Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Thursday 3rd October 2013 in the Coverack Lambeage Hall at 7.16pm.

The following Councillors were present:-

Cllr R Combe (Chairman) / Cllr D Lambrick (Vice-chairman)
Cllr A R Peters / Cllr M Anselmi
Cllr A Richards / Cllr W Frisken
Cllr R Richards / Cllr Mrs S Lyne
Cllr R Hocking / Cllr R Beadle
Cllr D Kevern

Also present: - C Cllr W Sanger, PCSO Julia Berry, Emma Ferguson (Helston Packet) and 6 members of the public.

1.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr A Carey.

2.  Members to declare personal and prejudicial interest (including details thereof) in respect of any item on this agenda and any dispensations thereon previously granted or requested now

There were no declarations or any dispensations thereon previously granted or requested now.

3.  To receive Cornwall Cllr Walter Sanger’s report

Cornwall Cllr Walter Sanger started by advising that he had forwarded Council's concerns about the ditch on the way down into Coverack and at Rosenithon to Highways. He had not been able to check for a reply due to computer issues. He had given names of owners of overhanging trees to Cornwall Council and advised them to cut the trees and re-charge the owners – this was the only way of getting people to take responsibility. In response to a query at the last meeting; Cornwall Council reserves were £50m, which was not much when the total budget was £4bn. £17m was already earmarked for expenditure by the end of March 2104 leaving £32m, which included property value. On another question raised by the Clerk at the previous meeting; there would probably not be any grant for toilets in the next financial year, as Manaccan had since been told that there would be no grant for it to take over Helford toilets. The parking area at Traboe Cross belonged to Cornwall Council and because there was not a parking order for that area nothing could be done to move vehicles on. On another note; next year’s council tax rate was being discussed at Cornwall Council and officers had been given an exercise to carry out to see what effects a rise of 6% would have on budgets and services. There was no decision made yet – the Cabinet recommendation was 1.97% but officers had to be prepared for a member to suggest a different figure on the day of the debate and the effects it could have. Any figure over 2% would have to go to a referendum, which it could lose, and the cost of the referendum would have to be taken into account as well. He was asked whether he would support a 6% rise and Cllr Walter Sanger stated that he would not support a 6% rise in council tax. He queried planning item 8b) as he felt there was a Section 106 on it and if it went above a certain value owing to alterations done, then it would get taken out of the range of local needs housing option for the future. Cllr Walter Sanger concluded his report and gave his apologies for the next meeting.

4.  To receive PCSO Julia Berry’s report.

Please accept my apologies for not attending the meeting this evening.

During September there were 6 crimes reported to the Police:

Harassment without fear of violence; this is currently under investigation.

Criminal damage to vehicle; this crime has been filed pending further evidence coming forward.

Criminal damage; this has been dealt with by restorative disposal and the offender will be paying for the damage.

Cause fear or provocation of violence; this crime has also been dealt with by restorative disposal and the offender has apologised and been given instructions not to contact the victim.

Communication Act; this crime is currently under investigation.

If you have any crimes you would like to report please telephone 101, or should you have any concerns which you would like to discuss please call me on 01326 555158, this is an answer machine service, please leave a message and I will get back to you.

PCSO Julia Berry also noted that she had received a telephone call about Coverack street lights opening event. The previous year some street traders had turned up and disrupted events. She had asked advice of Cornwall Council and they had advised that if people wanted to trade then they needed permission from the landowner (Highways in this case) or the organizers. It was noted. Cllr Bill Frisken advised that a push-bike had been left on the harbour for two weeks. PCSO Julia Berry noted it.

5.  Public Question Time.

One member of the public noted that someone had come across a bullock whilst walking on a footpath in the fog. In the light of recent events at St Martin where a walker was still recovering from being badly injured by cows on a footpath, he wondered whether the Parish Council could or should be doing something. This was not a Parish Council matter – it needed national legislation of some kind. He then spoke about the problem of parking in Coverack during the summer months, particularly on 16th August this year. He felt more should be done to create additional parking. It was noted.

The Vicar and verger were present to speak about the removal of the church organ (agenda item 13). It was RESOLVED to bring item 13 forward for discussion. Verger Mr Bevan stated that the redevelopment of the church had been going for on a long time, with the PCC discussing the idea of putting a robing area in the east corner – therefore necessitating the removal of the organ – since 2009. In August 2013 they started to remove it because they had received no opposition. Mr Bevan added that the organ no longer worked, the costs to repair and restore it would be prohibitive and it had not been used since 2010, when an electric keyboard was given to the church. Cllr D Lambrick believed the organ was part of the fabric of St Keverne Church and questioned why the notice of intent was only placed in the church rather than on the parish notice board; basing their findings on only four per cent of the parish. Cllr A Richards felt the Parish Council had been assured that it would be kept informed. Rev Sharpe stated he was surprised to find it had caused concern. He did think there was a logical reason why the organ should be removed. He asked for anyone with concerns to contact him directly as he could not respond to something if he did not know anything about it. Cllr R Peters believed the organ and pipes were aesthetically important to the church, even if not musically, and that with the right professional advice the keyboard could have been incorporated into the existing organ. He felt that it had been mishandled and thought that was why the parishioners and parish council were concerned as to what has happened. Cllr Bill Frisken felt the problem was that the PCC was acting alone and the Parish Council was getting the flack. Mr Bevan added that he also got flack. No-one instructed him to go back to the Parish Council. On the matter of the war memorial plaques; he felt they were not owned by the church and consultation with the Parish Council was warranted but that the organ and music was owned by the church. The public was upset that the fabric of the church had been changed at the hands of a few people. The Vicar agreed to hold a public meeting at the end of November, after the second phase of the re-development work had been completed.

Cornwall Cllr Walter Sanger left the meeting.

Another member of the public spoke about the elm trees growing out into the road opposite Chymbloth Way. Highways had been advised of this in the summer but they would be reminded about it.

Cllrs D Lambrick and R Richards left the meeting.

6.  To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED that the Chairman sign the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and correct record.

7.  To receive any pre-planning applications (to be in the hall by 6.45pm to enable members to view)

There were no pre-planning applications.

8.  To receive the following planning applications

a)  PA13/07787 Conversion and extension of existing utility building to dwelling, Land off Tregisky Lane, North Corner, Coverack, Mr Troughton & Ms B Roskilly

There had been no objections received by Coverack members. It was a local family working in the village. It was RESOLVED to strongly support the application.

b)  PA13/07660 Replace existing garage door with a UPVC white window and conversion of garage into utility area, Harmony House, Trelyn Road, St Keverne, Ms Sara Cordall

This was the matter raised by Cornwall Cllr Walter Sanger regarding a possible S106 Local Needs Agreement being on the property. There was nothing in the application about it and no design and access statement where it might have been mentioned. It was therefore RESOLVED to defer the application as Council had not been furnished with all the facts. Meanwhile the Clerk would ask planning whether it did have a 106 on it.

c)  PA13/08001 Conversion of barn to dwelling, Barn At Lestowder Farm, Gillan, Manaccan, Mr D Martin

It was felt that this was now standard policy and members RESOLVED to support the application.

d)  PA13/07944 Conversion of barn to form holiday let, The Loft, Tregarne, Manaccan, Ms J Kelly (extension of time)

It was unanimously RESOLVED to support the application.

e)  PA13/08241 Erection of a dwelling, Thornhill, North Corner, Coverack, Mr R Bray (KBS Developers)

This already had outline planning permission, it was therefore RESOLVED to support the application.

9.  To receive planning decisions

24.09.2013 PA12/04248 WITHDRAWN

Applicant: Airwave Solutions Limited

Location: Land at Polcoverack Farm Polcoverack Lane Coverack Cornwall

Proposal: Installation of 2Nr. 6 metre timber poles each supporting a Yagi

antenna with an equipment cabinet at ground level and ancillary


23.09.2013 PA13/07081 APPROVED

Applicant: Mrs Ann Lambrick

Location: Rosevean Farm St. Martin Helston TR12 6DU

Proposal: Change of use of an agricultural barn from animal store to furniture

store; sales to the general public will be made from the furniture


03.09.2013 PA13/04111 S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps

Applicant: Cemex UK Materials Limited

Location: Dean Quarry St Keverne Helston Cornwall TR12 6NY

Proposal: Submission of details to discharge conditions 25, 32 and 33 in

respect of decision notice NR/09/00504/ROMPS

03.09.2013 PA13/07306 S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps

Applicant: Mr and Mrs C Sharpe

Location: Ivy Cottage, The Cove, Coverack, Helston, Cornwall

Proposal: Submission of details to discharge condition 4 in relation to decision

notice PA13/04550

10.  Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on this agenda (for information only)

a)  Response from Highways to question re STOP signs in Ruan Minor

Tom Marks was unable to explain how two STOP signs got permission in Ruan Minor as he was not around when the decision was made. However, he advised that his recommended improvements around Traboe Cross mentioned the previous month, had been approved and he hoped work would start soon. It was noted.

b)  Response from PM’s office and MP re removal of business rates from public toilets

The Prime Minister’s Office had forwarded Council's letter to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills for a response and MP Andrew George had written to the Department for Communities and Local Government. He added that he fully supported the campaign to exclude the rating of public conveniences owned or operated by Parish Councils. It was noted.

11.  To approve advertising in the toilets to raise some income for maintenance

A copy of the proposed letter that would be sent to businesses was circulated and if members were happy with the letter, then the working party would go ahead. Businesses in the parish would be targeted first and then bigger companies would be approached. A suggestion was made that holiday accommodation within the parish should also be targeted, which was noted. It was agreed that the working party go ahead and send out the letter.

12.  To consider increase of licence fee for Porthoustock foreshore by £5 to £45

It was RESOLVED to accept the increase of licence fee for Porthoustock foreshore by £5 to £45.

13.  To discuss removal of church organ

This had already been dealt with under Public Questions.

14.  Correspondence

a)  Cornwall Council Community Emergency Plans – meetings Truro 14th Oct, Pz 23rd Oct

It was noted.

b)  Clerks and Councils Direct magazine

It was noted.

c)  Superfast broadband now available across 75% of Cornwall – grants for businesses

It was noted.

d)  Free trees – minimum 250 trees for any land that has public access

It was agreed to follow this up.

e)  Coverack Space 2k Bonfire Night – request to use North Corner Green near bus shelter

Permission was granted.

15.  To receive the financial statement

Current account: £6,725.00 Business Tracker account: £41,031.49

16.  The cheques to be signed by Councillor W Frisken

17.  To approve the following outstanding accounts

a)  Clerk’s pay 558.22

b)  Clerk’s expenses (incl £27.50 Chairman’s chain pin) 54.91

c)  HMRC TAX/NI 91.20

d)  Susan Roberts (St Keverne bus shelter cleaning) 60.00

e)  Mr B Lugg (St Keverne toilets lock/unlock) 62.00

f)  Cornwall Council rates Harbour toilets 57.00

g)  Cornwall Council rates St Keverne “ 74.00