Dissertation Title for M.A. in Applied Linguistics 2007-2009
No. / Name / Title1. / Chan Ching Yan, Sammi (Miss) / Teacher language alternation in an ESL classroom in an English as the medium of instruction (EMI) secondary school: A case study
2. / Chan Ho Yin, Tony (Mr) / The language learning strategies used by L2 English learners in the processing of corrective feedback: A case study from a secondary school in Hong Kong
3. / Cheng Man Chi, Sammi (Miss) / Self assessment in the School-based Assessment speaking component in a Hong Kong Secondary Four classroom: A case study
4. / Cheung Ka Man, Annie (Miss) / Exploring the effectiveness of integrating Language Arts into a language classroom: A case study of a Hong Kong Secondary Two classroom
5. / Ho Chun Yue, Fiona (Miss) / A case study of Primary 5 students’ perception of the inductive approach and deductive approach in vocabulary teaching through the use of theme-based readers
6. / Kwok Chun Tung, Tony (Mr) / Code-switching and context: Students’ code choice in interaction
7. / Lai Man Wai, Jeanette (Miss) / Examining learner vocabulary notebooks in a low proficiency Form-Four Chinese-as-the-medium-of-instruction (CMI) class in Hong Kong
8. / Lam Chor Jing, Ana (Miss) / A case study of the effect of second language drama teaching on learning motivation in high and low achieving classes in Hong Kong
9. / Lam Kai Ho, Ronald (Mr) / Learning Spanish in Hong Kong: A study of a lone language learner’s experience
10. / Law Yuen Yi, Ellie (Miss) / Evaluating learning gain in a self-access language learning centre: Case studies of six low proficiency students
11. / Lee, Ely (Miss) / Perceptions and practices of code-mixing in MSN among secondary school students in Hong Kong
12. / Ngai Sze Yee, Jessica (Miss) / Understanding written feedback practices as well as teachers’ and students’ perceptions and attitudes towards written feedback in an ESP context in Hong Kong
13. / Poon Pui Hang, Regina (Miss) / Exploring students’ perceptions of Language Arts activities in a Secondary One Chinese-medium co-educational school: A case study
14. / Seto Tin Ki, Tinky (Miss) / The impact of the English Language School-based Assessment in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination on the teaching and assessment practices of teachers of Secondary Four lower-proficiency learners: A case study
15. / So Wing Yan, Amie (Miss) / The experience of learning German of a group of university students in Hong Kong
16. / Tao, Elvin (Mr) / Gender differences in student perceptions of the learning of poetry in an English-medium co-educational secondary school in Hong Kong
17. / Towey, David Andrew Douglas (Johnny) (Mr) / A study of teachers’ perceptions of how they teach writing in English language classes at the British Council in Hong Kong
18. / Wong Lai Kwan, Janice (Ms) / Reflections on the implementation of a new literacy programme with a focus on reading and writing in a Hong Kong Primary One classroom
19. / Yu, Florence (Miss) / Learning English through films: A case study of a Hong Kong class
20. / Yuen Ho Yan, Aron (Mr) / Perceptions and practices of mixed-code teaching among English teachers in the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education