened the meeting to the public. Seeing no one wishing to be heard, the hearing on this Ordinance was closed to the public.
The above Ordinance was offered by Committeeman Coles, second by Deputy Mayor Miller.
On Roll Call – Affirmative: Committeeman Coles, Committeeman Lichtenstein, Committeeman D’Elia, Deputy Mayor Miller and Mayor Akerman.
Ordinance No. 2015-1 adopted on second reading.
An Ordinance of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Amending and Supplementing Chapter II (Administration) of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Lakewood, Specifically Article XI (Police Department), Section 2-20.9 (Off-Duty Assignments to Police Officers)
Read by title only for second reading.
Mayor Akerman opened the meeting to the public. Seeing no one wishing to be heard, the hearing on this Ordinance was closed to the public.
The above Ordinance was offered by Committeeman Coles, second by Committeeman Lichtenstein.
On Roll Call – Affirmative: Committeeman Coles, Committeeman Lichtenstein, Committeeman D’Elia, Deputy Mayor Miller and Mayor Akerman.
Ordinance No. 2015-2 adopted on second reading.
An Ordinance of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Amending and Supplementing Chapter XI (Traffic) Section 11-10.01 (Stopping or Standing Prohibited) of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Lakewood 1999(Locust Street – Stopping or Standing Prohibited)
Read by title only for second reading.
Mayor Akerman opened the meeting to the public. Seeing no one wishing to be heard, the hearing on this Ordinance was closed to the public.
The above Ordinance was offered by Deputy Mayor Miller, second by Committeeman Lichtenstein.
On Roll Call – Affirmative: Committeeman Coles, Committeeman Lichtenstein, Committeeman D’Elia, Deputy Mayor Miller and Mayor Akerman.
Ordinance No. 2015-3 adopted on second reading.
ORDINANCE FIRST READING(Second Reading on February 19, 2015)
An Ordinance of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Amending and Supplementing Chapter XI Entitled “TRAFFIC” of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Lakewood. (Section 11-18 - One-Way Streets; Section 11-21 - Four-Way Stops; Section 11-37 - Control for Movement and the Parking of Traffic on Public and Private Property)
Read by title only for first reading.
The above Ordinance was offered by Committeeman Lichtenstein for purpose of discussion, second by Committeeman Coles.
Committeeman Lichtenstein advised that the Ordinance needs to be corrected to reflect that the one-way is to be designated between Route 9 (Madison Avenue) and Clifton Avenue.
On Roll Call – Affirmative: Committeeman Coles, Committeeman Lichtenstein, Committeeman D’Elia and Mayor Akerman
Not Present for the Vote:Deputy Mayor Miller
Ordinance No. 2015-4, as amended, adopted on first reading. Second reading and public hearing to be held on February 19, 2015.
An Ordinance of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey Creating a Unified Electronic Reporting System for Dealers in Scrap Metal.
Read by title only for first reading.
The above Ordinance was offered by Committeeman Coles, second by Committeeman Lichtenstein.
On Roll Call – Affirmative: Committeeman Coles, Committeeman Lichtenstein, Committeeman D’Elia, Deputy Mayor Miller and Mayor Akerman.
Ordinance No. 2015-5 adopted on first reading. Second reading and public hearing to be held on February 19, 2015.
An Ordinance of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Amending and Supplementing Chapter IV (General Licensing) of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Lakewood, 1999, by Repealing Section 4-9 (Dealers of Precious Metals and Gems) and Replacing it With New Section 4-9 (Dealers of Precious Metals and Other Secondhand Goods).
Read by title only for first reading.
The above Ordinance was offered by Committeeman Coles, second by Committeeman D’Elia.
On Roll Call – Affirmative: Committeeman Coles, Committeeman Lichtenstein, Committeeman D’Elia, Deputy Mayor Miller and Mayor Akerman.
Ordinance No. 2015-6 adopted on first reading. Second reading and public hearing to be held on February 19, 2015.
An Ordinance of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Releasing, Extinguishing and Vacating the Rights of the Public of a Portion of a Paper Street Known as Kennedy Boulevard East, in the Township of Lakewood. (Street Vacation – Portion of Kennedy Boulevard East)
Read by title only for first reading.
The above Ordinance was offered by Committeeman Coles, second by Committeeman Lichtenstein.
On Roll Call – Affirmative: Committeeman Coles, Committeeman Lichtenstein, Committeeman D’Elia, Deputy Mayor Miller and Mayor Akerman.
Ordinance No. 2015-7 adopted on first reading. Second reading and public hearing to be held on February 19, 2015.
An Ordinance of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, Authorizing the Exchange of Certain Lands Within the Township of Lakewood to Acquire Block 1159 Lot 34, Plus Additional Consideration, and Authorizing the Township of Lakewood to Convey Block 1159, Lots 30, 31, 33, 35 and 38 as Part of an Exchange of Lands Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A: 12-16.(Property Exchange)
Read by title only for first reading.
The above Ordinance was offered by Deputy Mayor Miller, second by Committeeman Coles.
On Roll Call – Affirmative: Committeeman Coles, Committeeman Lichtenstein, Committeeman D’Elia, Deputy Mayor Miller and Mayor Akerman.
Ordinance No. 2015-8 adopted on first reading. Second reading and public hearing to be held on February 19, 2015.
Per list of two (2) correspondence items, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Per schedule of forty-two (42) parks/events requests, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Committeeman Lichtenstein advised there was one request for many dates. In the past, approval was only given for a few dates at a time so as not to book too far in advance. He suggested the Committee approve dates for May and June and request the applicant to put in their request for future dates.
Motion by Committeeman Lichtenstein, second by Deputy Mayor Miller, and carried, to approve the above correspondence items, with the above amendments.
Motion by Deputy Mayor Miller, second by Committeeman Lichtenstein, to approve the above Bill List.
On Roll Call – Affirmative: Committeeman Coles, Committeeman Lichtenstein, Committeeman D’Elia, Deputy Mayor Miller and Mayor Akerman.
Bill List approved.
Committeeman Lichtenstein advised he will not be able to attend the next meeting due to a previous family obligation and vacation out of town.
Committeeman D’Elia asked if any communication has been received from the Board of Fire Commissioners with regard to honoring and acknowledging the fire recruits that just graduated. They would like to schedule it for one of the upcoming Township Committee Meetings.
Mayor Akerman asked that the information be forwarded to him and they can do it at the next meeting. He also advised he wants to do something for the outgoing Fire Commissioner.
Motion by Committeeman Coles, second by Committeeman Lichtenstein, and carried, to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.