St. Michael’s Church Office,
4 Chester Square,
Dear Parent / Carer,
The group is held on Mondays and Wednesdays during term time from 10am-11.30am at St. Michael’s Church, Chester Square.
The Ark starts with free play time in the main church, where there is plenty of space and a designated area for babies. We also have a table for creative fun.
Suitable refreshmentsare provided at 10.30am for the children withtea and coffeefor the adults in the Memorial Chapel. We ask if you could please keep refreshments out of the main church. At 11am everyone helps to clear the toys away. The Ark then finishes with approximately 20 minutes of singing and a Bible story.
The Ark is a playgroup run mainly by volunteers for members of the local community. Because children sign up for a term at a time and there are very few drop-ins it is possible to get to know the other members of the group very well.
The Summer term dates are as follows:
Mondays: 20th April– 6th July 2015(inclusive)
Wednesdays: 22nd April–8th July 2015(inclusive)
Please note, that there will be no Ark on the 25th and 27th May to coincide with half term.
We would be grateful if you would choose to come on either Mondays or Wednesdays, we regret we cannot accommodate people interchanging between the two. However, you are welcome to come on both days if you sign up for them.
The cost is £50per term, if you come to both days the cost is £100 per term. There is a discount available if you have more than one child. If the cost is prohibitive please do contact us.
If you are interested in attending The Ark please complete the application form and return it to the address above with cash or a cheque made payable to ‘ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH’ to confirm your place.
If preferred, an online bank transfer can be made to:
Natwest Belgravia Branch
St.Michael’s Church, Chester Square
Account number: 39858774
Sort Code number: 60-07-29
Reference:The Ark
Please when you have done so to confirm your place.
Space islimitedand places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Please be aware that it is the responsibility of parents and carers to supervise their own children. We also really appreciate it if everyone can be as quiet as possible during story time but join in with us for the songs!
We look forward to seeing you.
Juliet Fellows and the Ark Volunteers