St. Clair County Agricultural Society / 2017

Monday, February 13, 2017


Present: Linea Burch, Kristy Hardy, Lori Warchuck, Bob Blumerich, Scott Hill, Dan McCue, Chris Ruemenapp, Mike Tomasek, Rob Usakowski, Rick Ruemenapp, Alan Thueme, Kim Hetzel, Donna Wojtysiak, Bob Clogg, Bernie Dudek.

Excused: Tim Warchuck, Jeff Schelske, Cindy Leone, Al Leone, Kent Renn.

Guests: Marty Cook, Scott Brown, Alyssa Cook, Trevor Thornton, Greg VanCamp.


A motion was made by B. Clogg, supported by S. Hill to approve the agenda as submitted.

Motion carried.


A motion was made by R. Ruemenapp, supported by B. Clogg to approve the minutes of January 9, 2017 as submitted.

Motion carried.


M. Tomasek will be sending out the 120 day report to the Michigan Department of Agriculture. A motion was made by C. Ruemenapp, supported by S. Hill to approve the treasurer’s report and mailing of the 120-day report.

Motion carried.

Bills submitted for $121.60 to Port Huron School District for printing the Fair Bucks, $549.00 for Blue Water Area Chamber of Commerce, $363.55 for Sarnia Chamber of Commerce. We joined Sarnia Chamber of Commerce last year late so there was little benefit. K. Hetzel working on a company picnic. A motion was made by K. Hetzel, supported by R. Ruemenapp to approve the payment of the bills submitted.

Motion carried.


Alyssa Cook has been in 4-H for eight years in the swine project, doesn’t think it’s a good idea to have just the kids go into the sale ring without hogs. Doesn’t like a random sale order.

Marty Cook does not support shortening of the sale, does not believe it’s necessary. Recommending barn duty be implemented to enforce washing hands, no strollers in barns, etc. Selling swine by photos is not in the spirit of 4-H and the swine project. Doesn’t like sale order determined by random lot.

Scott Brown attended swine leaders’ meeting. A lot of discussion at beef weigh in and tagging regarding these changes and was surprised by the changes as outlined on the sheet.

Trevor Thorner questioned why our fair is not vaccinating the swine at weigh in, multiple other fairs are vaccinating the swine without problems.


New furnace to be installed tomorrow. Deadline for entertainment brochure is April 1st.


Winter Achievement had 94 participants. On 28th first regional archery shooting sports training. Sale bill for the 4-H Auction is done and put on Facebook and website. Things are being added daily.



Talked about ag sessions, 74 participants was low. Moving it down to two days and offering sessions and selecting the most popular subjects that were attended well last year. Planning on Thursday and Friday afternoons, adding a demonstration area, like a blacksmith or a booth doing ornamental art. Buttons for youth saying ask me about my project. Signage at tram stops telling visitors to ask kids about their projects. Hands on grain display and wool display set up. They’re going to do a covered wagon, looking for some leather harnesses for two teams of smaller horses.

Fair Facts around the fair, pieces of history on nice signage about our fair, tying in educational pieces of the fair were suggested.

Another area that was suggested was employment opportunities in agriculture, such as agricultural lawyer, including what they can make.

Committee asking for a budget. A motion was made by C. Ruemenapp, supported by A. Thueme to set a budget of $2,000 for the committee. Next meeting is March 7th at 7:00 p.m. at the fair office.

Motion carried.


Ribbon order placed with Regalia. Need to order some from Action and Hodges. Received four trophy bids to date and collected $5,760 in trophy donations to date. Need to order belt buckles.


Can apply for reimbursement for using soybean products. We are not eligible for a grant this year.


Going back to Motocross, and moving that to Tuesday. Proposed entertainment schedule will be rodeo, motocross, truck and tractor pulls on Wed and Thurs, bump and run on Friday and Figure 8 & Demo Derby on Saturday. Private motocross races held on weekends which might be affecting our turnout. A motion was made by R. Ruemenapp, supported by M. Tomasek to approve the entertainment schedule as outlined.

Motion carried.

Figure 8 will add front wheel drive cars and add an additional $1,000 pay out. A motion was made by C. Ruemenapp, support by S. Hill to add a front wheel drive class for Figure 8 and a payout of $1,000.

Motion carried.

Committee would like to put blocks at the west end of the Crater and put sand in front of that and they will pull tractors from east to west. K. Renn and A. Thueme discussed this with the promoters and they feel there are no safety concerns and would be a better show for the audience since the tractors will finish between the 2nd and 3rd pole. Track is 450’ and 300’ required. A motion was made by R. Ruemenapp, supported by K. Hetzel to approve the committee’s recommendation of pulling the trucks and tractors from east to west in the Crater.

Motion carried.

Committee would like a bigger flag for military day on Wednesday, may need to purchase a larger flag. Will need additional bunker blocks, approximately 20 blocks. J. Schelske arranged for a flyover from Selfridge.

Haflinger pitches and Draft Horses have been approved. Not going to do the Haflinger pulls again.


Rope maker will be here this year. D. Wojtysiak is working with Home Depot to do kids activity. R. Usakowski talked to Farm Museum about them doing the barrel train. Pedal tractor pull contract and Tootsie contract have been signed.

Farm Museum called and M. Tomasek will contact them regarding their outstanding bill.

Opening ceremonies were discussed. Will discuss crowning the court earlier, prior to the fair.

A motion was made by C. Ruemenapp, supported by S. Hill to sign the Animal Oasis contract.

Motion carried.


No report.


Jackpot Beef Show April 22nd and 23rd. Committee met last Thursday. St. Clair County is one of 7 counties participating. Want to use the scale, post pounder, gates, coolers, electrical panel and will hook on at the new service at the dairy barn to run a fair office. 150 steers expected, and they’ve rented the buildings. A motion was made by A. Thueme, support by B. Dudek to allow the Jackpot show to use the equipment requested.

Motion carried.

Last year we had a ruling in the fair book regarding inability to exhibit animals prior to our fair, not all species were consistent. State vet recommended 14 days. R. Ruemenapp is requesting that the fair implement a 14 day period prior to fair that no livestock would be exhibited at another exhibition, with the exception of horses and dogs. A motion was made by K. Hetzel, supported by B. Clogg to implement a 14-day period prior to fair whereby livestock animals, poultry, rabbits, hogs, sheep, swine, dairy, beef, veal, walking fleece, goats, llamas could not be exhibited/shown at another exhibition.

Motion carried.

MDA gave a presentation at convention that broke down the risks and recommendations for showing swine in 2017. The swine leaders met two weeks ago and came up with recommendations.

L. Warchuck reported that poultry have been selling by photos and they have not experienced any change in prices due to that.

Recommendations were made regarding tagging and the swine superintendents are asking the Fair Board to approve those, which means tags will be handed out instead of having swine come to tagging.

A motion was made by R. Ruemenapp, supported by K. Hardy to adopt the recommendations regarding the swine tagging.

Motion carried.


Planning to meet on February 22nd for contract negotiations, but have to confirm with M. Brochu, so R. Usakowski will confirm that with the committee.


A motion was made by R. Ruemenapp, supported by A. Thueme to have Matt Liebetreu do electrical for a term of five years.

Motion carried.


No report.


Will need to meet and firm up plans for publicity.


K. Hetzel may have a DJ that will sponsor in exchange for 1 day playing music. Currently have music entertainment on Friday from 5-8 and Saturday from 4:30-7:30.


Will try to finish up superintendent handbook next month.


Will set up a meeting at 6:00 prior to the leave negotiations at the fair office.



A motion was made by C. Ruemenapp, supported by A. Thueme to sign a four-year contract with Skerbeck Family Carnival.

Motion carried.



We have an estimate for additional pens for the show arena for $12,034. Pens are 4 x 8. B. Blumerich will haul them for free if we have to pay for hauling. A motion was made by K. Hardy, supported by K. Hetzel to have Fair Board pay for one half of the cost of the pens, with the livestock committee paying the other half, and we will apply for the grant that’s available for pens.

Motion carried.


Parks and Recreation will be using our tram this year.


We will sell the trailer that was donated to us by 4-H Council in exchange for the use of our tram as a float. We will sell it in the spring on Craig’s List.


We were asked to host the March Zone 2 meeting. We will do a tour of the park at 6:00 p.m. with dinner at 7:00 p.m. at Goodells County Park. We will look at dates, tentatively March 29th.


A motion was made by A. Thueme, supported by D. Wojtysiak to adjourn at 9:24 p.m.

Motion carried.


Chris Ruemenapp, Secretary