SMART 2009 Team Reports (2008-2009 Academic Year)

Team Members: Karen Griffin, Norma Griffin
In addition to the team members listed above, the following teachers help to created and /or used materials generated from this project with their students: Laurie Byron, Jennifer Winans, Melissa Stoutenberg, Randy Whiting, Heidi Connolly, and Laura Smith.
Team Name: Entergy / Write the number of Teacher participants for each period. / Academic Year number(s) / Summer Institute
8 staff members
7 student teachers
~ 100 students / 3 staff members
Team location: New Haven Elementary/Mexico Central Schools
Team focus: Interdisciplinary Connections (Math/Science/ELA/Social Studies/Technology)
Development of Common Language and Thinking Strategies Across the Curriculum
Design/Adaptation/Search for Interactive Technology Resources
Team Topics: Among the many topics addressed were: Cultural Awareness (Benin/Australia/Annie and Blue travel buddies), Life Sciences: (Habitat/Adaptations: Zoo Trip; Ornithology: Cornell University) Space: NASA, Oswego Planetarium, Antarctica, and Career Possibilities
Data collected and analyzed on teacher learning (For example, faculty surveys, and teacher reflective journals).
  • Teacher reflection journals
  • Student input/ evaluation
  • Pre and post evaluation

Data collected and analyzed on student learning (For example, annual literacy assessments/NYS report card disaggregated data for 4th grade ELA, analysis of rubric scores on students writing samples each quarter for students in versus not in the program).
4th grade NYS Science
3rd grade NYS ELA and Math
3rd grade DRA and DIBELS October/May
3rd grade Discussions: Text to Self, Text to Text, Text to World Connections
3rd and 4th grade Challenges and Independent Learning Projects: # of participants, type of challenges favored, home vs school, quality of work
3rd and 4th grade pre and post tests
GOALS for 2009-2010 based on analysis of 2008-2009 data:
  • Adapt and continue projects begun during the first 4 years of the Entergy Project.
  • Increase opportunities for students to develop and apply measurement concepts and skills.
  • Increase opportunities for writing and higher level thinking.
  • Explore and implement strategies for efficiently sharing materials and lessons developed and collected during the course of the Entergy Project. (Possibilities: Work Shops, Web Sites, Science Conferences, Professional Learning Committees)

Describe a leadership project (ACTION) you plan to undertake.
What action(s) did you take? / Rationale
Describe the Rationale for the project.
Why did you do it and how did you decide this was the best alternative? / Responsibility
Who is responsible for each action/
Component? / Timeline
During what months will you complete each action? / Evaluation
How will you know if the action has made a difference? What data will you collect? How will you gain feedback about your leadership of the initiative? / Resources
What resources will you need for this action? What costs, if any will be incurred? What are possible sources of funding for these resources?
One of our goals is to explore and implement strategies for efficiently sharing materials and lessons developed and collected during the course of the Entergy Project. (Possibilities: Workshops, Web Sites, Science Conferences, Professional Learning Committees) / Karen has been selected to be one of the 12 certified SMARTboard trainers in the district . As the district begins to change so the students are more technologically involved with their learning it becomes increasingly important for resources to be readily available and comfortable to use. / Karen will:
*Receive advanced training in SMART notebook software.
*Train other district staff in the use of the materials and the steps in creating their own.
Karen and Norma will continue to create and post activities to the moodle sites. Staff will be taught how to contribute their own materials. / 8/09-9/09: Karen receives training and is certified.
9/09-10/09: Karen & Norma meet with district leaders to decide how best to pass on this information to the staff.
Provide formal and informal guidance and training in creating and posting SMART board activities to district web pages. / *Teacher Feedback
*Student Tests
(Teacher and State)
*Teacher observation and journals
*Attitude surveys / *Technology
*Activity supplies
Sources of Funding:
*Mexico Central Schools
*Entergy Grant

Action Plan for 2009-2010—Everyone