

Meeting called to order at 4:50pm

Kevin provided the invocation.

Minutes were approved as written.

Mindy presented the treasurer’s report and projected budget. A motion to approve the report was made by Annette and seconded by Michael.

Billy reported that we are growing as a state with new programs being requested in schools. Our numbers in FFA members continues to grow with membership approaching 7000. Members are doing better on the national CDE’s, awards,etc. as well.

Textbook adoption committees have been meeting and evaluating books. New textbooks should be adopted soon to better meet teachers’ needs. The committee will recommend what they believe should be adopted and the state must also approve the books.

As we grow, state staff has seen a large increase on the demand for 12 month funding. The teachers will be looked at to be sure that they are doing what they need to do to get the 12 month funding and will also continue to seek out additional funding. They are examining the 12-mo. Funding End of Year Report to be sure that teachers with the funding are getting recognized for the time that they put in on activities. They are considering assigning points for placing at CDE’s to recognize the teachers who work hard to prepare a team versus those who simply show up with bodies to compete. State staff hopes to have a new form together for next year, but they want to thoroughly research the changes before presenting it.

Michael inquired about options for adult education and Billy stated that points would be awarded for various activities within the adult education. Marie asked how they will address those who do the bare minimum. Billy stated that Dr. Dobbins suggested an award from the state staff each year to those who go over and above.

Blake suggested using an online log of some sort to keep up with teacher activities. He stated that Georgia uses a program which is free. Kevin suggested inquiring with Dr. Lawrence about this program for our state.

Mindy asked that the state staff examine multi teacher programs versus single teacher programs in this new report form.

Keith distributed the agenda for the fall region meetings and asked for any input on it. Steve reported that the YF conference will be Jan. 24/25th at Hilton – Kingston Plantation and the NYFEA will come to SC in 2015.

Blake presented his idea for voting/ nominating award applicants. Discussion of the best method for getting applications continued. Blake suggested that we move application deadlines up to Dec. 1st instead of a Feb. date. Mindy made the motion to move the deadline for award applications to Dec. 15th. Kip seconded. Motion passed.

Kip made the motion that all nominees be announced at the meeting and none will be voted on. All nominees can submit their applications to be judged by the awards committee. Crim seconded and the motion passed.

Blake stated the NAAE in Vegas this December and that our organization will have a number of members present. Also, he attended the Region V in TN this summer where he learned a lot about our organization. The next Region V conference will be held in June most likely on the Alabama coast.

Blake stated that the SCAAE has historically hosted the Plant Presentation Day and he has looked at pursuing the possibility of making this event more of a community service project, in addition to the plant presentation. Blake would like the board’s blessing to pursue this type of event. Mindy made the motion to allow Blake to pursue this project for Plant Presentation Day. Annette seconded. Motion passed. Blake will ask Pat Black to preside over the ceremony.

Mindy presented officer responsibilities and asked that officers note all that is required of each officer position.

Blake distributed ideas on advocacy from the NAAE website and information on a webinar for our students on Teach Ag Day. Blake suggested having collegiate FFA kids send letters of encouragement to those high school students who are considering ag ed. Teach Ag Day is Sept. 26th. Mindy suggested purchasing a small item to provide teachers for the celebration. The items could be given to students that each teacher believes would make great future ag teachers. Blake stated that he would get Brenda to send out some information on all of the teach ag info. Annette made the motion to pursue letters from CCFFA to high school students. Michael seconded. Motion passed.

Also, Blake asked if we could also send letters to SCAAE award winners and the decision was made to instead recognize them again at region meetings, as well as, send the congratulation cards.

Kevin reported on the SCAAE mini-grant for lesson plans. Kevin will speak to the group of student teachers this fall. He will encourage them to apply for the mini-grant then. Blake asked Kevin to develop ways to improve the mini-grant. Marie and Annette suggested a budget from the student instead of only providing $50. Waylon suggested asking Dr. Fravel to make it mandatory for his students to turn in.

Mr. Keels distributed minutes and bylaws from earlier meetings to try to begin updating the by-laws (the last ones that have been located).

Meeting adjourned 6:15pm

Respectively Submitted by

Mindy Sandifer

SCAAE Secretary/ Treasurer