Occupational Profile
1. Occupational Title:
Production/Operations Foreman (Forestry)
2. OFO Code:
2.1 Stages of Production Cycle
Activities involved in Nursery Management
· Propagation by seed
· Vegetative propagation
· Fertilising and disease control
· Nursery organisation and management
· Genetics and tree breeding
· Irrigation
· Safety
Activities involved in Silviculture
· Land preparation
· Planting
· Weeding
· Pruning
· Thinning
· Noxious Weeding
· Road network establishment
Activities Involved in Harvesting
· Manual harvesting
· Mechanical harvesting
· Quality Control
· Extraction
· Shorthaul
· Depot management
Activities involved in Transport
· Road
· Rail
Activities involved in Fire Protection
· Fire prevention
· Fire protection
· Fire Suppression
· Post Mortem
3. Occupational Purpose:
A Forestry Productions Operations Foreman plans, organizes, leads, controls, coordinates and reviews a range of weekly/monthly forestry operations by interpreting at a tactical level forestry teams to set operational plans, standards and procedures.
4. Occupational Task Statements:
4.1 Implement tactical plans and transform into operational plans and report to the manager
on production quality and quantity
4.2 Control and coordinate a range of forestry processes to drive and obtain production targets
4.3 Monitor team production and meeting regularly with supervisors to ensure the established production criteria are met
4.4 Maintain compliance with all occupational health, safety, risk, quality, environment and labour legislation and standards
Occupational Task 1: Implement tactical plans and transform into operational plans and report to the manager on production quality and quantityProduct /Service / Occupational Responsibility / Occupational Context
Operational plan
/ Develop the operational plan by interpreting the tactical plan and report accordingly / Infield tactical and operational planning of forestry operations
Determine NQF level of each occupational responsibility
Knowledge focus area / Practical Skill Activities / Work Experiences
1. Tactical plan
2. Operation plan
3. Best operating practice
4. Quality norms and standards
5. Work procedures
6. Communication
7. Verbal and written communication
8. Methods of communication
9. Report writing
10. Forms
11. Terrain
12. Gradients and Contours
13. Weather Conditions and Climate
14. Principles of management and supervision
15. Delegation
16. Time management
17. Recruitment and selection
18. Continuous personal development / 1. Consider available options and select the most appropriate option
2. Understand the unit of measurement e.g. tons and hectares
3. Analyse and collate daily production report
4. Interpret and apply workstudy data and ensure correct action by supervisor
5. Implement tactical plan by planning workload, workflow, deadlines, work objectives, time utilization and communicate with supervisors
6. Monitor progress of teams through on-site inspection to ensure compliance to BOPs.
7. Monitor progress against plan by interpreting and analyzing production feedback data and reports and implement corrective action
8. Prepare and submit a consolidated report to the manager (verbal/written) with recommendations
9. Distinguish ground conditions (slippery, rocky, sandy, gradients, contours)
10. Understand the impact on the cost of productivity of operations
11. Understand different weather and climate conditions (winter, rain, windy, thunderstorms)
12. Anticipate the impact of weather and climate conditions on planning and production
13. Compile an advertisement
14. Compile a shortlist
15. Interview for recruitment and selection of employees / 1. Develop operational plan with details for daily, weekly and monthly operation
2. Conduct a terrain appraisal and adjust production plans accordingly
3. Communicate the plan by formal written instruction/verbally to his team members per shift/daily/weekly/monthly
4. Draw up a production contingency plan eg. breakdown of a machine or absence of employees or any other unforeseen changes
5. Collect production data from supervisors
6. Calculate actual vs planned production
7. Identify and analyse trends from production data
8. Submit a written report to management
9. Stakeholder liaison (clerks, mechanics, etc)
10. Roleplay of an interview
Specific Practical/ Applied Knowledge / Contextual Workplace Knowledge
Occupational Task 2: Control and co-ordinate range of forestry processes to drive and obtain production targets
Product /Service / Occupational Responsibility / Occupational Context
Forestry Operational Processes
Productivity data / Forestry operational processes are co-ordinated with optimization of resources.
Obtain production targets / Production Co-ordination and Resource Optimisation
Production Process
Determine NQF level of each occupational responsibility
Knowledge focus area / Practical Skill Activities / Work Experiences
1. Production Reports
2. Production norms and standards
3. Production data
4. Understand the production process
5. Calculation formula
6. Conversion Factors
7. Understanding of formulae
8. R& d data
9. Stock inventory and Stock Reports
10. Machine and equipment
11. Company specific maintenance plan / 1. The application, capabilities and impact of cost on consumables, machines, vehicles, equipment and tools is understood.
2. Co-ordination of logistics to support production processes
3. Ensure compliance to daily and planned maintenance schedules for vehicles, machinery, equipment and tools.(Cleaning and lubrication)
4. Ensure the safe keeping of resources (eg. chemicals, chainsaws, fuels) / 1. Calculate daily production output and productivity and measure against targets and analyze to take corrective action
2. Ensure System balancing (current, continuous and future needs) using production plan
3. Assess, analyse and evaluate production of supervisors in comparison with planned production
4. Analyse the effect of deviations and bottlenecks and adjust overall monthly operational plan
5. Conduct a physical check infield by determining the area covered by the area processed/worked (eg. using a map, pacing or gps,etc), applying the planned work/yield per hectare over that area and determine the stock/completed work by applying these calculations
6. Apply the applicable measurement system
7. Report the findings
8. Verify/reconcile findings to actual tons/area
9. Conduct in field inspections to verify production data received from supervisors
10. Reconcile reported production data from supervisor to actual production achieved
Specific Practical/ Applied Knowledge / Contextual Workplace Knowledge
Knowledge focus area / Practical Skill Activities / Work Experiences
1. Types of control
2. Control frequencies
3. Short interval control
4. Contingency planning
5. Principle, concepts and types of audit (safety, financial and waste)
6. Stock taking of resources
7. System Balancing
8. Unit of measurement
9. Contingency planning
10. Short interval Control
11. Contingency Plans
12. Code of conduct
13. Self-audit report
14. Attendance registers / 1. Determine timeframe for control with Supervisors eg set hourly target
2. Motivate supervisors to achieve target
3. Anticipate and address bottleneck (system balancing or resource balancing within the system)
4. Compare actual production to planned target
5. Implement the PDCA cycle - plan, do, check act
6. Set interval control
7. Plan for contingencies
8. Apply relevant formulae eg conversion factors
9. Appreciation of all technical aspects of motorized machinery and equipment
10. Identify, monitor and minimize various types of waste / 1. Conduct an accurate stock take infield and on depot apply formula to determine production (actual vs planned or estimated) and submit a report to Manager
2. Maintain accurate records and data integrity from Supervisors
3. Conduct a self-audit/random check on production stock and quality
4. Collect forestry process data (new or for development) (R&D at basic level)
5. Conduct spot checks on machinery and equipment used three times a week
6. Coach Supervisors and Operators on the operation and maintenance/good working order of machinery and equipment used
Specific Practical/ Applied Knowledge / Contextual Workplace Knowledge
Occupational Task 4: Monitoring team production and meeting regularly with supervisors to ensure the established production criteria are met
Product /Service / Occupational Responsibility / Occupational Context
Reports / Manage performance and productivity / Communication and Performance Management
Determine NQF level of each occupational responsibility
NQF level 4
Knowledge focus area / Practical Skill Activities / Work Experiences
1. Goals and Objectives
2. Types of Monitoring
3. Communication( Verbal and Written)
4. Methods of Communication
5. Report Writing
6. Planned job observation / 1. Understand what his long term goals are
2. Communicate goals and objectives to Supervisors
3. Determine the impact of production deviations against targets and formulate corrective measures to mitigate
4. Convene meetings with supervisors
5. Submit reports to supervisors
6. Act in a Decisive and assertive manner
7. Prepare monitoring reports
8. Monitor the completion of Conduct planned job observation / 1. Convene and conduct daily meetings for a period of a month to discuss or review production performance and plans
2. Conduct performance appraisal of supervisors
3. Prioritize and Conduct field visits to monitor quantity and quality compliance and production processes
4. Analyse process to ensure process flow without bottlenecks or serious deviations
5. Evaluate processes to determine adherence to safety rules and regulations to improve and maintain safe work conditions
6. Plan shifts to ensure humane utilization of human resources
7. Check that planned job observation on all team members on prescribed intervals is conducted and recorded.
8. Check that team members were coached if neccessary
Specific Practical/ Applied Knowledge / Contextual Workplace Knowledge
Occupational Task 5: Maintain compliance with all occupational health, safety, risk, quality, environment and labour legislation and standards
Product /Service / Occupational Responsibility / Occupational Context
Compliance / Ensure application and implementation of legislation, standards and procedures / Legislation, standards and Procedures
Determine NQF level of each occupational responsibility
NQF Level 4
Knowledge focus area / Practical Skill Activities / Work Experiences
1. Legislation, (OHS Act), National Veld and Forest Fire Act, National Forestry Act, BCOE and other
2. Operational safety procedure
3. Written safe work procedures
4. Risk management
5. National, internal and industry norms and standards e.g. ISO, FSC
6. Market specifications
7. Employer rules and regulations / 1. Understand and interpret the relevant legislation
2. Identify transgressions of legislation
3. Study and apply written safe work procedures
4. Conduct relevant internal audits e.g. safety, quality, environment, etc.
5. Conduct a risk assessment on site to identify hazards and mitigate risks
6. Design individual audit formats
7. Dispose of Waste and ensure no transgression into sensitive areas
8. Monitor output for adherence to market specifications
9. Conduct a disciplinary hearing according to the disciplinary code
10. Lead the team in a fire protection exercise / 1. Prepare for audit
2. Apply environmental considerations when planning and conducting forestry activities
3. Conduct disciplinary hearings to address transgressions and correct behavior
4. Continuously identify current/future risks and hazards and implement preventative action
5. Conduct regular onsite inspections of equipment and processes to prevent deviations from standards as they occur and rectify immediately and initiate preventative steps
6. Identify and address root causes for deviations from standards and initiate preventative steps
7. Participate and lead a team in a simulated fire protection exercise by responding decisively and assertively to the instructions from the Fireboss.
Specific Practical/ Applied Knowledge / Contextual Workplace Knowledge
1. Allocate NQF levels to each Occupational Task:
Occupational Task / NQF Level4.1 Implement tactical plans and transform into operational plans and report to the manager on production quality and quantity / 4
4.2 Controls and coordinates a range of forestry processes to drive and obtain production targets / 4
4.3 Monitoring team production and meeting regularly with supervisors to ensure the established production criteria are met / 4
4.4 Maintain compliance with all occupational health, safety, risk, quality, environment and labour legislation and standards / 4
5. Proposed Assessment Model:
A combination of a practical demonstration and theoretical assessment
6. Alternative titles (if any):
Junior Manager
2nd Line Forestry Supervisor
Senior Supervisor
7. Entry Requirements:
NQF level 4 Grade 12 with 2 years of experience as a supervisor, or
3 years of experience as a supervisor with literacy and numeracy (ABET 3), or
3 years of experience as a supervisor with FLC, or
Supervisor qualification
8. International Comparability:
Brazil (Pamela_
Chile (John Chandler – Heini Lubbe
Zimbabwe (Francois)
The Occupational Certificate: Production Operations Foreman (Forestry) has also been compared with two qualifications, namely the
• New Zealand Certificate in Forest Operations (level 3); and the
• Australian Certificate III in Forest Growing and Management
Learners who want to achieve the New Zealand Certificate in Forest Operations (level 3) have to pass a number of NZQA unit standards up to a total of 90 compulsory credits.
The aim of this qualification is to provide students with a broad background of practical forestry knowledge and skills enabling them to progress into employment or onto higher courses where they can study specific forestry topics. After successful completion of this qualification, students will have the skills and knowledge to be able to
1. Keep themselves and others safe in any forest operation.
2. Maintain a chainsaw and make basic cuts.
3. Understand the importance of quality in forest operations.
4. Understand factors that effect the wellbeing and performance of forestry employees.
5. Work safely and effectively in forest harvesting operations.
6. Cut logs to length on a skid site to industry standards.
7. Have appropriate literacy and numeracy skills to perform academic and practical tasks at the required level.
8. Understand the issues and processes within the forest industry to the level required of an employee.
The aim of the Australian Certificate III in Forest Growing and Management is to prepare learners for jobs in the forest growing and management sector of the forest and forest products industry and includes a combination of compulsory and elective units. The compulsory units are generic in nature and focus on critical cross field outcomes and generic forestry related aspects such as health, safety and team effectiveness. The elective units focus on typical forestry related aspects such as fire control, breeding and propagation, site establishment and maintenance, grading and testing, tree growing and maintenance, planning and analysis, machinery and equipment. These aspects are specific to specific forestry contexts. The qualification is at level 3.
Conclusion: The comparison shows that the Occupational Certificate: Production Operations Foreman (Forestry) is unique in the fact that it is different as it has a focus on the skills and competence required for the senior supervisor or junior manager employed in the forestry sector and that it is part and parcel of the qualification, where in the case of the Australian qualification, supervisory competence is an elective component. The Occupational Certificate: Production Operations Foreman (Forestry) is not specific to specific forestry contexts, assuming that those specific skills would be acquired at an appropriate level, making the qualification applicable to all forestry contexts, and to be acquired through the Work Experience Modules.