Deacon Minutes

January 3, 2012

[X]Attendance/ [ ] Absent

[X] David Almquist

[x] Rhonda Atkinson

[x]Karen Benson

[x] Tina Bright

[] Bob Dickerson

[x] Dick Class

[] Fred Dye

[X] Robin Edwards

[x] Ernie Fox

[x] Gillian Hope

[X] Margaret Elliott

[x]Patricia Lessard

[x] Denyse McGraw

[ ] Kyle McMahon

[X] Jill Orrock

[x] Brenda Pennington

[] Scott Ramser

[x] Brett Richardson

[x]Mary Ellen Riendeau

[] Will Tyler

[x] Karla Willemin

[x] Pastor Billy Craig Don Guthrie represented Session

Calendar Items:

Next Deacon Meeting: February 7, 2012

Devotion: Karen Benson

Next Session Meeting: Jan 22, 2012 Deacon Rep: Robin Edwards
  • Dave Almquist opened with prayer and devotions.
  • There was a reminder of the Leadership meeting on Sat. Jan. 7 from 9am-2pm at NHPC.
  • Robin Edwards sent around a sign up sheet for devotions and Session meetings.
  • Dick Class sent around a list for Deacons to sign up as mentors to the new Deacons coming in. There was a discussion that if a Deacon is rolling off can they still be a mentor. It was decided no because part of being a mentor was to work with the new Deacons at the meetings.
  • The Deacons that are rolling off need to make a personal connection with the Deacon taking over. The mentors also need to make a connection with the Deacon they are mentoring. Billy Craig will send out email addresses of the new Deacons so they can be contacted.
  • Billy Craig and Terri Scarborough discussed proximity and geography for the branches. There was a discussion of who ministers to a Deacon is their own branch. A possibility of being each other’s Deacon was brought up.
  • Patricia Lessard suggested a questionnaire to give out to the branches as a way of contacting the members. Several Deacons had forms of questionnaires and will bring them to Robin Edwards so they can be put on the website for the new Deacons to use.
  • Gillian Hope will head up the bereavement guidelines.
  • It was suggested that nametags at the first few meetings would be beneficial. Robin Edwards will bring them to the next meeting.
  • There will be 2 weekends in April designated as “meet your Deacon”. This will be a chance for branch members to come by and meet their Deacon. Margaret Elliott will head this up.
  • At the March meeting there will be training on how to do communion at church and also for homebound.
  • Elections were held for Moderator, Vice-moderator and Secretary. Margaret Elliott was voted as Moderator, Brett Richardson as Vice-moderator and Robin Edwards as Secretary.
  • Don Guthrie, representing Session, talked about what was going on. There will be a second interview with an interim pastor next week. There will be a lot of communication going out to church soon. Reverend Steve Startser (sp?) of Fairfield Presbyterian Church will be the new moderator for Session.
  • Don Guthrie closed in prayer.

Concluded: 8:30 pm

Minutes submitted by, Robin Edwards