Life Cycle Evaluation of Ship Transportation
Screening Life Cycle Assessment of M/V Color Festival
Life Cycle Assessment
M/V Color Festival
Tommy Johnsen (DNV)
Annik Magerholm Fet (HiÅ)
Research report HiÅ 10/B101/R-98/009/00
Aalesund College (HiÅ) in co-operation with
Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
Title: / Report no.:Screening Life Cycle Assessment of M/V Color Festival / HiÅ10/B101/R-98/009/00
Project no.:
98 / 101 HiÅ
Client(s) (name and adr.): / Date: 30.04.99
The Research Council of Norway
P.O. Box 2700 St. Hanshaugen
N 0131 Oslo
Norway / No. of pages: 63
Annexes: 4
Client’s ref.:Morten Østby
Tommy Johnsen (DNV), Annik Magerholm Fet (HiÅ) / Signature:
Responsible signature:
Per Kibsgaard-Pettersen, Aalesund College (HiÅ) / Signature:
A screening environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) is performed on the Color Line Ro-Ro Passenger vessel “Color Festival” to demonstrate and evaluate a methodology for life cycle evaluation of ship transportation. The analysis has been performed using the LCA computer tool SimaPro 4.0. Results show that all life cycle phases should be considered as important, but with respect to different environmental impacts. The processes in the life cycle considered as being most important are combustion of oil during operation, leaking from antifouling during operation, removing primer and antifouling and applying new during maintenance, non recycled/reused materials and components after ending their life time.
According to the valuation method in SimaPro (Eco-indicator 95), the ship contributions are by far most severe to the impact categories human toxicology and acidification. According to the valuation method applied, NOx and SOx emissions in the operational phase are the most important pollutants contributing to environmental impact. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a methodology that can be applied to analyse the environmental aspect related to the life cycle of a ship, but the methodology is very time consuming to use, and methodology simplification is needed. Specification of how to define the system to be studied should be made, depending on the application of the study. Results are sensitive to selection of functional unit and allocation method. It is difficult to define a functional unit that are representative to the function that a multi-purpose ship like Color Festival perform. Existing methods for classification and characterisation of environmental impacts should not be used directly. A database and methodology for impact assessment should be developed specifically for processes in the life cycle of a ship so that future assessments can be performed as efficiently as possible.
Keywords:Life Cycle Evaluation, Life Cycle Assessment, Ship Transportation, Screening Analysis
Distribution/Access: Open
This report is a part of the documentation from the project "Life Cycle Evaluation of Ship Transportation - Development of Methodology and Testing". Aalesund College has been in charge of the project with Annik Magerholm Fet as project manager. Other partners in the project have been Det Norske Veritas and Color Line. Members of the steering committee have been
Morten ØstbyNorwegian Research Foundation
Kirsten RognstadDet Norske Veritas
Hans Andreas Nielsen Color Line Marine
Annik Magerholm FetAalesund College
The project has received financial support from the Norwegian Research Foundation under the “Maritim” research program, from Det Norske Veritas, Aalesund College and Color Line. The project period has been March -December 1998.
Reports from the said project are:
Angelfoss, Alfred (HiÅ): “Life Cycle Evaluation of Ship Transportation – Report from workshop 15 – 16 April 1998”, Report no. 10/B101/R-98/004/00, 1998.
Angelfoss, Alfred (HiÅ); Johnsen, Tommy (DNV); Fet, Annik Magerholm (HiÅ); Karlsen, Harry (HiÅ): “Life Cycle Evaluation of Ship Transportation - State of the Art”, Report no. 10/B101/R-98/007/00, 1998.
Johnsen, Tommy (DNV); Fet, Annik Magerholm (HiÅ): “Screening Life Cycle Assessment of M/V Color Festival”, Report no. 10/B101/R-98/009/00, 1998.
Fet, Annik Magerholm (HiÅ); Sørgård, Eirik (DNV): ”Life Cycle Evaluation of Ship Transportation – Development of Methodology and Testing”, Report no. 10/B101/R-98/008/00, 1998.
Fiskerstrand, Ingar; Remøy, Even T.: “Miljøinformasjon og Shipping”, Siviløkonomoppgave ved Høgskolen i Narvik, 1998.
A screening environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) is performed on the Color Line Ro-Ro Passenger vessel “Color Festival” to demonstrate and evaluate a methodology for life cycle evaluation of ship transportation. The analysis has been performed using the LCA computer tool SimaPro 4.0.
The functional unit for the study is “ton*km transported per year between Oslo and Hirshals”. The vessel transport 550 000 passengers, 55 000 cars and 25 000 trailers per year between Oslo and Hirshals and has an assumed lifetime of 20 years. It is important to note that the functional unit is not representative if the estimated environmental impacts from Color Festival shall be compared with other transportation modes. This is because maximum mass transported is not the main function of the ship.
Results show that all life cycle phases should be considered as important, but with respect to different environmental impacts:
- Global warming, acidification, eutrophication, smog and energy consumption for the operational phase.
- Solid waste from the scrapping phase.
- Local impacts like toxicity for humans and ecology for construction and maintenance.
The processes in the life cycle considered as being most important are combustion of oil during operation, leaking from antifouling during operation, removing primer and antifouling and applying new during maintenance, non recycled/reused materials and components after ending their life time.
According to the valuation method in SimaPro (Eco indicator 95), the ship contributions are by far most severe to the impact categories human toxicology and acidification. It should be noted that NOx and SOx contribute significantly to the category human toxicology as well to the acidification category. Thus, according to the valuation method applied, NOx and SOx emissions in the operational phase are the most important pollutants contributing to environmental impact.
Only the operational phase is considered important according to the applied valuation method.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a methodology that can be applied to analyse the environmental aspect related to the life cycle of a ship, but the methodology is very time consuming to use and methodology simplification and specification is needed for efficient use.
Specification of how to define the system to be studied should be made, depending on the application of the study. The system definition should be made simple. Results are sensitive to selection of functional unit and allocation method. It is difficult to define a functional unit that are representative to the function that a multi-purpose ship like Color Festival perform. Sensitivity studies with respect to functional unit and allocation should therefore be made in future studies.
Databases for processes that are relevant for different ship types should be developed. During development of new data emphasis should be put on the scrapping phase as access to data for the scrapping phase is poor.
Existing methods for classification and characterisation of environmental impacts should not be used directly. A more detailed evaluation of the impacts of emissions from a ship operating in open waters should be performed. A database and methodology for impact assessment should be developed specifically for processes in the life cycle of a ship so that future assessments can be performed as efficiently as possible.
Existing valuation techniques used within LCA should be used very critically. If valuation shall be used it is important that a methodology is developed that take all environmental impact categories into account.
Table of Contents
List of abbreviations......
2Goal and scope defenition......
2.1Goal of the study......
2.2Scope of the study......
2.2.1System to be studied......
2.2.2System functions......
2.2.3Functional unit......
2.2.4System boundaries......
2.2.5Data quality......
3Inventory analysis......
3.1Flow chart......
3.2Data collection......
3.2.1Hull materials......
3.2.2Material protection, external......
3.2.3Material protection, internal......
3.2.4Equipment for crew and passengers......
3.2.5Diesel engines......
3.4Processing data......
3.4.1Inventory results......
3.4.2Uncertainty in inventory results......
4Impact assessment......
4.1Classification and characterisation......
4.1.1Description of classification and characterisation method......
4.1.2Characterisation result for main system......
4.1.3Characterisation results for comparison of two systems......
4.1.4Uncertainty in characterisation results......
4.2.1Description of valuation method......
4.2.2Valuation results for main system......
4.2.3Valuation results for comparison of systems......
4.2.4Uncertainties in valuation results......
5Sensitivity assessment......
5.1Sensitivity for recycling rate for scrapped steel......
5.2Sensitivity for selected method for classification and characterisation......
5.2.1Sensitivity in characterisation results of main system......
5.2.2Sensitivity in valuation results of main system......
5.3Sensitivity for changes in characterisation factor for tributyltin......
5.4Sensitivity for selected method for valuation......
5.4.1Sensitivity in valuation results for main system......
5.4.2Sensitivity in valuation results for comparison of two systems......
6.1Conclusions related to Color Festival......
6.2Conclusions related to methodology and data......
6.3Conclusions related to software......
6.4Recommendations for future work......
List of abbreviations
ISO / International Organisation of StandardisationLCA / Life Cycle Assessment
LCS / Life Cycle Screening
PAH / Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
PCB / Polycloridebifenol
PS / Polystyrene
PVC / Polyvinylchloride
PUR / Polyuretane
TBT / Tributyltin
As a part of the project “Life Cycle Evaluation for Ship Transportation: Development of Methodology and Testing”, a case study is performed on the Color Line Ro-Ro Passenger vessel “Color Festival”.
Figure 1.1:Illustration of Color Festival
The vessel operates between Oslo and Hirtshals on a daily basis during summer, and all days except Sunday during winter. Festival was build at Wärtsila Yard in Helsinki and finished in 1985. The vessel has a capacity of 2000 passengers and 904 trailer lane meters or 393 cars. The ship offers passengers 586 cabins, a restaurant with 220 seats, a cafeteria with 120 seats, bars/pubs with 490 seats, conference rooms with 440 seats, a night club with 130 seats, a casino and 2 swimming pools. In 1997 Festival transported approximately 550 000 passengers and 25 000 trailers (12m units).
According to the facilities offered on board and based on the turnover, the main function of Festival is to be a shopping and entertainment area. The transportation of passengers and goods is a secondary function.
Only the environmental aspect is considered. The methodology used is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology described in:
- ISO 14040 (Principles and framework)
- ISO/DIS 14041 (Goal and scope definition and inventory analysis)
- Committee draft ISO/CD 14042.2 (Life cycle impact assessment)
- Committee draft ISO/CD 14043.2 (Life cycle Interpretation)
The study only considers selected components of the ship, and only data considered to be of major importance have been emphasised for collection. The study must therefore be considered as a screening of the environmental impacts related to the ship life cycle. The study has been performed using the LCA computer tool SimaPro 4.0.
2Goal and scope defenition
2.1Goal of the study
The goal of this study is to demonstrate and confirm that the LCA-method is applicable for environmental life cycle evaluation for ship transportation. By performing a screening LCA methodological strengths and weaknesses are identified, and modifications and areas for further work are recommended.
2.2Scope of the study
2.2.1System to be studied
The system to be studied is the passenger vessel Color Festival.
The ship is broken down into sub-systems, the sub-systems are broken down into system elements, and the system elements are broken down into processes. Based on this structure, assessments can be made on system, sub-system, system element and process level, or a combination of these.
The ship is broken down according to the SFI Group System[1] with sub-systems corresponding to main groups and system elements corresponding to groups.
To study every detail in a ship in a life cycle perspective would be a far to comprehensive job for this project. Therefore, only the sub-systems considered important are included (Figure 2.1):
- Sub-system Hull materials are included and broken down into system elements.
- Sub-system Equipment for crew and passengers are included, but not broken down into system elements.
- Sub-system Main machinery components are included and further broken down into system elements.
- Sub-systems Ship general, Equipment for cargo, Ship equipment, System for main machinery components and Ship common systems are not included.
For demonstrational purposes, a comparison of the life cycle impacts of two antifouling systems is made.
Figure 2.1:Illustration of system to be studied (systems and elements connected with lines are included in the assessment)
Color Festival was build at Wärtsila Yard (now Kvaerner Masa Yard) in Finland and finished in 1985.
The ship has an assumed lifetime of 20 years.
Per year the ship sails Oslo-Hirtshals-Oslo 317 times. This frequency is based on one trip per day seven days a week 25% of the year and one trip per day six days a week 75% of the year. In addition an average 8 trips per year are lost due to maintenance stops.
The distance Oslo-Hirtshals is set to 263 km.
In 1997 the ship transported 550 000 passengers and 25 000 trailers from Oslo to Hirtshals. It is assumed one car for each 10 passenger giving 55 000 cars. The figures for 1997 are used as an average over the 20 years lifetime.
The ship has a continuous maintenance programme which does not affect the normal operation. Yearly maintenance stop at local yard lasting for 5 days. Docking every second year lasting for 9 days.
The ship is assumed sailed to Asia for scrapping after 20 years lifetime.
2.2.2System functions
Color Festival serves several functions:
- To transport passengers, trailers and cars
- To provide shopping facilities
- To provide entertainment
- To provide restaurant facilities
- To accommodate passengers
- To maximise company turnover.
In this study we only consider the transport of passengers, trailers and cars as function.
2.2.3Functional unit
Based on consideration of the transport of passengers, trailers and cars as the function, the functional unit should be defined as:
(Passenger*km)+(car*km)+(trailer*km) per year between Oslo and Hirshals.
The functional performance of Color Festival then becomes “Transport of 550 000 passengers, 55 000 cars and 25 000 trailers 263 km per year”.
To make it a bit simpler to estimate the functional performance and compare the results per functional unit with transportation modes, average weights for passengers, cars and trailers are assumed:
- One passenger= 0,075 tonnes
- One car= 1 tonnes
- One trailer= 20 tonnes
Functional unit is then defined as:
Ton*km transported per year between Oslo and Hirshals.
The functional performance of Color Festival becomes 1,08*108 ton*km per year (6,3*109 ton*km per 20 years) based on the figures above.
It is important to note that this functional unit is not representative if the estimated environmental impacts from Color Festival shall be compared with other transportation modes. This is because maximum mass transported is not the main function of the ship.
2.2.4System boundaries
The geographical boundaries of the study are Europe for cradle to gate analyses, Finland for the construction phase, Skagerak for the operation and maintenance phase, and Asia for the scrapping phase.
The tables below (2.1-2.7) show which unit processes that are included for the different sub-systems and system elements. In addition to the processes listed below, cradle to gate data for inputs to the processes listed in the tables are used where available (e.g. fuel used during combustion in engines).
Table 2.1:Processes included for 20-26 Hull materials
Construction / Operation / Maintenance / ScrappingCradle to gate for hull steel / Cradle to gate for hull steel / Transport of ship to yard
Transportation of steel to yard / Transportation of steel to yard / Cutting steel shears
Sandblasting / Sandblasting / Scrap handling
Welding / Welding
Cutting steel shears / Cutting steel shears
Table 2.2:Processes included for 27 Material protection, external
Construction / Operation / Maintenance / ScrappingTransport of external protection materials / Leaking from antifouling / Water jet blasting / Water jet blasting
Application of primer and antifouling / Application of primer and antifouling
Application of zinc anodes / Application of zinc anodes
Application of external paint
Table 2.3:Processes included for 28 Material protection, internal
Construction / Operation / Maintenance / ScrappingTransport of internal protection / Water jet blasting
Application of internal paint
Table 2.4:Processes included for 5 Equipment for crew and passengers
Construction / Operation / Maintenance / ScrappingConstructing inventory / Maintaining inventory / Scrapping inventory
Table 2.5:Processes included for 60 Diesel engines
Construction / Operation / Maintenance / ScrappingCradle to gate for engines / Combustion in engines / Scrap handling
Table 2.6:Processes included for 63 Propellers
Construction / Operation / Maintenance / ScrappingCradle to gate for propeller / Scrap handling
Table 2.7:Processes included for 64 Boilers
Construction / Operation / Maintenance / ScrappingCradle to gate for boilers / Combustion in boilers / Scrap handling
2.2.5Data quality
A low emphasis is put on data quality, as the main objective is to test a methodology, not to make decisions based on the results. The following general descriptions for data sources and their quality can be made:
- Weight of ship components are based on computer models on a sub-system level. Lower levels are based on assumptions.
- Surface areas of different parts of the ship are partly based on ship drawings and partly on assumptions.
- Cradle-to-gate data are only used if available in SimaPro or they can be provided easily from existing studies. The data used, especially from SimaPro, may not be representative for geographical, temporal or technological boundaries of this study.
- Emission data from construction and maintenance are mainly gathered from existing studies performed at Ålesund College and Møre Research with data from Norwegian yards. These data are considered as being complete and representative both in a time-, geography- and technology aspect.
- Emissions from combustion processes are based on data from Color Line and Lloyd’s.
- Data on leaking from antifouling during operation are gathered from literature.
- Data on recycling are based on data in SimaPro and assumptions.
3Inventory analysis
3.1Flow chart
Life cycle flow charts for the different sub-systems considered are presented in the following figures. In addition to processes shown in the figures, cradle-to-gate analyses of energy, fuel and electricity are included where they are indicated as inputs.