Unit Name / International Purchasing and Supply H2X3 34
Signposting for Additional Resources
The resources listed below have been produced by organisations other than SQA.
As these are not SQA materials, SQA cannot guarantee their currency, accuracy or availability although accurate at the time of publication in August 2015.
Tutors should check that materials accessed contain the most up to date information.
Due to local Governmental policies regarding administration and supervision of networks and other factors that cannot be controlled, some websites based outside of China may not be accessible or run slowly.
URL / Type of Website (eg theory based/interactive/quiz/topic related/case study) / Description/Topic

/ Professional Body Website
Topic related general website
Topic related general website
Topic related general website / This is the general website for the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply ,which may be useful in itself, but if you explore it further there is a very useful tool on global procurement standards. This can be accessed by selecting ‘CIPS for Business’ and in the left hand column select ‘Global Standard for Procurement and Supply’. Once there you will find case studies and you can also access the interactive tool.
Will provide a variety of information related to the Unit Specification
Will prove good information on Incoterm rules
This website covers a number of aspects of international trade. Once you have accessed the website select ‘International trade’ in the left hand column. This will present you with eight headings relating to International Trade. If you wish to look at freight forwarders select ‘freight forwarding’ under the heading ‘Moving your goods’. Selecting one of the two options under ‘freight forwarding’ will open other options. To find out information on importing select ‘International trade – site map’ from the menu of eight headings.
Title / Publisher / ISBN / Topic
Supply Management
/ Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply / N/A / Various articles on all aspects of Procurement. It is also possible to sign up for daily procurement and supply chain news sent to your inbox.
Title / Publisher / ISBN / Topic
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management by Dr Kenneth Lysons and Dr Brian Farrington
Global Supply Chain Management by Thomas Hult et. al. / Pearson Publishing
McGraw Hill Education / ISBN-10: 0273723685
ISBN-13: 978-0273723684
ISBN:9780071827423 / This is an excellent book now on its 8th edition with a new co-author for Kenneth Lysons, published in March 2012. The book has a chapter in global sourcing.
This would be a reasonable back up to Lysons’ book and certainly much less expensive. It was published in Nov 2013. The Authors are American.
It is recommended that Centres use English speaking newspapers as sources of information on logistics issues. Articles can be used as teaching resources:
Shanghai Post
China Daily
South China Morning Post

Production Date: October 18