Thorpe on the Hill Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting 30th August 2017
17.72 Parish Council
1. Membership: Cllrs C Martin, S North, R Sheldon, R Andrew, N Williams (Chair), C Scott, vacancy
2. Present: 8 members of the public and Janet Guest Parish Clerk
3. Apologies: Cllr R Andrew, B Sheldon, County Cllr Thompson and District Cllr Appleby
4. Declaration of interest: none
5. Declaration of gifts and hospitality over £50 : none
6. Councillors training attended: none
17.73 Police and public time – no police were in attendance. In public time, the following matters were raised.
1. Paul Drury and Wendy Moor from LCC came to talk about an idea raised by the Parish Clerk during a training day to install an interactive notice board at the ORPMR. If this was agreed they would help the parish regarding funding. They also suggested space might be rented out to outside organisation on the board. Also need to look into insurance, costs, where to site it etc. before going out to tender for installation
2. Secretary to the Lake Advisory group asked if the Parish Council was quorate with only 3 Cllrs present when the meeting opened. The Chair confirmed it was. Secretary to the Lake Advisory group also asked if the money from the sale of the land could be taken away from the Parish as it might be seen as having too much in reserve. The Chair confirmed it would be ring-fenced for future projects in Parish Council reserves. Secretary to the Lake Advisory group referred to the minutes of their last meeting which the Parish Council had on the agenda saying they are worried about the amount of time lost in getting sight of the licence as everything depends on that. He also asked if the licence was agreed today could they have sight of it by Friday. Secretary to the Lake Advisory group asked the Parish Council to consider the following
Do you see the licence as take it or leave it?
Who will negotiate with the group?
Is it still a generic agreement?
Asked the Parish Council to consider a clear remit and to let the advisory group approve other machinery operatives
17.74 Report from District and County Cllrs - None present
17.75 The minutes from the meeting on 5th July 2017- approved as an accurate record
17.76 Matters arising from the minutes -
1. Parish Councillor Vacancy – there are 2 applicants for 1 vacancy. It was agreed to defer a decision to the next meeting and ask both applicants to individually attend a closed conversation with Cllrs at 6.30pm and 6.45pm prior to the meeting on 4th October 2017. CLERK TO ACTION
17.77 Standing items
1. Neighbourhood plan an update on the current position was received. The consultation period is now in place and closes early Sept 2017. The referendum is due to take place in Oct 2017 provided no major changes have been identified by the Inspector or received as comments.
2. Highways – no quotes received yet on the gates and lines but the work is ongoing. It was agreed to contact Highways to ask them for a list of contractors they work with.
3. Allotments – it was reported that a letter has gone out to allotment holders about a tidy up on Moor Lane and the removal of the trailer in the car parking area to take place in the autumn. The erection of the shed on Plot 7 was approved. CLERK TO ACTION
4. Lake
a) Minutes of the meeting 20th July 2017 of the Lake Advisory Group – several action points came out of the minutes and after a discussion it was agreed to
1. Provide the Advisory Group with a clear remit for the group CLERK TO ACTION
2. Forward the risk assessment, when agreed, to the group for additions or changes to come back to the Parish Council for final approval. CLERK TO ACTION
3. Use of chemicals on site to control weeds would not be allowed and this would be included in the risk assessment CLERK TO ACTION
4. Budgeted repairs and maintenance programme would need to be developed by the group and submitted in Nov 2017 ready for the 2018/19 budget setting process to be discussed by the Parish Council at its meeting on 13th Dec 2017. This would be added to the groups remit. GROUP & CLERK TO ACTION
b) Update on National Citizens Service Social Action Pledge – the group enjoyed the work but the work that they did regarding the wildlife and signage has been recorded on laptops and NCS are awaiting the files. The Risk assessment contains details of signage required and the advisory group may identify others to be included.
c) Review of suggested risk assessment for public use of Lake Site for walking and studying of nature – the risk assessment was received and some points added. It was agreed to make these changes and send the assessment to the Advisory Group for comment and additions etc. CLERK TO ACTION
5. Health and Safety – the certified inspection report from Wicksteed Park on the play areas was noted and it was agreed to authorise the work on the equipment as per the report. Currently the horse is out of action
6. Financial matters
1. Financial report – was accepted as attached. As at end Jul 2017 the Unity Trust bank balance was £38352.90
2. Invoices were agreed for payment – LALC£5 hard copy of magazine, British Gas £23.90 ORPMR, BT £108 Internet ORPMR, Lindum fire Services £260.40 emergency lighting annual check ORPMR, Anglian Water Bowling green £66.51, Whisby Garden Centre Love your Parish plants £84.36, Wicksteed Playgrounds OR Recreation annual check £54, Dave Collingwood VFTH Ink Cartridge £24, BT telephone bill £85.74, British Gas ORPMR £28.53, TFM store equipment re lake maintenance £136.13, Printtalk VFTH £138, LALC training £77.50,Lindum Fire Services fire extinguisher check £68.03, Steve North Hire of fork lift £100, Harrys Hardware Key fobs for ORPMR £3, D Collinwood printer cartridge £24,
3. Income was noted - ORPMR hall hire £35, NKDC hire of hall £175, Lindum Ltd £254500 Sinderson Meadows, Transparency code grant LALC £537.50, Litter picking grant NKDC £127.47, Hall hire scouts £75.25
17.78 Planning matters
a) TPO 17/0961/TPO T1 Ash fell 1A Fosse Lane, TOTH – no comments
b) Formal notice from NKDC revocation of N93 Thorpe on the Hill Fosse Lane Tree Preservation order – no comments
c) Application 17/0896/FUL (resubmission of 16/0566/FUL) Thorpe Park Lodges Middle Lane Thorpe On The Hill Lincoln erection of new building to house 3 retail units, gym etc.– notification of decision on appeal upheld so the development can go ahead – Noted
d) 17/062/FUL notification of amended plans for formation of Holiday Retreat to include stationing of lodges and associated access tracks and services Lincoln Golf Centre Moor Lane TOTH – changes made takes you to equally difficult path so there is no improvement. Cllrs to email other comments to the Clerk for the cut off of 8th Sept 2017
17.79 Correspondence – was noted
a) Request for a shed on plot 7 Moor Lane allotments requires ratifying
b) Email received from Lincoln Golf Centre with attachments of articles and letters in support of their recent planning application
c) Email regarding planning permission which has been granted on Boundary Lane, south Hykeham. Under application EPR/AB3900FP/A001 – it was agreed to support the Parish Council if a judicial review should take place CLERK TO ACTION
d) Community Wildlife Grant LCC £500 available
e) LCC – Community Collaboration – A Councillors Guide
17.80 Matters for discussion
a) Siting of new bus stop on highways verge on Middle Lane / Lincoln Lane boarder – Chair closed the meeting for a neighbour to speak. After the meeting was opened it was agreed not to progress the issue
b) Electronic and interactive notice board in ORPMR – it was agreed to work with LCC and to get quotes and grants to progress the idea CLERK TO ACTION
c) Cllr North declaration of interest received for contribution for equipment regarding maintenance of the lake. – Noted
d) Use of Eagle speed sign – discuss if it’s useful and if we want it back – after a discussion it was agreed to find out the cost of a portable speed sign
e) Action required regarding tree works from the inspection carried out by NKDC – it was agreed to recirculate the report and map to Cllrs and discuss at the next meeting CLERK TO ACTION
f) Update on dissolving Oliver Roper Charity and registration of OR land on Land Registry - it was noted that the charity has now been dissolved and that the Parish Council will act as sole trustees. It was agreed to register the land with the Land Registry
g) Defibrillator It was agreed Cllr Scott would progress the matter to its completion for installation at the ORPMR Cllr Scott and Clerk to action
h) Remembrance service in Nov – the church organise the event and it was agreed that the Parish Council would lay a wreath. If possible use the old one so that £30 could be donated in full. CLERK TO ACTION
17.81 Closed session
a) Shared playing field agreement and invoice received for 2016/17 contribution to maintenance – after a discussion it was agreed to request the actual costs of the playing field maintenance from the school and advertise the playing field and how to access it to residents CLERK TO ACTION
b) Parish Clerk appraisal – was received and noted with all Cllrs present in agreement
c) Lake Licence agreements update from Parish Council Solicitors – the lake licences were discussed and amendments made. It was agreed to circulate to the groups involved as a starting point to negotiation prior to signature. CLERK TO ACTION
DATES Specific agenda item / event
4th Oct Meeting
31st Oct closing date for receipt of grant applications
8th Nov Meeting
13th Dec Meeting
Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as official minutes of Council proceedings until approved and signed at the next meeting. Page 4 of 4