2/12/13 Student Committee Meeting at 8pm EST

  1. AADMD Student Chapter Updates
  • Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health AND School of Osteopathic Medicine – Abra/Sarah

-Webinar: Students Sharing with Students: Creating Dental and Medical Programs for Individuals with ID/DD on February 26 at 8pm EST. Sarah will present on how to replicate a “Day of Special Smiles,” and Michelle on how to organize a “Disabilities Awareness Week.” Q& A. Post the PowerPoints on the AADMD website. Please, register!

-Interest: from chapters in Jamaica, Rochester, Pittsburg, and British Columbia

-Send out an Info Blast – Dr. Rick Rader

  • Harvard School of Dental Medicine - Sydnee

-Discussion on leadership as well as individual projects during board meeting

-Community dinner (use Special Olympics Grant)

-Potential interactive meeting with MD and patient in future (April?)

  • University of Louisville School of Dentistry – Dr. Linel Holwager & Shane Vaughn

-Working on paperwork to get recognized by university

-Membership drive in the future after gets approved by campus

  • University of Rochester – Drs. DeLucia and Sulks (Dr. Cynthia Wong -> pediatric dentistry residents)

-Forms in! Congratulations! (7 medical students, residents, fellows)

-Medical and dental students – first meeting last week (pizza $)

-How was first meeting? (Discussed Special Olympics volunteer opportunities (NY Winter Games), mentoring opportunities, and AADMD structure and opportunities)

-Special Olympics:

-2/22: Friday - Healthy Hearing at Hyatt Boardrooms 3:30 - 8:00 which will include set up and take down; For Friday's Hearing contact Mark Orlando @

-2/23: Saturday 1 - Fit Feet and FUNFitness at Convention Center 9:30 - 4:30 which includes set up and take down; For Saturday's Fit Feet contact Joe Carbone @ ; For Saturday's FUNFitness contact Amy Pete @

-2/23: Saturday 2 - Special Smiles and Health Promotion at Convention Center 4:30 - 10:00 which includes set up and take down; For Saturday's Special Smiles contact Lisa DeLucia @

contact for volunteering at Winter Games for Special Olympics

  • University of British Columbia (Nancy Vertel) 3/2

-Encourage and recruit new members

-Speak w/ dean about incorporating more hours of didactic sessions or practical instruction on the management of special needs patient in the undergraduate curriculum.

-Looking to be more active in March

  • Georgetown University (Marisa Brown, Kim Bullock, Christine Kim)

-No new updates

  • College of Oral Health Sciences University of Technology in Jamaica (Laurian Lue Yen)

-Meeting – brief board on new MOU

-Will attend webinar

  • University of Southern CA (Dr. Richard Paul Mungo)

-Dr. Mungo needs to meet with Dr. Richard Udin (Chief of the Residency Program at USC) and will get back to us

  • University of Pittsburgh (Greg Sencak)

-More active this semester!

-Volunteering w/ Special Olympics Allegheny County

-Two guest lectures (March) to talk to the students about autism and various struggles that come with it

-Currently attempting to have dental screenings occur at their track and field event in May

-Want to incorporate a “Day of Special Smiles”

-Trying to include both dental and medical students (5-10) – need forms from medical students who are looking for a faculty advisor and approval from their school (next few weeks approval)

  • Baylor College of Medicine

-Dr. Peacock – Med-Peds Program Director & Medical Director of Baylor Transition Medicine Clinic

-Started the Baylor Transition Medicine Clinic in 2005 with the goal of delivering a medical home for young adults with chronic childhood conditions such as spina bifida, sickle cell disease, congenital heard disease, autism, down syndrome, CP, and survivors of childhood cancer

-Has worked with The Arc of Texas

  • University of Arizona College of Medicine

-Assistant professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine

-Research and teaching activities have focused on attitudes toward aging and older adults, chronic illness care, and caregivers of adults with developmental disabilities

-Dr. Lynne Tomasa possibly work with Dr. Bassford who is leading their medical home clinic and Leslie Cohen their Sonoran UCEDD director

-Trying to find students interested

-Any suggestions on how to encourage student involvement?

  1. Special Olympics Grant
  • $300 annually for 4 years per chapter (up to 10 chapters total) – potentially can continue with funds even after 4 years
  • Addendum to MOU – Section V discussions endeavors Special Olympics encourages the chapters to partake in
  • For the 6 chapters that have already submitted their paperwork (ALL APPROVED), I just need an email stating that you have read the addendum to the MOU, met with your board to discuss it, and you agree with it. (Everything is in for University of Rochester and British Columbia )
  1. Conference
  • April 26-28th conference in Mesa, AZ
  • Oral and poster presentations should be announced on 2/15
  1. End the R Word Campaign/Pledge

-Advocacy event in March to work together to end the usage of the R word and encourage more education surrounding ID/DD

-Consider having a pledge at each school and/or movie showing w/ discussion afterwards/Sign a banner w/ logo of their school, Special Olympics, AADMD (R-Word Free Zone)/Hand out URL to sign pledge on line

-Abra sent us the format for the banner and we’ll send it the chapters


  1. Student/Resident Webpage
  • John Hood, our fantastic webmaster, created the student page on the AADMD website based on the sample we made and all agreed on
  1. 24th Annual Conference on Medical Care for People with Developmental Disabilities
  • Arc of New Jersey
  • Friday, May 31, 2013
  • Primary objectives:

-Increase knowledge about health and mental health services for persons who have been diagnosed as having both an intellectual disability and a mental health disorder

-Increase the knowledge of state-of-the-art services and treatment modalities to improve the medical and dental health and well-being of persons with intellectual and other developmental disabilities

-Increase knowledge of services for older adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, including healthcare access for persons who have both Medicaid and Medicare (the dual eligible’s).

  • Westin Hotel in Princeton, New Jersey
  • Conference brochures available in March
  • Will keep everyone updated
  1. Next student committee meeting: 3/12/13 at 8pm EST