FY 2017-2018
The Jewish Federation of New Mexico is the coordinating and convening body dedicated to building Jewish community, to nurturing the quality of Jewish life, and to securing a favorable Jewish future in New Mexico, Israel and worldwide.
Members of Federation Allocations Committee FY2017/2018……………….. 3
Allocations Committee Memorandum for FY2017/2018 Process……………. 4-7
AllocationsProcess FY2017/2018 Program Proposal Form………….………. 8-12
Preliminary Allocations Calendar for FY2017/2018………………………….. 13
JFNMFY2016/2017Allocations…………….………………………………….. 14-15
Agency Program Outcomes Reporting Form for FY2016/2017……………… 16-17
(for agencies previously funded)
FY 2017/2018
Allocations Committee
To be determined
Executive Committee
Jon Bell, Treasurer
Edie Blaugrund, Nominating Chair
Mimi Efroymson, Vice President, Financial Resource Development, Secretary
Marvin Gottlieb, President
Jane Hochberg, Vice President
Lee Horwitz, Vice President, Community Outreach
Sabra Minkus, Previous Past President
Deborah Albrycht, Director of Finance
Zach Benjamin, Executive Director
DATE: March 30th, 2017
TO:Agency Executives & Board Chairs
FR:Allocation Committee
Zach Benjamin,Executive Director Jewish Federation
RE:Fiscal Year 2017/2018Allocations Process Guidelines
Dear Agency Executives & Board Chairs,
This memorandum will provide you with the necessary information to guide you through the Allocations process for FY2017/2018. Enclosed is information regarding:
Allocations Process Overview
Guidelines from the Allocations Committee
Guidelines for Submission of Program Proposals
Required Financial Information
Allocations Request Forms
Your Allocations requests, including all materials, are due onJune 2nd no later than 4:00PM. This deadline is not flexible. All materials should be electronically submitted to Deborah Albrycht, Director of Finance, at . Please contact Deborah at 505-348-4459 for any questions regarding this process.
TheAllocationsCommittee is made up of Federation Board Members representing a range of interests and experience.
The Allocations Committee of the JFNM makes funding recommendations to the Executive Committee who will then make final determinations of funding recommendations to the full Board of Directors regarding the following:
- Program funding proposals submitted by local Jewish community agencies.
- Jewish Federations of North America “fair share” dues and overseas Allocations.
- Other national and regional beneficiary agency Allocations.
The Director of Finance and Allocations Committee will review allof the financial information submitted with each program with specific attention to the following questions:
- Did the agency provide the Allocations Committee with adequate financial information as requested?
- Is the requested allocation reasonable in the context of the agency’s overall budget and the overall resources available for the allocation?
- Is the agency in financial difficulty that may impact on its operations or involve the Federation in any extraordinary financial assistance to the agency in the relevant fiscal year?
Questions regarding the financial information provided will be submitted to the Federation’sDirector of Finance for inquiry to and response from the agency. Following receipt of responses and any additional information requested for clarification, the Director of Finance will report the findings to the Allocations Committee.
TheAllocations Committee will review individual program proposals submitted by the constituent agencies, including outcomes data if pertinent.
After review of all materials providedthe Allocations Committee will make funding recommendations to the Executive Committee who will then make final recommendations to the full Board of Directors of the JFNM.
The Allocations Committee’s recommendations are guided by the mission and funding objectives of the Jewish Federation of New Mexico.
Program proposals that are best aligned with the following community priorities will be considered for funding:
Jewish Education & Identity
- To promote formal, informal and experiential learning opportunities that enriches the Jewish identity of Jews in New Mexico.
- To enhance Jewish life in New Mexico by expanding the depth of Jewish programming to provide more collective Jewish experiences and to expand Jewish literacy.
Caring for the Vulnerable
- To provide safety net services to improve the quality of life of vulnerable populations in the New Mexico Jewish community, with an emphasis on the elderly, disabled and economically challenged.
Outreach & Engagement
- To improve and expand activities oriented to young Jewish families with children.
- To support initiatives for young adults and emerging adults, many of who are unaffiliated.
- To provide opportunities for individuals and groups to connect to the Jewish community through non-traditional avenues.
- To expand opportunities to engage in programs of social justice and tikun olam, repair of the world.
Leadership Development
- To support volunteer recruitment, retention, training and development.
- To leverage greater volunteer power.
Israel & Overseas
- To utilize Israel as a positive source of Jewish identity building for the New Mexico Jewish community.
- To build stronger people to people connections between Israel, as well as global Jewry, and New Mexico.
- To educate the community and promote advocacy and activism for Israel and global Jewish communities.
In addition, the Allocations Committee encourages and looks favorably upon the following:
- Collaboration and communication between agencies to ensure best use of community resources and to avoid duplication of services
- Programs that are clearly consistent with the mission statement of the agency and the mission and community priorities of the JFNM
- Program funding proposals that represent a partnership with the JFNM
- Full exploration of all other internal and external funding resources
- Programs that provide a unique service to or for the Jewish community.
There is no limit to the number of proposals that any agency may submit. When submitting program proposals, please provide the following:
- Completed Program Proposal Form
- Completed program outcomes objectives report if the program has previously been funded.
Please note that the programs considered and approved for funding must commence and be completed within the fiscal year of the Allocations process unless otherwise specified and approved by the JFNM Board of Directors.
Please submit the following financial information by the specified deadline:
For funding requests, less than $10,000:
- Page one (signed) and page two of prior year 990, 990 EZ or 990 N
- IRS Determination letter
- Most recent monthly financial statements, including balance sheet and YTD P&L (including budget comparison)
- Current Year Budget
- Certificate of Good Standing with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (if residing in the State of New Mexico)
For funding requests, greater than $10,000:
- Most recent Audit Management letter and audited financial statements
- Page one (signed) and page two of prior year 990, 990 EZ or 990 N
- IRS Determination letter
- Most recent monthly financial statements, including balance sheet and YTD P&L (including budget comparison)
- Current Year Budget
- 12-month cash flow forecast
- Certificate of Good Standing with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission
Included in this packet:
- Allocations Process FY2017/2018 Program Proposal Form
- Preliminary Allocations Calendar FY 2017/2018
- Jewish Federation of New MexicoFY 2016/2017Allocations
- Agency Program Outcomes Report Formfor Previously Funded Agencies
Note: All forms are required to be submitted electronically.
- Applicant/Agency Information
Name of Agency:
City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Email:
Website: / Tax ID #:
Primary Application Contact:
Name: / Title:
Phone: / Email:
Application Contact:
Name: / Title:
Phone: / Email:
Agency Mission Statement:
Board of Directors:
Note: Please include a current roster (as an attachment) of your Board of Directors with titles and contact email addresses when submitting your Allocations request.
Note: Section 1 only needs to be submitted once per agency.
(Please submit for each program request individually.)
- Program Information
Nameof Program: / Date of Submission:
Amount of Allocation Request for Program from the Federation: / $
Other Sources of Program Funding: / Amount:
Are you currently applying for other grants to support this program? If so, please list:
New Program Existing Program
If existing program, number of years funded by Federation:Estimated number of participants to be served by program:
Estimated percentage of total population served that is Jewish:
Please provide brief answers to the following questions:
Describe the program, including purpose, objectives, and implementation strategy. If this is a program that is already in existence, include a brief history of the program.How does the program relate to or support the mission of your agency?
With which of the 5 community priorities is this program best aligned? Check all that apply:
Jewish Education & Identity
Caring for the Vulnerable
Outreach & Engagement
Leadership Development
Israel & Overseas
What unique services does this program provide to or for the Jewish community? Does the program duplicate existing services – if so, why?
If the program has previously been funded by JFNM, please provide a completed outcomes report form.
Signature of Agency President/Board Chair / DateSignature of Agency Executive Director/CEO / Date
Tuesday, April 4th – Allocations Memorandum, Guidelines and Materials distributed to local agencies; available on JFNM website at large.
Wednesday, April 26th – Pre-allocations conference held at Jewish Community Center to discuss process and answer questions.
Friday,June2nd – Allocation requests due by 4:00 pm.
Monday,June 5th – June 16th – Allocations Committeeto review submitted requests and formulate clarification questions for agency response if necessary. Allocations Committee to prepare funding recommendations for submission to Executive Committee.
Monday, June 20th – June 30th - Executive Committee to consider Allocations Committee recommendations and make final recommendations.
Wednesday, July 19th – Federation Board Meeting: Consideration of Executive Committee Allocations recommendations.
Friday, July 21st – Notifications of FY 2017/2018 Allocation funding decisions to be sent to all agencies who submitted requests.
Israel and Overseas Allocations:
- Jewish Federations of North America “fair share dues” and overseas allocation: $10,000
- Ramat HaNegev – Mother/Child Health Clinic: $10,000
Regional and National Organization Allocations:
- American Friends of Leket: $750
- BBYO: $1,000
- Birthright Israel: $1,000
Subtotal: $22,750
Local Program Allocations:
- ADL – Albuquerque: $1,000
- Community Foundation of NM (Challah Rising Film Project): $750
- Congregation Albert – Camp Oranim: $3,500
- Creativity for Peace: $500
- Hillel at UNM: $44,017
- Holocaust & Intolerance Museum of NM: $2,500
- Jewish Care Program (directly managed by JFNM effective 10/1/16 including Holocaust Survivor Program, Senior Program & Chaplaincy Program): $67,707
- Jewish Care Program (through JCC 9/1/16- 9/30/16): $3,766
- Jewish Care Program-Holocaust Survivor Program (through JCC 9/1/16- 9/30/16): $1,018
- Jewish Care Program-Senior Program (through JCC 9/1/16- 9/30/16): $500
- Jewish Care Program - Chaplaincy Program (through JCC 9/1/16- 9/30/16): $417
- Jewish Community Center - Cultural Programs: $10,000
- Jewish Community Center - Youth Programs: $5,000
- Jewish Community Council of Northern New Mexico: $500
- Jewish Community Foundation of NM: $22,000
- Keshet Dance Company: $1,000
- Kol BeRamah: $1,500
- Las Vegas Jewish Community Inc.: $3,000
- NM Jewish Historical Society: $2,360
- Ronald McDonald House: $500
- SW Disability Conference: $1,750
Local Program Allocations Cont’d:
- Taos Jewish Center: $5,000
- Temple Beth Shalom: $4,000
Subtotal: $182,285
Restricted Allocations:
- D’Vora Project: $50
- Israel Independence Day: $500
- JCC Chanukah Fest: $500
- PJ Library Program: $600
- RACAA: $1,500
- Statewide Outreach: $6,500
- Young Adult Division: $2,000
- Yom Hashoah: $1,000
- Youth Conclave Scholarships: $1,500
Subtotal: $14,150
Mid-Year Allocations (awarded through 03/31/2017):
- B’nai Israel: $400
- Challah Rising Film Project: $300
- Congregation Albert: $300
- EMCT: $275
- JCC: $325
- HaMakom: $300
- NM Jewish Historical Society: $250
- Santa Fe High Desert Chorale: $1,000
Subtotal: $3,150
Total Allocations FY 2016/2017: $222,335
FY 2016/2017 (for agencies funded previously)
Time Period:9/1/2016 – present
Please list Objective(s) stated in the initial Program Proposal Request:
Document progress made
How was progress measured
Number of clients served (non-duplicated): / Jewish / Total
Number achieving successful outcomes:
What is your definition of a successful outcome as related to program proposal?
Total cost of program: / $
Amount funded by Jewish Federation: / $
Amount funded from other sources: / $
Challenges: Describe any significant challenges your program experienced in the past year and how you plan to address them moving forward in the box below.
Did your agency submit a story for the Link publication regarding program funded? Y/N
If not, please state reason in the box below:
Other Comments:Person completing form / Date
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