Interactive Sites: Great for the Smartboard

Tina Wyant

New Albany Plain Local School District

List also found online at…

Language Arts

Starfall: early readers

Story Line Online: stars read books to your class, closed-caption available

CAST Book Builder: Must start a free account to access

Long Vowels: drag pictures of words that have a specific long vowel, game

Silly Sentence Machine: pick different parts and combine them to make a sentence

Transport to Reading: phonics and rhyming games

Magnetic Poetry: drag words to make your own poem

The Front Page: putting words in order to create sentence

Contraction Practice: what two words make the contraction

ABC Order: pick a topic and practice abc order

Obama Speech Generator: review parts of speech with this madlib

Social Studies

United States Location Map: drag states to their location

Jamestown Simulation

PBS Interactive History: Colonial Times

Dress Me Up

Fantastic Voyage: You have just been appointed new governor in the New World

1628 Across the Continent

Voices Long Unheard

Revolutionary War Major Battles

Interactive World Map, World Landforms, World Landmarks


BBC: Solids/Liquid/Gas and Rocks/Soils

Catie for Schools: Sorting Solid/Liquid/Gas and Sounds

Harcourt: Solid/Liquid/Gas

Drippy the Raindrop: Water Cycle Story

Harcourt School: Separating Particles Experiment

Harcourt Schools: Melting and Boiling Point

BBC Science Bites

Science Museum: Energy Flows in what sequence

Funderstanding Rollercoasters

Pearson/Prentice Hall: Design and Test Catapult Simulator

Ed Heads (Simple Machines, Virtual Knee/Hip Surgery, Weather, Crash Machine, Odd Machine)

Pond Life

Demos for Dissecting a frog, squid and owl pellet


Money: Counting coins

Everyday Math Support Pages

Probability Fair

Deliver Pizza (N, W, S, E)

Elabs Measurement: use a ruler to measure exactly or round

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives


Peg Puzzle


Oswego Interactive Math Games

Dog Bone: 100s Block Mystery Game

Banana Hunt: Find the angle

Bang on Time verses Stop the Clock

Billy Bug: Graphing

Billy Bug 2: 4 Quadrant Graphing

Fraction Flags

Ghost Blasters: Odd and Even

Percent Paint

Power Lines: Adding/Math Reasoning

Spooky Sequences: Patterns

Sum Sense

Recycling Websites: Sorting and Classifying Objects

Mr. Nussbaum: Every Subject