The Shelton School District Board of Directors met in regular session at 5:30 p.m. on March 24, 2009 in the board room located at CHOICE High School.

Board members present: Chairman Julianna Miljour, Sue McCausland, Holly Sharpe, Cheryl Travaglione and student board representative Sydney Finlay.

Staff members present: Superintendent Joan Zook, Alison Nutt, Ray Field, Gordy Hansen, Stacey Anderson, Elli Harron, Brian Wirzbicki, Ida Dightman, Kate Fletcher, Ron Grinnell, Stacey Adams, Damon Holden, Pete Nielsen, Ed Stewart, Wanda Berndtson, Roger McCausland, Evan Brees, Lorna Martinson, Mark Jensen, Chad Youngquist, Carri Fennel and Krag Unsoeld.

Others present: Jeff Green, Helen Thomson, Megan Marquett, Tiffany Gale, Brittany Dehart and Aaron Moore.


Chairman Miljour called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


There were two modifications to the agenda:

1)  Removal of Item 8.01 – Discussion with the technology department regarding district website access by board members; and

2)  Removal of Item 8.03 – Proposed revision to Board Policy and Procedures No. 2410 – High School Graduation Requirements.

Both of these items will be back on an April board meeting agenda for discussion. Sue McCausland made a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0.

Sue McCausland read the district’s Mission Statement.


Megan Marquett asked the board why the high school track is now locked to the public when it is a public facility and wondered when it might be reopened. She called the athletic director the first of March but has not had a return phone call from him. Superintendent Zook told Megan she would look into her question and get back to her within a few days.


§  Cheryl Travaglione enjoyed being a judge at Evergreen’s recent Science Fair; attended a WSSDA communications workshop with Holly Sharpe and Joan Zook; and ran the concession booth last Friday night at the Hoopla.

§  Sue McCausland thanked Cheryl Travaglione for running the Hoopla concession booth and to those who donated prizes for the Hoopla. She said there was also an alumni soccer game on Saturday night and suggested next year possibly advertising as an Alumni Game Weekend with both basketball and soccer. Sue attended the Career and Technical Ed Conference in Wenatchee over the weekend and said was very interesting.

§  Julianna Miljour has spent the past 5 days out of town in different trainings. She said the Juvenile Justice Conference was especially good, as was the workshop on how to analyze the data from the Healthy Youth Survey.


7.01 – Recognition of Ron Grinnell:

Ron Grinnell was recognized by the school board and audience members for being selected the Washington Association of Learning Alternatives Secondary Educator of the Year. Ron has been a teacher at CHOICE since it first opened 25 years ago.

Holly Sharpe asked about the upcoming 25th CHOICE Celebration and Stacey Anderson said that on May 8th from 7-10 p.m. at the Civic Center there will be an All School Reunion in celebration of CHOICE’s 25th year as a school.

7.02 – Focus on Students:

Shelton High School health and fitness teachers Lorna Martinson, Chad Youngquist and Mark Jensen and students Tiffany Gale, Brittany Dehart and Aaron Moore presented on the P.E. program.

7.03 – Report on the School Counselors Model:

Counselors Brian Wirzbicki, Kate Fletcher, Damon Holden, Stacey Adams, Ida Dightman and Elli Harron reported on the Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program. The Kent and Rochester School Districts provided templates of their comprehensive guidance models, which gave our counselors the opportunity to collaboratively work together to modify components of their programs to fit our district’s needs. The program contains the following four components:

§  Guidance Curriculum provides structured developmental experiences presented systematically through classroom and group activities from kindergarten through grade 12.

§  Individual Planning activities help all students plan, monitor and manage their own learning, personal development and career/educational goal setting.

§  Responsive Services activities meet the immediate needs and concerns of students. Strategies may involve individual counseling, referral and collaboration with parents, teachers or other specialists.

§  System Support consists of activities that establish, maintain and enhance the total guidance and counseling program and support the total educational program of the school.


8.02 – Proposed revision to Facilities Use Application:

The proposed revision to the Application For Use Of School District Facilities is within the “Insurance Coverage / Hold Harmless” section of the application. Joan Zook explained that this is recommended language from our attorney, who felt we needed to make the language stronger. Sue McCausland made a motion to approve the revised Facilities Use Application. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0.


Sue McCausland made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0. The board:

§  Approved minutes from the March 10, 2009 regular school board meeting.

§  Approved overnight travel to Port Angeles, WA on April 23-24, 2009 for the Shelton High School girl’s golf team to participate in the Duke Streeter Golf Tournament.

§  Approved out-of-state travel to Anaheim, CA on April 28-May 3, 2009 for the Shelton High School DECA students to compete in the DECA National Competition.

§  Approved General Fund Warrant No. 113740 in the amount of $1,484.00.

§  Approved Associated Student Body Fund Warrant No. 4000063 in the amount of $3,193.53.

§  Approved the personnel report as submitted and as attached. (See Attachment #1.)


10.01 – Budget status report:

Jackie gave a budget status report as of January 2009. Her projections are that we will finish the year at 4% cash reserves. Joan Zook emphasized the goal of increasing reserves to 5% which she said in these tough times will be particularly challenging. Jackie also explained that our cash position is below where we were this time last year because some significant receipts did not come in as expected. The county normally sends property tax statements out in February, so we usually have a decent cash flow in February and March. However, because of a computer glitch tax statements are just being mailed this week. Jackie also commented that our enrollment is 9.0 FTE below budget through March.


There is a board study session scheduled for tomorrow and there is a question whether Gene Crater will be able to attend. The purpose of the study session is to review all of the district programs, which programs are mandatory and which are optional. It is the foundation of the board’s decision-making at the April 7th study session, so it is critical that all board members be present. After a brief discussion, it was decided to cancel tomorrow’s study session and reschedule for Tuesday, March 31, although next week is spring break and it is unknown at this time if Gene Crater is available.


Chairman Miljour declared the meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.

Secretary to the Board Chairman, Board of Directors