Wednesday, June 15, 2016

3:00PM – 5:00 PM

Teleconference: (888) 808-6929

Passcode: 8250243


Committee Chair / X / Frank Shipley, Alameda
Members – LCSA / Martha Greer, San Bernardino
X / Donald Herzog, Ventura
X / Brenda Lundy, Contra Costa
Hooman Hassanpour, Los Angeles
Adam Perry, Sacramento
X / Phil Kryder, Santa Barbara
X / Cito Torres, Humboldt
X / Ryan Ramos, Fresno
Darren Norris, San Luis Obispo
X / Kenneth Gandy, Sutter
Members – IV-D Partners / John Cleveland, DCSS ISO
Jim Garrison, DCSS IT Infrastructure
Please bring/review


II.DCSS IT Infrastructure Report

III.Old Business

  • Committee chair
    Ongoing discussion regarding selection process and possible update of charter to require one year of service on the committee before being eligible as committee chair. Frank has raised this question to CSDA for verification.

IV.New Business

  • CMT extract
    Frank shared Jim’s proposal, after vendor-proposed updates to month-end processing, to complete all refresh processes immediately with the understanding that everyone should stay out of DR until all processes are completed, which is happening much more quickly now. Frank will provide feedback to Jim regarding our support of his proposal, which is dependent upon availability date. Frank will clarify the estimated completion date with Jim.
  • CSDA Attorney book and CSDA Directory
    CSDA requested the committee’s assistance in creating an application for the CSDA Attorney Book and CSDA Directory. Frank has asked for specifications to determine what would be required of the application. Frank asked whether any LCSAs are developing web apps and there were no positive responses. We may look to find and select a vendor, or take as an opportunity for learning. One suggestion was to implement the solution from a SharePoint environment.
  • Technology Plan
    In CSDA’s strategic plan, they were supposed to come up with a technology plan. Brief discussions 2-3 years ago fell by the wayside in the quest for designing their web site. The committee may be requested to pursue development of such a plan.
  • Next Meeting (Change date to 7/13/16?)


  • Adam has accepted a position with El Dorado County. He is stepping down from this committee but is seeking a replacement within his Sacramento County.
  • Ken shared that one of his end users had a Windows desktop cleanup run on her system over the weekend and got rid of old desktop items. Sutter is an Option 1 county. We suggested contacting DCSS to determine whether they’d run the process and for assistance in restoring his user’s lost desktop data. Also suggested checking the system’s file explorer to find out whether the items are still there but hidden from the desktop.
  • Frank confirmed DCSS’ stance that Windows 10 will be coming soon, and Office 2016/365 later on this year. There is to be, in the August/September timeframe, a technology conference wherein DCSS will present to LCSAs’ technical staff information on some of their plans, asking what we need, and getting input.
  • Cito renewed questions surrounding the Safeguard Security Report. Would we be able to satisfy requirements by indicating we do not store or handle electronically, and not need to produce all the policies and procedures demanded by the SSR? Has DCSS done anything for Option 1 counties that we may be able to review or piggyback on contracts? What are the ramifications if we don’t complete the SSR on time? What if we don’t have electronic FTI - do we still need to complete?
  • Discussion over backups - Cito implemented Dell’s DL-1000 backup appliance (2012 WinServer 2012) with AppAssure, which encrypts and replicates to offsite appliance at DoIT. 90-day windows. Alameda and Contra Costa backup to tape; Contra Costa uses Recall,Alameda delivers to bank safe-deposit box.
  • Kiosk update – Contra Costa’s director shared the following on Tuesday, June 7: The kiosks contract has been settled with Touch Pay, protestors pulled out. The cost will be $1.50 per transaction, no high or low limit. The County can decide whether to pay the $1.50 or the person making the payment. The State will pay the $100.00 monthly maintenance fee. Other departments can also join on the machines like court fees, probation, etc.
  • Frank requested a query for all of an LCSA’s employers; Donald has one and will share it with Frank.

VI.Next Meeting: July 13, 2016 3:00 to 5:00

VII.Action Items

Assigned / Due Date / Date Closed / Resolution
Verify proposed Data Repository completion date / Frank / 6/16/16 / 6/16/16 / 4th or 5th of each month

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