NCD EG on Non-Communicable Diseases related to Lifestylesand Social and Work Environments6th NCD EG meeting 21-22 February 2013
in Riga, Latvia /
Meeting venue: Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Address:22 Duntes Street, Riga
Reference / NCD 6/3/2Title / Provisional Programme
Submitted by / NCD EG Secretariat
Summary / Note / This Provisional Programme includes also annotations specifying
organizations and other relevant information
Requested action / Adoption
NCD-6,1st DAY
Thursday 21 February/ NCD-6 EG12:30 – 13:00 / REGISTRATION AND COFFEE
13:00 -13:15 / Agenda item 1.
Opening of the meeting NCD-6 (Chair of NCD EG Mikko Vienonen)
Agenda item2.
Welcome of the NCD-6 participants (Host Country, to be confirmed)
13:15-13:30 / Agenda items 3.-4.
All participants of NCD EG
- Adoption of the agenda for NCD-6
5. Election of Rapporteur(s)
13:30-15:00 / Agenda item 6.
NCD-EG updates
Chair of NCD EG Mikko Vienonen and ITA of NCD EG Dmitry Titkov
6.1Approval of report of NCD-5 meeting (October 2012)
6.2Information about NDPHS Annual Report 2012. The role of NCD EG.
6.3NCD-EG Work-plan 2013. Discussion about the process of implementation.
6.4The 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion will be held in Helsinki 10th- 14thJune 2013. The NCD EG will participate in the Conference as will be agreed by organizers (the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland and WHO) through special workshops and poster presentations on NCD prevention elucidating NDPHS role and action in the fight of NCD epidemic in our region.
6.5Update of NCD Thematic Report
6.6Other NCD-issues for updating
15:00-15:30 / COFFEE/ TEA BREAK
15:30 – 17:30 / Agenda item 7.
(NDPHS Secretariat Silvija Juscenko)
7.1Feed-back from the PAC 9 (30 Oct. 2012) and its side event (29 Oct. 2012)
7.2Feed-back from the 15th NDPHS Chairs’ and ITAs’ meeting held in Helsinki (4-5 Feb. 2013).
7.3Revised EUSBSR Action Plan (The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region)
7.4NDPHS Work Plan for 2013
7.5New funding opportunities for NDPHS Flagship projects
7.6Ongoing evaluation of the NDPHS in 2013.
7.7Other matters
17:30 - 18:00 / Agenda item 8.
EUSBSR Action Plan - targets and indicators
(NDPHS Secretariat and all members of NCD EG - discussion)
19:00 - 21:30 / Get-together dinner (to be confirmed)
NCD-62nd DAY
Friday22February201309:00-10:30 / Agenda item 9.
NDPHS evaluation exercise
(Evaluators’ team)
The EGs (including NCD) have in 2012 expressed the importance to have their experience and views heard in the NDPHS evaluation process. Following this request the evaluators are attending the NCD-6 meeting. More details on the evaluation process and the envolvement of NSD EG members will be provided in due course before the NCD-6 meeting (most likely after 5 Feb after the 15th Chairs’ & ITAs’ mtg)
10:30-11:00 / COFFEE/ TEA BREAK
11:00-12:30 / Agenda item 10.
Further development and facilitation of NCD EG projects
(Chair of NCD EG Mikko Vienonen and all NCD participants)
[As part of the implementation of NDPHS Action Plan 2011, the NCD EG promised to facilitate the elaboration of project plans, promote their start up and organize eventual monitoring of progress of tentatively two Flagship-projects in the NCD-prevention area:
1.On-going: Healthier people: management of change through monitoring and action in St.Petersburg (2012-1213)
2.In planning: FLAGSHIP-B PROJECT/ RESULTS! EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL NCD PREVENTION STRATEGIES[information about the present phase of EU Regio fast-track project funding options in collaboration with northern dimension Institute and NCD EG member countries “Towards healthier and more prosperous region through addressing the non-communicable diseases (NCD) epidemics]
3.In planning: NCD FLAGSHIP-A PROJECT/ PREVENTION OF OVER-WEIGHT AND OBESITY AMONG SCHOOLCHILDREN (ages 7-15) [information of the present phase with EU FP7 facility in collaboration withUniversity of Erlangen-Nuremberg/ Germany, Institute of Sport Science and Sport and WHO-EURO]
to be continued…
12:30-13:30 / LUNCH
13:30 -15:15 / Agenda item 10. continued …
Further development and facilitation of NCD EG projects
(Chair of NCD EG Mikko Vienonen and all NCD participants)
15:30-16:00 / Agenda item 11. Next NCD EG meeting
Agenda item 12. Any other business
Agenda item 13. Adoption of the NCD-5 meeting minutes
Agenda item 14. Closing of the NCD-5 meeting