1) ART: Your visual art summer assignment is to complete any image of your choice, using your Research Workbook (journal) for research, brainstorming, thumbnailing,experimenting and reflecting. The medium and technique is completely the student's choice. Remember that whatever you choose, you are not "wed" to this genre for the remainder of your portfolio building experience. We will be critiquing thesefinal images the first week of school in August. Have a great summer! Mrs. Hill

2) IB Photo:

1)72 DIGITALl images abstracting a scene or image by magnification (very close up) and distortion (blurr, shaking camera,night shots, movement of subject,etc). Put these on a thumb drive that we will view at school the first week back.
2) 2 rolls of 35mm film based on the theme "reflecting on my past images". You may delve into past projects investigating them further. Experiment and re-discover.....this is your chance to create images "in the manner of"...YOU!
3)Also, keep journaling in your RWB. This research can be of a certain genre of photography, a certain method (types of film, camera, altered process, etc.), or a certain photographers style and how you would interpret it into your own style. Enter these ideas into your RWB so that we can discuss as we begin our year.
Remember to look at life like a's more fun that way!

3) BIOLOGY (II and III) Read Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything" and have it complete at the start of the school year. As they are reading, they need to highlight key ideas/new thoughts/interesting questions from each chapter. We will be completing a Paideia seminar at the return of school this fall which will get them their first major grade.

Any student requesting a college reference letter from Ms Parrott, needs to email her by July 31st so that they can be completed this summer. I will email back a form for them to fill out and they will return this form to me along with their resume. No new letters of reference will be written during the school year.

4) 20th Century Topic in International History:

Initial Reading Assignment

Due Date: September 7

Step One: Choose one book from the list below. The public and college libraries have many of these, or if you want your own copy, try one of the bookstores or Amazon. I recommend you choose a topic where your knowledge base is weakest. Feel free to use an encyclopedia for background information so you can make a good choice or to understand any confusing details. These books are written at a college level. You are not expected to write the definitive work on the author but pick out his/her main argument and a few smaller arguments. If you are confused about the expectations of this assignment please email me at .

Communism in Russia

Sheila Fitzpatrick Everyday Stalinism

Interwar Period

Margaret MacMillan Paris 1919: Six months that changed the world

World War II and Hitler

Robert Gellately Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Hitler’s Germany

Communism in China

Jung Chang Mao: The Unknown Story

Edgar Snow Red Star Over China

The Cold War

John Lewis Gaddis The Cold War: A New History

Jeremy Suri Power and Protest: Global revolution and the rise of Détente

Perón and Castro

Joseph Page Perón: A Biography

Robert Crassweller Perón and the Enigmas of Argentina

Robert Quirk Fidel Castro

Step Two: Make notecards on your book. You should include the following information on your notecards:

Notecard #1: Major argument of the book – what is the author’s overall thesis statement?

Notecard #2: At least three smaller arguments within the book. Typically these are arranged according to chapter but NOT ALWAYS. Often authors have general themes that run throughout the book that are not part of the major argument but are given substantial time and explanation.

Notecard #3: Specific evidence given by the author related to ONE of the above smaller arguments or evidence supporting the overall argument. Evidence is factual information. Author’s opinion should not be included on these notecards. This card should include major players/characters in the book and should reflect how the author approached their research. Was it through the general population, international political figures, Governmental organizations, a mixture of these?

Notecard #4: Specific analysis given by the author. Analysis takes the evidence above and does something with it. Analysis shows why the evidence is important and how it relates to the overall thesis. How does the author use their evidence to prove their point?

Notecard #5: List 3 strengths of the author’s argument as well as 3 weaknesses. Does the author use a variety of sources? Are there gaping holes in the argument or evidence used to support the argument? Is the argument one-sided? Does the author present strong evidence at the beginning of the argument but allows the argument to weaken towards the end?

I don’t care what size notecards you choose. By the end of your reading you might have more than 5 notecards but do not feel like you must have more than 5 notecards. The notecards with the most information should be #3 and #4.

5) IB English 12

Mrs. Regen:

Welcome SENIORS! I look forward to getting to know you as you begin your final stretch towards graduation and new horizons. In order to prepare for English, you need to do TWO things this summer. Feel free to email me with any questions.


For this assignment, you are to choose 1 of the 500-word essays required in the application of one of the colleges you’re interested in. You must bring a completed draft of this essay to class on the very first day, ready to hand in. Here are some stipulations:

· The draft must be typed, double-spaced, and must be within 50 words of the word-count.

· You must include at the top of the page, the question or prompt, exactly as it is worded in the application AND the college/university for which it is required.

· Use the standard heading which we’ll continue to use all year. In the upper right hand corner, type name, date turned in, then class period. Ex:

Summer Whethers

August 27, 2009

B-4th Period

· Your draft need not be polished, as you will continue to revise in class. However, it should be thoughtful and well-crafted.



For this assignment, you are to choose one of the following memoirs to read. Our first few days of class will be spent discussing language, voice, and style—elements that you as sophisticated writers should be aware of in your own work. As you read, mark passages (you decide how many) that you find particularly eloquent, surprising, unusual, poetic, or stylistic—ones that are memorable, either because of the ideas they present or the way the writer presents them.

You must bring a copy of the book to class on the first day with your excerpts marked. Choose one of the following—there’s something here for everyone! Choose with care and go online or browse the bookstore/library to help you decide.

Paula Isabel Allende

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Maya Angelou

Growing Up Russell Baker

All Over But the Shoutin’ Rick Bragg

American Childhood Annie Dillard

Angela’s Ashes Frank McCourt

Reading Lolita in Tehran Azar Nafisi

When I Was Puerto Rican Esmeralda Santiago

The Glass Castle Jeanette Wall

Black Boy Richard Wright

Memoirs Pablo Neruda

Speak, Memory Vladimir Nabokov


Rising seniors need to study chapters 7, 8.5, 8.6, and 14 in their IB Physics texts. There is no specific written assignment.

7) Madame Hummel’s French classes:

For rising seniors (French V-IB et V-AP): Lecture du magazine L’Express ou Actualité

*This is an OPTIONAL assignment!

*Objective: This assignment is intended to give you the opportunity to read and understand a real article intended for French speakers in preparation for the IB Oral. You will be able to become familiar with current events in the Francophone world so that you have some ideas for Oral topics. In general, the more you read, the better prepared you will be French 5 and your Oral.

*Choose an article that is at least 2 pages long. Read it, then write a summary in English of 150 words. These magazines are challenging—you will probably need to research names/acronyms on the internet to get a feel for what the article is reporting. TYPE your assignment, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman.

Due at the beginning of our 2nd class. Worth 10 points of extra credit to be added to your first quiz/test grade 1st quarter. I will grade based on the accuracy/thoroughness of your summary. Late assignments will NOT be accepted! Feel free to email the assignment to me whenever you prepare it at . Make sure to bring back the magazine on the first day of class or I will not be able to grade your summaries and you will receive half-credit! Bonne chance! Enjoy your summer!

8) Sra Haselhorst”s Spanish 5:

Summer Assignment<>

10 Question Quizzes, no vosotros:



Parent Signature

Regular Preterite

Stem-changing Preterite

Orthographic-changing Preterite

Ser, ir, dar, hacer Preterite

Imperfect- regular and irregular

Imperative- formal


Imperative-informal irregular

Spanish 5 Summer Assignment:
Review the 1000 most common words. Make flashcards of the ones you don't know.