The WeyValleySportsCollege.
BTEC First Level 2 in Sport.
Unit 2. Practical Sport (10 credits).
Assignment 2.
Start date: Monday 10th January 2011
Deadline: Friday 25th February 2011
P7 Produce, with teacher support, an observation checklist that could be used to review the sports performance of an individual or a team.
P8 Use the observation checklist to review the sports performance of an individual or a team, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
P9Use the observation checklist to review own sports performance in an individual sport or team sport identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
M3 Independently produce an observation checklist that could be used to review the sports performance of an individual or a team.
M4 Explain the strengths and areas for improvement of an individual, or team, in one individual and one team sport, justifying recommendations for improvement.
M5Explain ownstrengths and areas for improvement in an individual sport or team sport providing recommendations for improvement
D2 Analyse own strengths and areas for improvement in an individual sport or team sport providing recommendations for improvement.
As a Junior Sports Coach have been asked by the PE Department to produce:
An observation sheet to help analyse your performance as either a badminton player ora basketball player to help you improve your performance.
To use the same observation sheet tohelp analyse the performance of your partner as a badminton player or a basketball player and help them improve their performance.
You will then be expected to produce advice on the tactics that they should use during a badminton match and a basketball game.
Task 1. (P7/M3)
Using the skills and techniques that you have learnt in lessons design with the help of your teacher (P7) or on your own (M3) an observational checklist for a school basketball or badmintonplayer.
It must include:
- The various skills required to perform the sport.
- Their strengthsin the skills you have identified
- Areas for improvement in the skills you have identified
- Tips on how to improve
Task 2. (P8)
Complete the observational checklist for a badminton or basketball playeridentifyingstrengths and areas for improvement(P8).
Task 3. (M4)
Complete the table below andexplain their strengths and areas for improvement and justify recommendations for improvement (M4).
Skill Required for Badminton player / Explain their strengths (M4) / Areas for improvement (M4) / Give recommendations on how they can improve (M4)Overhead Clear / He is able on occasions able to hit the shuttle to the rear of the court. / Quite often he does not get enough height on the shuttle / Concentrate on transfer of weight to develop the power and hitting the shuttle earlier to get more height.
Task 4. (P9)
Complete an observational checklist for yourself as a badminton or basketball playeridentifying yourstrengths and areas for improvement(P9).
Task 5. (M5/D2)
Complete the table below andexplain your strengths and areas for improvement and provide recommendations for improvement (M5).
If you analyse your own strengths and areas for improvement and provide recommendations for improvement you will get D2.
Skills observed inBasketball / Explain(M5) and Analyse(D2) your strengths / Explain(M5) and Analyse(D2) areas for improvement / Provide (M5) and justify (D2) recommendations for improvement.
Chest pass. / Good extension of arms and wrist snap. / Not stepping forward to use leg strength. / Practice chest pass with a partner making sure each time that the player steps forward as he passes