Educational Standards for “Telling Our Agricultural Story” Lesson Plans
Please note: Students and teachers have a wide variety of topics, resources, and subjects to study within the resources of this lesson plan. The following educational standards have been identified but will vary based on the exact resource the student is studying.
Wisconsin Model Academic Standards (for all the lessons)
8th grade Social Studies: A.8.10; A.8.11; B.8.8.; B.8.9; C.8.7; C.8.8; D.8.2; D.8.3; D.8.5; D.78.7; D.8.8; D.8.11; E.8.1; E.8.4; E.8.5; E.8.7; E.8.8; E.8.10;
8th grade Science: A.8.3; B.8.1; B.8.2; B.8.3; B.8.6; D.8.9; E.8.1; E.8.2; E.8.3; E.8.4; E.8.5; E.8.6; G.8.1; G.8.2; G.8.3; G.8.4;G.8.5; G.8.6; H.8.1; H.8.2; H.8.3
12th grade Social Studies: A.12.8; A.12.10; A.12.11; B.12.8; B.12.9; B.12.10; C.12.7; C.12.8; C.12.9; C.12.11; C.12.14; D.12.1; D.12.2; D.12.3; D.12.4; D.12.6; D.12.8; D.12.13; E.12.6; E.12.7; E.12.9; E.12.14
12th grade Science: A.12.2; A.12.5; A.12.7; B.12.3; B.12.4; C.12.1; C.12.2; C.12.3; C.12.6; C.12.7; D.12.10; E.12.4; F.12.6; F.12.8; F.12.9; g.12.1; G.12.3; G.12.4; G.12.5; H.12.1; H.12.2; H.12.3; H.12.4; H.12.5; H.12.6; H.12.7
The Wisconsin Standards for Animal, Food and Natural Resources will vary depending on what issue the students are discussing. Visit to complete the correlations.
Discussing Agricultural Issues
RH.6-8.1 RH.9-10.1 RH.11-12.1 Citing specific evidence
RH.6-8.2 RH.9-10.2 RH.11-12.2 Determining central ideas; accurate summary
RH.6-8.5 RH.9-10.5 RH.11-12.5 Identify how a text presents information
RH.6-8.6 RH.9-10.6 RH.11-12.6 Determining the author’s point of view
RH.6-8.8 RH.9-10.8 RH.11-12.8 Distinguishing facts, opinions, claims
RH.6-8.9 RH.9-10.9 RH.11-12.9 Comparing the same topic with different sources
RST.6-8.1 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Cite evidence to support analysis
RST.6-8.2 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Determine central idea or conclusions
SL.6.1 SL.7.1 SL.8.1 SL.9-10.1 SL.11-12.1
Initiate and participate in discussions
SL.6.2 SL.7.2 SL.8.2 SL.9-10.2 SL.11-12.2
Interpret data presented in diverse media
SL.6.3 SL.7.3 SL.8.3 SL.9-10.3 SL.11-12.3
Evaluate speaker’s point of view
SL.6.4 SL.7.4 SL.8.4 SL.9-10.4 SL.11-12.4
Present claims, findings, and information to listeners
SL.6.6 SL.7.6 SL.8.6 SL.9-10.6 SL.11-12.6
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks
L.6.1 L.7.1 L.8.1 Demonstrate command of English grammar
L.6.3 L.7.3 L.8.3 Knowledge of language when writing, speaking…
L.6.4 L.7.4 L.8.4 L.9-10.4 L.11-12.4
Determine or clarity the meaning of unknown words
The Wisconsin Standards for Animal, Food and Natural Resources will vary depending on what issue the students are discussing. Visit to complete the correlations.
Some basic correlations for all lessons could include:
AFNR.IMT1 Students will access, interpret, and evaluate information from a variety of sources in order to inform and support premises, arguments, decisions, ideas and initiatives
AFNR.AS1 Students will examine the components, historical development, global implications and future trends of the animal systems
AFNR.AS4 Students will apply principles of animal nutrition to ensure proper growth, development, reproduction and economic development of animals
AFNR.AS6 Students will prepare and implement animal handling procedures for the safety of animals, producers and consumers of animal products
AFNR.BT1 Students will recognize the historical, cultural and potential applications of biotechnology
AFNR.FPP1 Students will examine components of the food industry and historical development of food products and processing
AFNR.FPP3 Students will apply principles of science to the food products and processing industry
AFNR.ESS1 Students will use analytical procedures to plan and evaluate environmental service systems while assessing the impact of policies on environmental service systems
I Heard it on the news…I watched this movie…Someone told me that…
RH.6-8.1 RH.9-10.1 RH.11-12.1 Citing specific evidence
RH.6-8.2 RH.9-10.2 RH.11-12.2 Determining central ideas; accurate summary
RH.6-8.5 RH.9-10.5 RH.11-12.5 Identify how a text presents information
RH.6-8.6 RH.9-10.6 RH.11-12.6 Determining the author’s point of view
RH.6-8.8 RH.9-10.8 RH.11-12.8 Distinguishing facts, opinions, claims
RH.6-8.9 RH.9-10.9 RH.11-12.9 Comparing the same topic with different sources
RST.6-8.1 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Cite evidence to support analysis
RST.6-8.2 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Determine central idea or conclusions
SL.6.1 SL.7.1 SL.8.1 SL.9-10.1 SL.11-12.1
Initiate and participate in discussions
SL.6.2 SL.7.2 SL.8.2 SL.9-10.2 SL.11-12.2
Interpret data presented in diverse media
SL.6.3 SL.7.3 SL.8.3 SL.9-10.3 SL.11-12.3
Evaluate speaker’s point of view
SL.6.4 SL.7.4 SL.8.4 SL.9-10.4 SL.11-12.4
Present claims, findings, and information to listeners
SL.6.6 SL.7.6 SL.8.6 SL.9-10.6 SL.11-12.6
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks
L.6.1 L.7.1 L.8.1 Demonstrate command of English grammar
L.6.3 L.7.3 L.8.3 Knowledge of language when writing, speaking…
L.6.4 L.7.4 L.8.4 L.9-10.4 L.11-12.4
Determine or clarity the meaning of unknown words
The Wisconsin Standards for Animal, Food and Natural Resources will vary depending on what issue the students are discussing. Visit to complete the correlations.
Some basic correlations for all lessons could include:
AFNR.IMT1 Students will access, interpret, and evaluate information from a variety of sources in order to inform and support premises, arguments, decisions, ideas and initiatives
AFNR.AS1 Students will examine the components, historical development, global implications and future trends of the animal systems
AFNR.AS4 Students will apply principles of animal nutrition to ensure proper growth, development, reproduction and economic development of animals
AFNR.AS6 Students will prepare and implement animal handling procedures for the safety of animals, producers and consumers of animal products
AFNR.BT1 Students will recognize the historical, cultural and potential applications of biotechnology
AFNR.FPP1 Students will examine components of the food industry and historical development of food products and processing
AFNR.FPP3 Students will apply principles of science to the food products and processing industry
AFNR.ESS1 Students will use analytical procedures to plan and evaluate environmental service systems while assessing the impact of policies on environmental service systems
Making the Connections- Farmer Panel Discussion
RH.6-8.1 RH.9-10.1 RH.11-12.1 Citing specific evidence
RH.6-8.2 RH.9-10.2 RH.11-12.2 Determining central ideas; accurate summary
RH.6-8.5 RH.9-10.5 RH.11-12.5 Identify how a text presents information
RH.6-8.6 RH.9-10.6 RH.11-12.6 Determining the author’s point of view
RH.6-8.8 RH.9-10.8 RH.11-12.8 Distinguishing facts, opinions, claims
RH.6-8.9 RH.9-10.9 RH.11-12.9 Comparing the same topic with different sources
RST.6-8.1 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Cite evidence to support analysis
RST.6-8.2 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Determine central idea or conclusions
SL.6.1 SL.7.1 SL.8.1 SL.9-10.1 SL.11-12.1
Initiate and participate in discussions
SL.6.2 SL.7.2 SL.8.2 SL.9-10.2 SL.11-12.2
Interpret data presented in diverse media
SL.6.3 SL.7.3 SL.8.3 SL.9-10.3 SL.11-12.3
Evaluate speaker’s point of view
SL.6.4 SL.7.4 SL.8.4 SL.9-10.4 SL.11-12.4
Present claims, findings, and information to listeners
SL.6.6 SL.7.6 SL.8.6 SL.9-10.6 SL.11-12.6
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks
L.6.1 L.7.1 L.8.1 Demonstrate command of English grammar
L.6.3 L.7.3 L.8.3 Knowledge of language when writing, speaking…
L.6.4 L.7.4 L.8.4 L.9-10.4 L.11-12.4
Determine or clarity the meaning of unknown words
The Wisconsin Standards for Animal, Food and Natural Resources will vary depending on what types of questions they ask the panel, what topics the panel covers, and what the moderator asks. Visit to complete the correlations.
Some basic correlations for all lessons could include:
AFNR.IMT1 Students will access, interpret, and evaluate information from a variety of sources in order to inform and support premises, arguments, decisions, ideas and initiatives
AFNR.AS1 Students will examine the components, historical development, global implications and future trends of the animal systems
AFNR.AS4 Students will apply principles of animal nutrition to ensure proper growth, development, reproduction and economic development of animals
AFNR.AS6 Students will prepare and implement animal handling procedures for the safety of animals, producers and consumers of animal products
AFNR.BT1 Students will recognize the historical, cultural and potential applications of biotechnology
AFNR.FPP1 Students will examine components of the food industry and historical development of food products and processing
AFNR.FPP3 Students will apply principles of science to the food products and processing industry
AFNR.ESS1 Students will use analytical procedures to plan and evaluate environmental service systems while assessing the impact of policies on environmental service systems
Making the Connections- Meeting via the Internet
RH.6-8.1 RH.9-10.1 RH.11-12.1 Citing specific evidence
RH.6-8.2 RH.9-10.2 RH.11-12.2 Determining central ideas; accurate summary
RH.6-8.5 RH.9-10.5 RH.11-12.5 Identify how a text presents information
RH.6-8.6 RH.9-10.6 RH.11-12.6 Determining the author’s point of view
RH.6-8.8 RH.9-10.8 RH.11-12.8 Distinguishing facts, opinions, claims
RH.6-8.9 RH.9-10.9 RH.11-12.9 Comparing the same topic with different sources
RST.6-8.1 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Cite evidence to support analysis
RST.6-8.2 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Determine central idea or conclusions
The next standards will vary depending on whether the student writes a paper or gives a speech
WHST.6-8.1 WHST.9-10.1 WHST.11-12.1 Writing arguments focused on discipline-
specific content
WHST.6-8.2 WHST.9-10.2 WHST.11-12.2 Write information texts
WHST.6-8.4 WHST.9-10.4 WHST.11-12.4 Produce clear and coherent writing
WHST.6-8.5 WHST.9-10.5 WHST.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing
WHST.6-8.6 WHST.9-10.6 WHST.11-12.6 Use technology to produce and publish writing
WHST.6-8.8 WHST.9-10.8 WHST.11-12.8 Gather relevant information from sources
WHST.6-8.9 WHST.9-10.9 WHST.11-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts
SL.6.1 SL.7.1 SL.8.1 SL.9-10.1 SL.11-12.1
Initiate and participate in discussions
SL.6.2 SL.7.2 SL.8.2 SL.9-10.2 SL.11-12.2
Interpret data presented in diverse media
SL.6.3 SL.7.3 SL.8.3 SL.9-10.3 SL.11-12.3
Evaluate speaker’s point of view
SL.6.4 SL.7.4 SL.8.4 SL.9-10.4 SL.11-12.4
Present claims, findings, and information to listeners
SL.6.6 SL.7.6 SL.8.6 SL.9-10.6 SL.11-12.6
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks
L.6.1 L.7.1 L.8.1 Demonstrate command of English grammar
L.6.3 L.7.3 L.8.3 Knowledge of language when writing, speaking…
L.6.4 L.7.4 L.8.4 L.9-10.4 L.11-12.4
Determine or clarity the meaning of unknown words
The Wisconsin Standards for Animal, Food and Natural Resources will vary depending on what issue the students are discussing. Visit to complete the correlations.
Some basic correlations for all lessons could include:
AFNR.IMT1 Students will access,, interpret, and evaluate information from a variety of sources in order to inform and support premises, arguments, decisions, ideas and initiatives
AFNR.AS1 Students will examine the components, historical development, global implications and future trends of the animal systems
AFNR.AS4 Students will apply principles of animal nutrition to ensure proper growth, development, reproduction and economic development of animals
AFNR.AS6 Students will prepare and implement animal handling procedures for the safety of animals, producers and consumers of animal products
AFNR.BT1 Students will recognize the historical, cultural and potential applications of biotechnology
AFNR.FPP1 Students will examine components of the food industry and historical development of food products and processing
AFNR.FPP3 Students will apply principles of science to the food products and processing industry
AFNR.ESS1 Students will use analytical procedures to plan and evaluate environmental service systems while assessing the impact of policies on environmental service systems
Making the Connections- Tours and Field Trips
RH.6-8.1 RH.9-10.1 RH.11-12.1 Citing specific evidence
RH.6-8.2 RH.9-10.2 RH.11-12.2 Determining central ideas; accurate summary
RH.6-8.5 RH.9-10.5 RH.11-12.5 Identify how a text presents information
RH.6-8.6 RH.9-10.6 RH.11-12.6 Determining the author’s point of view
RH.6-8.8 RH.9-10.8 RH.11-12.8 Distinguishing facts, opinions, claims
RH.6-8.9 RH.9-10.9 RH.11-12.9 Comparing the same topic with different sources
RST.6-8.1 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Cite evidence to support analysis
RST.6-8.2 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Determine central idea or conclusions
The next standards will vary depending on whether the student writes a paper or gives a presentation
WHST.6-8.1 WHST.9-10.1 WHST.11-12.1 Writing arguments focused on discipline-
specific content
WHST.6-8.2 WHST.9-10.2 WHST.11-12.2 Write information texts
WHST.6-8.4 WHST.9-10.4 WHST.11-12.4 Produce clear and coherent writing
WHST.6-8.5 WHST.9-10.5 WHST.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing
WHST.6-8.6 WHST.9-10.6 WHST.11-12.6 Use technology to produce and publish writing
WHST.6-8.8 WHST.9-10.8 WHST.11-12.8 Gather relevant information from sources
WHST.6-8.9 WHST.9-10.9 WHST.11-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts
SL.6.1 SL.7.1 SL.8.1 SL.9-10.1 SL.11-12.1
Initiate and participate in discussions
SL.6.2 SL.7.2 SL.8.2 SL.9-10.2 SL.11-12.2
Interpret data presented in diverse media
SL.6.3 SL.7.3 SL.8.3 SL.9-10.3 SL.11-12.3
Evaluate speaker’s point of view
SL.6.4 SL.7.4 SL.8.4 SL.9-10.4 SL.11-12.4
Present claims, findings, and information to listeners
SL.6.6 SL.7.6 SL.8.6 SL.9-10.6 SL.11-12.6
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks
L.6.1 L.7.1 L.8.1 Demonstrate command of English grammar
L.6.3 L.7.3 L.8.3 Knowledge of language when writing, speaking…
L.6.4 L.7.4 L.8.4 L.9-10.4 L.11-12.4
Determine or clarity the meaning of unknown words
The Wisconsin Standards for Animal, Food and Natural Resources will vary depending on what issue the students are discussing. Visit to complete the correlations.
Some basic correlations for all lessons could include:
AFNR.IMT1 Students will access, interpret, and evaluate information from a variety of sources in order to inform and support premises, arguments, decisions, ideas and initiatives
AFNR.AS1 Students will examine the components, historical development, global implications and future trends of the animal systems
AFNR.AS4 Students will apply principles of animal nutrition to ensure proper growth, development, reproduction and economic development of animals
AFNR.AS6 Students will prepare and implement animal handling procedures for the safety of animals, producers and consumers of animal products
AFNR.BT1 Students will recognize the historical, cultural and potential applications of biotechnology
AFNR.FPP1 Students will examine components of the food industry and historical development of food products and processing
AFNR.FPP3 Students will apply principles of science to the food products and processing industry
AFNR.ESS1 Students will use analytical procedures to plan and evaluate environmental service systems while assessing the impact of policies on environmental service systems
Research and Share
RH.6-8.1 RH.9-10.1 RH.11-12.1 Citing specific evidence
RH.6-8.2 RH.9-10.2 RH.11-12.2 Determining central ideas; accurate summary
RH.6-8.5 RH.9-10.5 RH.11-12.5 Identify how a text presents information
RH.6-8.6 RH.9-10.6 RH.11-12.6 Determining the author’s point of view
RH.6-8.8 RH.9-10.8 RH.11-12.8 Distinguishing facts, opinions, claims
RH.6-8.9 RH.9-10.9 RH.11-12.9 Comparing the same topic with different sources
RST.6-8.1 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Cite evidence to support analysis
RST.6-8.2 RST.9-10.1 RST.11-12.1 Determine central idea or conclusions
The next standards will vary depending on the types of visuals and presentations the student gives
WHST.6-8.1 WHST.9-10.1 WHST.11-12.1 Writing arguments focused on discipline-
specific content
WHST.6-8.2 WHST.9-10.2 WHST.11-12.2 Write information texts
WHST.6-8.4 WHST.9-10.4 WHST.11-12.4 Produce clear and coherent writing
WHST.6-8.5 WHST.9-10.5 WHST.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing
WHST.6-8.6 WHST.9-10.6 WHST.11-12.6 Use technology to produce and publish writing
WHST.6-8.8 WHST.9-10.8 WHST.11-12.8 Gather relevant information from sources
WHST.6-8.9 WHST.9-10.9 WHST.11-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts
SL.6.1 SL.7.1 SL.8.1 SL.9-10.1 SL.11-12.1
Initiate and participate in discussions
SL.6.2 SL.7.2 SL.8.2 SL.9-10.2 SL.11-12.2
Interpret data presented in diverse media
SL.6.3 SL.7.3 SL.8.3 SL.9-10.3 SL.11-12.3
Evaluate speaker’s point of view
SL.6.4 SL.7.4 SL.8.4 SL.9-10.4 SL.11-12.4
Present claims, findings, and information to listeners
SL.6.5 SL.7.5 SL.8.5 SL.9-10.5 SL.11-12.5
Making strategic use of digital media
SL.6.6 SL.7.6 SL.8.6 SL.9-10.6 SL.11-12.6
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks
L.6.1 L.7.1 L.8.1 Demonstrate command of English grammar
L.6.3 L.7.3 L.8.3 Knowledge of language when writing, speaking…
L.6.4 L.7.4 L.8.4 L.9-10.4 L.11-12.4
Determine or clarity the meaning of unknown words
The Wisconsin Standards for Animal, Food and Natural Resources will vary depending on what issue the students are discussing. Visit to complete the correlations.
Some basic correlations for all lessons could include:
AFNR.IMT1 Students will access, interpret, and evaluate information from a variety of sources in order to inform and support premises, arguments, decisions, ideas and initiatives
AFNR.AS1 Students will examine the components, historical development, global implications and future trends of the animal systems
AFNR.AS4 Students will apply principles of animal nutrition to ensure proper growth, development, reproduction and economic development of animals
AFNR.AS6 Students will prepare and implement animal handling procedures for the safety of animals, producers and consumers of animal products
AFNR.BT1 Students will recognize the historical, cultural and potential applications of biotechnology
AFNR.FPP1 Students will examine components of the food industry and historical development of food products and processing
AFNR.FPP3 Students will apply principles of science to the food products and processing industry
AFNR.ESS1 Students will use analytical procedures to plan and evaluate environmental service systems while assessing the impact of policies on environmental service systems