Shippan Point Garden Club
October 2015 Club News
Upcoming Events:
Board Meeting
Oct 1, @ 7pm at Barbara LeCornec’s Residence:
Marina Bay Condos, 61 Seaview Ave, Unit 62
(Make right onto Seaview Ave - opposite Sunny Daes Ice Cream. Just before white office building make right into Marina Bay. Take that road around and make the first right. #62 is the second townhouse on the right. Parking – two cars can park in my driveway and you can park in any spot WITHOUT A NUMBER. There are many spots by the pool and clubhouse. Ph. – 203-973-0905)
Hort & Design Meeting
Oct 8, @ 7pm at Dianna Dwyer’s Residence: 60 Saddle Rock Road
RSVP to 203-504-8624 or email at . Or just stop by. Refreshments will be served. This meeting is informal and free of charge. All members are welcome!
October Flower Design: “The Witch Tree Symbol” (Nancy Drew -1955)
Abstract design: Not to exceed 32” wide, 36” high, 24” deep
Background and underlay not required.
Abstract Creative Designis one in which selection, treatment and manner of organization of plant materials and other components are chosen in order to contribute toward a non-realistic, non-naturalistic, and non-representational design. Components are selected solely for their elemental qualities: line, form, color, texture, light, size, space, pattern. Interest is to be equated over the entire design and Clarity of expression is important.
(More details and Drew book summary on SPGC website)
October Artistic Crafts: Bringing in the Harvest
Gifts of food from your garden. Just in time for Holiday Gifting, ways to turn your summer bounty into attractive hostess gifts, favors and perfect presents for everyone on your list. Must include some fresh and/or dried plant material.
SPGC Membership Meeting: Oct 15, 12 pm at Stamford Yacht Club
Submission of Exhibits – 8.30am- 9.45am (no late entries accepted)
October Entry sheets on our website – Member section -
Membership Meeting and Luncheon at 12 Noon at Stamford Yacht Club
(Please call the club at 203-323-3161 for Luncheon reservations)
This month’sfeatured speakerisShippan’s own Georgia Muffoletto!
After 15 years of scouting the world’s marketplace for the newest fashion trends, Georgia Raimondi Muffoletto decided to bring her background in design, color and unique personal style to herinspiring book,The Passionate Gardener.Thisformer Book of the Month Club selection presents afresh new lifestyle approach togardening byinterweaving the pleasures of home and garden for year round enjoyment.
For several years, Georgia wasthe on-air Garden Contributor toCBS The SaturdayEarly Show.In additionshe was also a television and radio spokesperson for Scotts Miracle-Gro. Her many media appearancesalsoinclude HGTV and the Discovery Channel. Her home and garden have been featuredonvariousshows as wellasinseveralpublications.
Georgia’s colorful and informative slide show will offer both seasonedand novice gardeners the know-how for celebrating all seasons with gardening tips and advice, simple to prepare recipes as well ascreative entertaining ideas. She will also share photographs of her personal Shippan Point garden which has been documented and included in the Smithsonian Institution Archives of American Gardens.
As a longtime member of TheShippan PointGarden Club Georgia's bookwill beavailable for purchasewith all proceedsdonated to theClub.
Other Business
Have you paid your dues?
- Active Members = $30 which covers $25 SPGC dues + $5 Federation and National Council dues.
- Sustaining Members = $35 which covers $30 SPGC dues + $5 Federation and National Council dues.
- Nonresident Members = $35 which covers $30 SPGC dues + $5 Federation and National Council dues.
NB: CT Life Members need only pay the SPGC portion of dues
Please mail to Marguerite Hajjar or drop off at her mailbox. Cash or checks payable to SPGC.
25 Brightside Drive. Home phone: 203-323-6294. Cell phone: 203-253-0697. Email: