Tyus Baptist Church
Family Life Center Policies and Procedures
1. Scheduling Events
A. All events that are not church related must be requested and approved before use may occur. Tyus Baptist Church reserves the right to decline any facility request that does not honor the key principles of Tyus Baptist Church.
B. Only members of Tyus Baptist Church may reserve the facilities of Tyus Baptist Church for personal use. Church member must be on the premises for the duration of the time requested.
C. Facility Request forms are located in the foyer or can be emailed upon request. A request does not guarantee approval. When the request is approved, you will be notified. All scheduling requests will be submitted to the calendar coordinator at least (2) weeks in advance of the date of the event.
D. Church ministries have priority in scheduling any of the facilities. Church facilities may not be reserved for use on Sundays for events other than church related activities. No events can be booked until the church year calendar is completed. Non church activities may not be scheduled more than (6) months in advance of the event. Any need of the facility for church activities allows the church the right to cancel and reschedule personal activities.
2. After Approval for use of the facility
A. It is the responsibility of the person requesting the building to obtain the key from the calendar coordinator. If the key is not picked up (3) days before the event, there is the possibility that the building will not be available for the date requested.
B. It is the responsibility of the person requesting the building to return the key as soon as possible following the event, as it will be needed for the next use of the facility.
3. Using the Facility
A. Furniture (tables, chairs, A/V equipment, stage area, etc.) should not be moved. If moving furniture has been approved for a special event, they must be returned to the original positions. This applies to all areas and all buildings. There are no exceptions. If the building requested is used for church services, the reserving party will be responsible for setting the space up for worship when the event is finished.
B. All areas that are used should be cleaned when the event is over. This includes bathrooms and concession area. The gym floor should be swept following your event. All trash, including diapers, should be taken to an off site trash facility. If the facilities have to be cleaned again or the setup is incorrect, the responsible party must pay for the labor involved to properly correct the situation.
C. No paper products should be taken from the concession or kitchen areas. The person requesting the facility will be responsible for furnishing all paper products, tablecloths, and plastic utensils.
D. If any property or equipment is damaged during the requested event, it is the responsibility of the person requesting the facility to pay for the cost of repair.
4. Safety, Liability, and Responsibility
A. All persons using the FLC must sign a Release/Waiver form. A parent or supervising adult must sign for minors. It is the responsibility of the person requesting the facility to secure forms for those participating in their event. Release forms must be kept in church office at all times.
B. All groups or individuals using the FLC must have adult (18+) supervision at all times.
C. The use of the FLC and equipment will be at the risk of the participant. Tyus Baptist Church does not assume liability or responsibility for any participant, and does not make express or implied warranty of the premises, equipment, machinery, fixtures, or furnishings. Tyus Baptist Church is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
D. Only paid and volunteer staff members are permitted in mechanical and storage rooms.
E. Individuals or groups who willfully violate these policies may have use privileges revoked or suspended.
F. No one under the age of (13) may use exercise equipment.
G. No one shall use workout room/equipment alone.
H. All Equipment must be returned to it’s proper location before leaving the facility.
I. In the event that emergency services must be contacted, it is the responsibility of the requesting party to call 911. When it is safe to do so, the requesting party must contact a representative of Tyus Baptist Church (staff member, deacon or calendar coordinator).
5. Dress and Behavior
A. Appropriate athletic shoes, shirts and attire shall be used and worn at all times.
B. Abusive or degrading language, profanity, or suggestive language of any kind is not permitted. Anyone guilty of these actions will be warned, then asked to leave upon any subsequent violations.
C. The use of tobacco, drugs, and alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
D. The requesting party is responsible for the conduct and actions of the members of their group.
E. Good sportsmanship is to be practiced at all times.
F. No hanging on the rim or nets of the basketball goals is allowed.
Tyus Baptist Church
Facility Request Form
Today’s Date______Date of Facility Request______
Time of Day Needed______Expected Attendance______
Department, Group or Individual Making Request______
Leader or person responsible for planning group/event______
Day Telephone______Cell______
Email______Home Phone______
Type of Activity Planned
In order to help us in scheduling, please briefly describe your activity.
(Example: Shower, Dinner, Party, etc.)
Facility Requested
Family Life Center Fellowship Hall
Church ministries have priority in scheduling any facility at Tyus Baptist Church. In the event that a facility is needed for church use, Tyus Baptist Church reserves the right to cancel and reschedule personal events. No facility of Tyus Baptist Church may be reserved on Sundays due to church activities.
I, ______, have read and understand the rules pertaining to the use of the facilities/equipment of Tyus Baptist Church. I also understand the importance of returning furniture or equipment to the location in which it is found so that it may be ready for the next service of activity. Any area not reserved for use will not be entered. I understand that I am responsible for any damages that might be incurred. I understand that I am responsible for acquiring and returning keys as promptly as possible.
Signature______Today’s Date______
Approved by______ Date______