Name: ______

New Testament Notes – Chapters 21-23

John 15

-JC =______

-Father = ______

-Humanity = ______

-______is fruitful = pruned by Father

-Branch is ______- = cut off and burned in fire (hell)

-Branch can’t bear fruit by itself, must be part of the______-

The Last Supper

- ______was high priest

- Arrest Christ after ______

- washing of disciple’s ______

- ______wouldn’t allow this action

- Jesus told to ______to do his action of betrayal quickly

- New commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you” – ______

- Judas betray Jesus; ______pieces of silver

- “The one who has ______their hand in the dish with me, will betray me”

Passover was celebrated with 4 cups:

  1. After blessing, ______was drunk followed by bitter herbs that symbolized the bitterness of captivity in ______
  2. Passover story read from ______, Psalm 113 sung and ______cup drunk
  3. Main meal of______and unleavened bread, after which the 3rd cup, “______” was drunk
  4. Psalms ______were sung and Passover came to its climax when the 4th cup the “______---” was drunk

Jesus changed ______“this is my body…”

V. 28“Blood of this covenant” (Ex. 24:8) ratification of covenant btw Israel and God; Jesus introduces new covenant ratified by His blood

V. 28 references ______“The Suffering Servant”

Jesus is the ______- of the new covenant

He establishes a new covenant from His body and blood  anticipates death on the ______

Agony in the Garden

4th cup: “Cup of consummation”

- sung psalms but then left to mount of ______

- Gethsemane “______”

- took Peter, James, and ______to keep watch- fell asleep ______times

- v 39 “if possible let this ______pass from me”

- 4th cup = his death on cross was to be consummation of his ______

- Judas betrayed Jesus with a ______and arrested

- taken to ______(the council of Jewish elders)

Trial and Denial

- ______sent JC to son-in-law, Caiaphas

- charged with ______= crime of insulting God or of claiming Godlike attributes.

- ______denied Him three times

- ______hanged himself

Pontius Pilate

- Pilate was persuaded JC was threat to ______

- sent to ______because Galilee was under his jurisdiction

- custom of releasing one man, ______

- Barabbas= “______”

- mock Christ with ______

- ______forced to carry the cross

Crucifixion of Christ

-Golgotha = “______”

-“Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews”

-“Jesus of Nazareth, this man said I am King of the Jews”

-______-- – seamless garment, same as a Jewish high priest wore; cast lots

-Veronica – wiped face with veil, left image

-Gesmas – ______

-Dismas – ______

Last words of Christ

1."Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."


3."Woman, behold your son. Son behold your Mother"




7."Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit."

John took Mary into his home ______

Christ was on the cross for______- hours

Offered Jesus sour wine on a branch of a ______, same used for sprinkling blood of the Passover lamb in Exodus

“It is finished” = the 4th cup he said he wouldn’t drink until the time came

______-of Temple was torn - tearing pre-figured end of Old Covenant; outer curtain was decorated with pictures of whole creation

Broke knees of criminals before______-

Psalm ______– The Crucifixion Psalm

Passover Jesus Christ

One yr. old______w/o blemish

No broken ______

lamb’s blood smeared on doorposts

Lamb’s ______would be eaten

Unleavened bread was to be eaten

Memorial feast is established.

1. when event is ______

2. participants are truly part of the original event.

-Passover = sacrifice, meal, God’s saving blessing

If Israelites don’t eat lamb’s flesh, then they are not saved

He is unblemished______

No broken bones during crucifixion

______was on the cross

Flesh of Christ is eaten under form of bread and wine in the ______

Hosts is made of unleavened bread

Last Supper- Jesus makes memorial feast

1. Mass reenacts Last Supper

2. we truly believe we are part of the original event

- Mass = Last Supper (meal), Crucifixion (sacrifice), Resurrection (God’s saving blessing)

Isaac Jesus Christ

Miraculous birth (Sarah)

Only ______

Mt.______“up a hill and sacrificed”

Arrived on a donkey

Carried______on his back

“laid him upon the wood”


Sacrificed ram instead; stuck in thistle

Isaac called for Abraham, “My ______”

______birth (Virgin Mary)

Only Son


Arrived on a ______

Carried cross (wood) on his back

Christ was ______on cross before being nailed

Christ was arrested

wore______of thorns

Christ, while on cross cries, “Father”

The Resurrection

-______-- bodies dumped in public burial ground

-______(Part of Sanhedrin) asked Pilate for Christ’s body

-______(Pharisee) brought myrrh and aloes for Jesus’ burial

-Sanhedrin requested a______- by Pilate outside the tomb of Christ

-Sandehrin paid guards to spread rumors that Christ’s disciples ______

Finding at TempleEmpty Tomb

In Jerusalem

Lost for ______

Parents looks everywhere for him

______was about father’s business

JC tells Joseph & Mary about father’s business and both were astonished

Mary (Mother pondered things in her heart)

______and anguish felt by Mary and Joseph

In ______

In tomb for 3 days

Women sought JC – asked “why do you seek living among dead?”

JC about business of redemption

Jesus not in______, women were astonished

Women “remembered his words” (will rise in 3 days)

Road to ______: men in sorrow and anguish when he died and not in their life; didn’t recognize JC

John 20

-Mary Magdalene first to tomb, told Peter and John

-______was first to enter the tomb

-MM thought JC was ______, didn’t recognize until stated her______

-JC told her to tell disciples that he is ascending to the father

-20:19 – Jesus comes to apostles and gives them power to forgive sins,JC gave them the same ______he possessed

-Doubting ______, placed finger in wounds

John 21

-Disciples went back to everyday lives once Christ died, ______

-Peter recognized it was Christ once they caught fish, just as when they were called to be apostles

-______types of fish

-fulfillment of denial ______times; “Do you love me?

Luke 24: Walk to Emmaus

-Two disciples

-Jesus taught them how all of history led up to His death and Resurrection

-didn’t recognize Christ until he ______

-Ate the ______- to prove to disciples he wasn’t a ______

-“Stay in city, until you are clothed with power from on high” = Pentecost

-The Ascension of Christ

Commissioning of Apostles: Matthew 28:16-20

- Jesus commissions the apostles to mission

- v.19: “______”

- disciples are instructed to




Jesus fulfills the Old Testament

•Old Testament cannot be understood without the ______

•Jesus Christ lifts the _____from the Old Testament so we can see its full meaning

•The promises of the _____ Old Testament covenants are perfectly fulfilled in Christ

5 Covenants

  1. ______= Jesus restores our relationship with God that was broken by Adam’s sin
  2. ______= waters no longer destroy but rather redeem us
  3. ______= through Jesus (A’s descendant) all people of the world are blessed
  4. ______= righteousness demanded by the Law is given to us in Christ
  5. ______= Jesus, the Son of David, is Lord of all nations

Church before Jesus

From the beginning God had a plan to ______us

God told his people about the plan long before ______was born

-History of Church began at ______

-we needed saved from ourselves only after we sinned against______-

-______Patriarchs could even be called Christians because they knew God’s plan and expected the Messiah to come