13-15 October 2010
Provisional Programme
A message from the Chair of the COST Action 637
With over 50 scientific presentations or posters on metals and related substances in drinking water, the fourthInternational Conference of COST Action 637, in Kristianstadon 13-15 October 2010, will be a resounding success.
For a range of metals and metalloids, presentations will focus on
- risk assessment and management
-water and health
-mineral balance
-treatment processes
-natural and bottled waters
This conference will be of interest to water managers and scientists throughout Europe and I look forward to welcoming you to this important event.
Dr Colin Hayes, Chair, COST Action 637
Founded in 1971, COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, allowing the co-ordination of nationally funded research on a European level. COST Actions cover basic and pre-competitive research as well as activities of public utility. The goal of COST is to ensure that Europe holds a strong position in the field of scientific and technical research for peaceful purposes, by increasing European cooperation and interaction in this field.
COST Action 637 – METEAU, Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water
The main objective of the Action is to stimulate better control of metals and related substances
in drinking water and to minimize environmental impacts.
Major objectives
•To provide an on‐going forum for knowledge exchange in connection with metals andrelated substances in drinking water.
•To promote good practice in the control of metals and related substances in drinking water.
•To more critically determine the environmental and socio‐economic impacts of controlmeasures through the sharing of practitioner experience.
•To stimulate relevant collaborative research and demonstration studies at the Europeanscale.
Local Conference Organisation
Dr. Ingegerd Rosborg, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden,
Prof. Prosun Bhattacharya, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden,
Local Conference Secretariat
Ms. Ingrid Wieslander, Krinova Science Park, 291 39 Kristianstad, Sweden, Tel: +46(0)44204542, Fax: +46(0)44 20
45 43,
Technical Coordination
Dr. Maria João Benoliel, EPAL‐ Empresa Portuguesa das Àquas Livres, SA, Lisbon, Portugal,
Conference Committee – Cost Action 637 Core Group
Dr. Colin Hayes, Swansea University, UK –Action Chair,
Dr. Maria Joäo Benoliel, EPAL‐ Empresa Portuguesa das Àquas Livres, SA, Lisbon, Portugal,
Prof. George Pilidis, University of Ioannina, Greece,
Prof. Prosun Bhattacharya, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden,
Dr. Ingegerd Rosborg, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
Dr Peter Holm, Technical University Copenhagen, Denmark,
Dr Josef Klinger, TZW, Germany,
Dr Vladimira Nemcova, Ostrava Regional Health Authority, Czech Republic,
Dr Matyas Borsanyi, National Institute of Environmental Health, Hungary,
Dr Larry Russell, Reed International,
Conference ProgrammeWednesday , October 13, 2010
15:00 – 16:00 / Registration, Quality Hotel Grand, Västra Storgatan 15, Kristianstad
19.00-19.30 / Grand opening of a public well at Lilla Torg and the conference, followed by reception in the Theatre Restaurant.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Time / Presentation Title / Speaker / Country
09:00 / Welcome and introduction / Action Chair Colin Hayes / United Kingdom
Session 1 –Risk management and risk assessment
Chair: Colin hayes, United Kingdom
09:15 / Keynote: “How water safety plans can help to address risks from metals in drinking water” / Bob Breach / United Kingdom
09:45 / QC/QA Scheme applied to monitoring of metal concentrations in water intended for human consumption sampled from the area of Warsaw performed by ICP-MS and ICP- OES techniques / Stawomir Garbós / Poland
10:00 / Drinking water quality in the city of Belgrade and health risks from domestic use of filters with reverse osmosis / Ivana Ristanovic - Ponjavic / Serbia
10:30 / Consumer concerns about drinking water in an area with high levels of naturally occurring arsenic in groundwater, and the implications for managing health risks
Discussion / J. Leventon / Hungary
Coffee Break (10:45-11:15)
Session 2 – Health and aesthetic issues
Chair:Matyas Borsanyi, Hungary
11:15 / Keynote: Discolouration in water supply, the role of metals / Joby Boxall / United Kingdom
11:45 / Metals and related substances in drinking water - from source to the tap. Krakow tap survey 2010 / Adam Postawa / Poland
12:00 / Relation between arsenic in drinking water and carcinoma of urinary bladder: data from Municipality of Zrenjanin / Dragana Jovanovic / Serbia
Lunch (12:15-13:15)
Chair: Vladimira Nemcova, , Czech Republic
14:00 / Blood pressure and drinking water magnesium levelsin some Serbian Municipalities
Tap water quality regarding metal concentration in TimisoaraCity
The need for an integrated approach to controlling metal and metalloid contamination of drinking water
Discussion / Zorica- Raser- Milutinovic
Gabriela Vasile
Colin Hayes / Serbia
United Kingdom
Session 3 – Mineral balance in drinking water
Chair: Peter Holm, Denmark
14:15 / Keynote: Influence of mineral composition of drinking water on the acid- base balance of the human body / Frantisek Kozisek / Czech Republic
14.45 / Magnesium and calcium in drinking water and mortality due to cardiovascular disease in the Netherlands / Cindy de Jongh / The Netherlands
Coffee Break (15:00-15:30)
Chair: Peter Holm, Denmark
15:30 / Mineral balance and quality standards for desalinated water: the Israeli experience / Asher Brenner / Israel
16:00 / Mineral balance in water before and after treatment
Discussion / Ingegerd Rosborg / Sweden
16:15 / Poster Session
19:00 / Gala Dinner at Backaskog castle
Friday, October 15, 2010
Session 4 - Treatment processes
Chair: Mustafa Ersöz, Turkey
09:00 / Keynote: Arsenic Removal by Traditional and Innovative Membrane Technologies / Alberto Figoli / Italy
09:30 / Treatment of arsenic containing drinking waters by electrochemical oxidation and reverse osmosis / Zdravka Lazarova / Austria
09:45 / The effect of fluidised bedsoftening on metal content in drinking water - 11 years of experience from Vomverket, Sydvatten AB / Kenneth Persson / Sweden
10:00 / Arsenic removal with chemical precipitation in drinking water treatment plants in Italy / Sabrina Sorlini / Italy
10:15 / Assessment of trace metal concentrations in the different processes at water treatment plants of EPAL / André Miranda / Portugal
10:30 / Arsenic removal by energy-efficient small-scale reverse osmosis units / Jan Hoinkis / Germany
Coffee Break (10:45-11:15)
Session 5 – Metal materials and testing & metal leaching
Chair: Larry Russell, USA
11:15 / Keynote:Harmonization of national requirements for metallic materials in contact with drinking water - 4MS approach / Thomas Rapp / Germany
11:45 / Short period survey of heavy metal concentrations in tap water before and after rehabilitation and modernization of water and sewerage services in BAIAMareTown. / Dumitru Staniloae / Romania
12:00 / Differences in metal concentrations in water intended for human consumption in the pipe network of the city of Poznań (Poland) in the light of two sampling methods
Leaching of nickel and other elements from kettles in domestic use / Józef Górski Vladimira Nemcova / Poland Czech Republic
Lunch (12:15-13:15)
Chair: George Pilidis, Greece
13:15 / Differences in metal concentrations in water intended for human consumption in the pipe network of the city of Poznań (Poland) in the light of two sampling methods / Józef Górski / Poland
13:1530 / Metal and organic release from construction products in contact with drinking water disinfected with sodium hypochlorite / E. Veschetti / Italy
13:4530 / Dezincification of brass fittings – effects of metal solvency control measures / Larry Russell / USA
143:4500 / Discussion
Session 6 – Source waters
Chair: Prosun Bhattacharya, Sweden
14:1500 / Keynote: Geogenic arsenic in groundwaters and soils – re-evaluating exposure routes & risk assessment / David Polya / United Kingdom
14:4530 / Nickel in Groundwater - A case Study from Northern Sweden / Gunnar Jacks / Sweden
145:4500 / Release and fixation of arsenic in spring waters from Switzerland / Hans Rudolf Pfeifer / Switzerland
15:1500 / Heavy Metal Pollution of Surface Water Sources of Konya Basin / Mehmet Emin Aydin / Turkey
15:3045 / Geochemical processes for the release of arsenic into the groundwater of Brahmaputra Floodplains in Assam, India
Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation (SASMIT): An approach for developing a color based tool for targeting arsenic-safe aquifers for drinking water supply / Chandan Mahanta
Mohammed Hossain / India
Coffee Break (156:4500-16:3015)
Session 7 – Bottled water
……………………………………………………………………….. Chair: Ingegerd Rosborg, Sweden
16:1530 / The chemical composition and taste of bottled water / Peter Holm / Denmark
16:4530 / Elucidating the parameters involved with antimony and phthalates co-leaching in bottled water / Makris Konstantinos / Cyprus
17:1500 / Discussion
Summary of Conference and Closure / Vice-Chair of Action - Maria João Benoliel / Portugal
17:30- 19:00 / Management Committee Meeting
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Bus trip with guides in the UN biosphere reserve “Kristianstads Vattenrike”, and a visit to Malmberg Water, local bottled water producer.