RIP 18
1. Warm Up (Hold My Hand – Jess Glynne)
16 cts intro
1X 4/4 squat
4X 1X 2/2 squat
2X 1/1 squat
4X 3/1 squat
8X 1/1 squat
4X 1/1 B½ squat 2-rep
8X 1/1 lunge R
8X 1/1 lunge L
16 cts transition to bar in front
2X 8 cts shoulder roll
4X 1X 2/2 deadlift
1X 1/1/1/1 deadrow
4X 3/1 upright row
4X 1/1/1/1 clean & press
2X clean & press 3-rep
32 cts transition to plates
8X 2/2 front raise V
8X 1/1 lateral raise
4X 1/1/1/1 lateral raise rotation
2X lateral raise rotation 3-rep
2. Legs 1 (Take Me To Church – Hozier)
16 cts intro FEET TOGETHER
8X 1/1 T½ squat
2X 4/4 squat
8X 1/H/1 squat
8 cts transition to SHOULDER WIDTH
8X 1/H/1 squat
8 cts transition to PLIE STANCE
2X 4/4 plié
16X 1/1 plié
32 cts bar down, transition to jump squat
4X 2/2 jump squat wide/narrow
3X 4X 1/1 jump squat wide/narrow
4X 1/1 jump squat up
32 cts recovery, transition to SHOULDER WIDTH
12X dbl time T½ squat
1X 4/4 squat DOWN ONLY
12X dbl time B½ squat
1X 4/4 squat UP ONLY
16 cts transition to PLIE
8X 2/2 plié
4X 3/1 plié
8 cts pause
8X 1/1 T½ plié
8X 1/1 B½ plié
16X 1/1 plié
3. Chest (Owner of a Lonely Heart vs. Me and My Broken Heart – Yes meets Rixton)
16 cts intro
3X 4/4 chest press
4X 1/3 chest press
4X 1X 2/2 chest press DOWN ONLY
1X B½ chest press
1X 2/2 chest press UP ONLY
1X T½ chest press
4X 3/1 chest press
8X 1/1 chest press
4X 1/1 B½ chest press 2-rep
4X 1/6H/1 chest press
32 cts recovery, transition to push up
4X 2/2 push up
8X 1/1 push up
32 cts recovery, transition to chest press
4X 2/2 chest press
8X 1/1 chest press
4X 1/1 B½ chest press 2-rep
4. Back (Love Me Harder – Ariana Grande feat. The Weeknd)
16 cts intro
1X 4/4 deadlift
4X 2/2 deadlift
4X 3/1 deadlift
2X 1/H/1/H clean & press
2X 1/1/1/1 deadrow
4X 1/1/1/1 clean & press
2X deadrow 3-rep
32 cts recovery, transition to bent over row
4X 2/2 bent over row R
4X 1/3 bent over row R
8X 1/1 bent over row R
4X 1/1 T½ bent over row 2-rep R
16 cts transition to other side
5. Triceps (Freeway of Love – Triceps)
16 cts intro
4X 2/2 triangle push up
8X 1/1 triangle push up
32 cts transition to back on step with bar
8X 2/2 tricep press
1X 3/1 tricep ext
1X 3/H tricep ext DOWN ONLY
1X 1/H tricep ext
1X 4/4 tricep ext UP ONLY
16X 1/1 tricep ext
32 cts recovery, transition to tricep dip (or OH press)
4X 2/2 tricep dip
1X 3/1 tricep dip
1X 3/H tricep dip DOWN ONLY
1X 1/H tricep dip
1X 4/4 tricep dip UP ONLY
8X 1/1 tricep dip
2X 1X 4/4 tricep dip DOWN ONLY
1X 2/2 staggered tricep dip
1X 4/4 tricep dip UP ONLY
6. Biceps (Back in Black – AC/DC)
8 cts intro
8X 1/1 bicep curl
4X 2/2 bicep curl
4X 1/1 B½ bicep curl
2X 2/2 staggered bicep curl
2X 4/4 bicep curl
2X 4/4 bicep curl
4X 2/2 staggered bicep curl
16X dbl time M½ bicep curl
4X 2/2 staggered bicep curl
8 cts shoulder roll
3X 4/4 bicep curl
7. Legs 2 (Wild Wild Love – Pitbull feat. GRL)
16 cts intro
8X 1/1 squat
4X 1/1 B½ squat 2-rep
8 cts transition to lunge
2X 4/4 lunge R
4X 2/2 lunge R
16X 1/1 lunge R
2X 4/4 staggered lunge R
8X 1/1 B½ lunge 2-rep R
8X 1/1 lunge R
32 cts recovery, transition to L
8. Shoulders (Bills – LunchMoney Lewis)
16 cts intro
3X 2/2 lateral raise
1X 2/2 lateral raise rotation UP ONLY
3X wide OH press
1X 2/2 lateral raise rotation DOWN ONLY
4X 3/1 front raise V
4X 1/3 front raise V
7X 1/1 lateral raise
1X 1/1 lateral raise rotation UP ONLY
7X 1/1 wide OH press
1X 1/1 lateral raise rotation DOWN ONLY
32 cts recovery, transition to one knee
2X 4/4 alt rev diagonal fly
4X 3/1 alt rev diagonal fly
4X 1/3 alt rev diagonal fly
8X 1/1 alt rev diagonal fly
4X 1/1 T½ alt rev diagonal fly 2-rep
2X T½ alt rev diagonal fly 4-rep
32 cts transition to push ups
RIP SHOT: 26 s push ups
9. Core (Sugar – Maroon 5)
32 cts intro (supine tuck)
4X 2/2 R arm/leg ext, alt
2X 1X 2/2 legs ext
1X 2/2 arms ext
4X 1/H supine star + 1/H tuck
2X 2/2 supine star/tuck
2X 1/H supine star + 1/H tuck
32 cts transition to prone
4X 2/2 R arm/leg ext, alt
2X 1X 2/2 legs ext
1X 2/2 arms ext
4X 1/H/1/H superman
2X 2/2 superman
2X 1/H/1/H superman
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