St Georges Cricket Club – Seniors Newsletter Spring 2010
WELCOMEfrom St Georges Cricket Club to all members new and old. The 2010 season is fast approaching, with the newly formed Sunday XI playing their first game on the 18th April and the Saturday leagues commencing on 1st May.
CAPTAINSare in place for each team:
First Team – Chris Miller – 07970590571
Second Team – Jo Turner - 07734853413
Third Team – Kev Myatt – 07793388035
Fourth Team – Dom Musgrove/Mike Ross – 07581563993/07807153218
Sunday XI – Mark Taylor – 07545595784
Please let all Captains know your availability and Mark know if you are available on Sundays.
FIXTURES – All fixtures are on the website (see below) and Fixture Cards will be available for the start of the season.
There are some games this year in mid-week against touring sides. See Website/Fixture Card for details. First Team KO games are on Club Notice Board and we are also entered in the 20/20 coloured kit tournament at Shrewsbury (details on notice board). Details of Second XI KO to follow.
NETS– for those of you who have not attended nets are continuing on a Sunday evening at Idsall Sports Centre, 7-8pm on Sunday, 28th March, 11th and 18th April.
Outdoor Senior’ practice will commence on Thursday 15th April and each Thursday thereafter. Please book this in your diaries and make a big effort to attend regularly this year.
KIT– Please take a look at the new club kit available this year. It would be good if you could place and pay for an order this evening, but alternatively all kit is available through Seaton Sports (shop in Wellington centre), or use order form and pass with money to your Captain or Paul Taylor a.s.a.p.
FANTASY CRICKET LEAGUE– Please enter the Fantasy Cricket League competition. £5 to enter, with proceeds after prize money going to the Club. Look out for the flyer that is available and view it on the screen this evening.
SPORTSMANS EVENING – A fundraising event is being held at the Club on Tuesday, 27th April. Details available on the evening and on the website. Please support this if you can.
SCORER – FIRST TEAM– If you know anybody who may be interested in this position please let us know. £25 per match is paid.
VOLUNTEER WEEKEND – Usual activities will be undertaken to get the ground ready for the season on Saturday, 17th April. Please come along and bring a shovel/broom/rake/wheel barrow, etc.
MEMBERSHIP – Dave Cadman has been appointed as our Membership Secretary and will be asking you to pay your Club Membership, £8 per individual, £5 for students, £14 a couple. Please make you payment to him before he asks you.
WEBSITE– Our website is being consistently updated, so please use it to keep up to date with information about your cricket club and forthcoming events. Go to
FINALLYon behalf of the Cricket Committee we wish all members, players & helpers an enjoyable & successful season.