International Society For the Study of Harmful Algae
The 13th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Nov. 3-7 2008 Hong Kong
Poster Presentation
Panel No. /Name of Presenter
/Presentation title
HAB Events, Distribution and Impacts
P1 / Aktan, Yelda / Mucilage event associated with diatoms and dinoflagellates from the Marmara Sea, TurkeyP2 / Aligizaki, K. / Toxic and potentially toxic epiphytic dinoflagellates in Greek coastal waters
P4 / Ferrario, M. / Potentially harmful microalgae from SW Atlantic Ocean - A review
P5 / Gao Ya-Hui / Characteristics of Phytoplankton Communities in Hong Kong Waters in 2004
P6 / Hai Doan-Nhu / Red tides in south central coast of Vietnam: Biodiversity and planktonic community structure consequences
P7 / Hällfors Heidi / The geographical distribution and seasonal occurrence of a new peridinioid dinoflagellate in the Baltic Sea: Heterocapsaarctica ssp. frigida ssp. nov
P8 / Ismael, Amany A. / Coastal engineering and Harmful Algal Blooms along Alexandria coast, Egypt
P9 / Ismael, Gárate-Lizárraga / HAB events and PSP in the southwestern region of the Mexican coast (1993–2007)
P10 / Lam, Nguyen-Ngoc / On the benthic dinoflagellate, Ostreopsis siamensis in Vietnamese coastal waters and comparison of its morphology with O. lenticularis and O. ovata
P11 / Liang, Jilin / A survey of potentially toxic epiphytic dinoflagellates of Sanya waters, Hainan Island coast, South China Sea
P12 / Licea, Sergio / Monitoring of toxic dinoflagellates species in the Salvadorian waters: abundance and occurrence (August 2006-May 2008).
P13 / Lim, W.A. / Short-term variation of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and domoic acid in SE Korean coastal waters, 2006-2007
P14 / Liu, Chun Li / Temporal and Spatial Variability of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) off the Coast of Western South China Sea
P15 / Matsuoka, Kazumi / Seasonal occurrence of a harmful unarmored dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides Margalef in the East China Sea
P16 / Mariangela / Epi-benthic dinoflagellate assemblage from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P17 / Noor, Normawaty Mohammad / Co-occurrence of toxic Gymnodinium catenatum during Cochlodinium polykrikoides blooms off the coast of Sabah, Malaysia
P18 / Park, Jong-Gyu / Occurrence of Karlodinium veneficucim algal bloom after construction of an artificial coastal lake, Saemangeum, Korea
P19 / Park, Soung-Yun / Variations of Phytoplankton Community in the Yellow Sea
P20 / Piumsomboon, Ajcharaporn / Temporal Variation of Phytoplankton Bloom in the upper gulf of Thailand
P21 / Rintala, Janne-Markus / A prolonged and exceptional Chrysochromulina cf. polylepis (Prymnesiophyceae) bloom in the Baltic Sea during winter and spring 2007–2008
P22 / Suema, Branco / Flagellate blooms in Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
P23 / Swan , Sarah C. / Monitoring of Harmful Phytoplankton in Scottish Coastal Waters
P24 / Tong, Tsz-lun / A 15-day survey of monitoring of phytoplankton biomass in fish culture zone at Inner Tolo Harbour with implication to HAB formation mechanism
P25 / Yong, A.H. / Occurrences Of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Sarawak, Malaysia.
P26 / Yuan, Yongquan / Study on the pattern and trend of red tide in coastal water of Qingdao, China
P27 / Zhang, Yu-hong / Preliminary study on the relationship between the surficial sediment and phytoplankton from the Quanzhou Bay, China
P28 / Zhou, Qian-Qian / The Distribution and Species Composition of net-phytoplankton of the Beibu Gulf, China in the winter of 2007
P29 / Adachi, M. / The genus Ostreopsis in the coastal regions in Tosa Bay, southern part of Japan
P30 / Ng Ka-yin / A Ceratium furca Bloom inInner Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong
P3`1 / Kai, Yuk Kam / Potential of Harmful Algae blooms in the Norwegian Arctic (Svalbard) waters
Resting Cysts and Germination
P32 / Furio, Elsa F. / Spatial distribution and Abundance of Dinoflagellate cysts with notes on Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum in recent sediments of coastal waters of Nnorthern Luzon and central PhilippinesP33 / Husain, Muna / Dinoflagellate cysts of ROPME Sea Area (Arabian Gulf)
P34 / Kim, Chang-Hoon , / The first report of Cochlodinium polykrikoides resting cysts and discrete seedbeds in Korean coastal waters
P35 / Iwataki, Mitsunori / Morphology and phylogenetic position of an unarmored dinoflagellate forming brownish resting cyst
P36 / Lewis, Nancy / Production of spirolides in cysts of Alexandrium ostenfeldii
P37 / Li, Shuang / Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts from Bohai Bay
P38 / Wang, Yan / Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in sediments from Taiwan Strait
P39 / Wu, Tianling / Study on germination of phytoplankton resting cells from the surface sediments in Daya Bay, the South China Sea
P40 / Wong, Y. K. / Population dynamics and spatial distribution of red tide cysts in the surface marine sediments of the southern China with particular reference to Hong Kong
Biology, Ecology, Dynamics, Triggers and
Formation Mechanism
P41 / Bolch, Christopher J.S. / Influence of marine bacteria on growth of the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatumP42 / Carneiro Pereira, Luci Cajueiro / Effects of wastewater on phytoplamkton community in the Caete’ Estuary, Brazilian Amazon Littoral
P43 / Chen, Dandan / The coupling between silicon uptake and cell cycle of Thalassiosira pseudonana
P44 / Chen, Hua / Ecological study of pelagic ostracods of HABs frequent occurrence area
P45 / Costa, R. M. da / Short and long-term effect of toxic Gymnodinium catenatum on feeding and survival rates of two pelagic marine copepods
P46 / Cumming, Andreas / The life history of a harmful, epiphytic dinoflagellate, Ostreopsis siamensis (Dinophyceae), isolated from the north-eastern coast of New Zealand
P47 / Fagerberg, Tony / A large molecular size fraction of riverine high molecular weight dissolved organic matter stimulates growth of the harmful dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum
P48 / Gao, Qian / Comparison of mesozooplankton communities in the north branch and North Passage of the Yangtze River(Changjiang)Estuary
P49 / Härnström, Karolina / Association between phytoplankton and Vibrio spp along the south west coast of India – A mesocosm Experiment
P50 / Hu Zhang-xi / Effects of different N:P ratios on the growth of Pseudo-nitzschia pungens, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Phaeocystis globosa
P51 / Jauzein, C / Growth and phosphorus uptake response by the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella to phosphate limitation
P52 / Jephson, Therese / Species specific vertical migration behaviour of dinoflagellates in stratified waters
P53 / Kang, Nam Seon / Growth and ingestion rates of the newly described marine mixotrophic dinoflagellate Paragymnodinium shiwhaensis
P54 / Kotaki, Y / Isolation of a pennate diatom Nitzschia navis-varingica showing new ASP toxin profiles
P55 / Le, Lan Huong, / Variation in total nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria during Phaeocystis c. globosa bloom stage in South Central coast of Vietnam
P56 / Leighfield, T.A, / Ecology of harmful algal bloom species and related shellfish toxicity from the northeastern coast of the Russian Black Sea
P57 / Li, Bin / Growth and uptake kinetics for nitrate, ammonium and phosphate by Chattonella marina (Raphidophyceae)
P58 / Lundgren, Veronica / Grazer induced colony formation in Phaeocystis globosa (Prymnesiophyceae): Influence of different nutrient conditions
P59 / Park, Joon Sang / Morphological and molecular evidence of some Thalassiosira species with labiate process on valve mantle.
P60 / Vaquer, André / Wind and temperature controls on the occurrence of blooms of Alexandrium in Thau Lagoon (Western Mediterranean).
P61 / Wang Jiangtao / The Relationship between nutrients and red tide in the East China Sea in spring
P62 / Wang, You / Effects of two species of macroalgae on growth of Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae)
P63 / Xu, Jie / Role of physical processes in regulating eutrophication impacts: A comparison between Victoria Harbour and Tolo Harbour in Hong Kong
P64 / Xu, Zhao-Li / Mesozooplankton community succession and harmful algal blooms in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent offshore area
P65 / Yang, Yu-feng / Inhibitory effects of Gracilaria lemaneiformis on the growth of red tide microalgae from Chinese coastal waters
P66 / Yih, Wonho / Massive blooms of the marine ciliate Myrionecta rubra – formed by the simple growth of a phytoplankton ciliate?
P67 / Yilmaz, I., Noyan / Spatial and temporal variability of Noctiluca scintillans in the highly stratified Sea of Marmara
P68 / Yamaguchi, Haruo / Contribution of organic phosphorus to the species succession of microalgae in the coastal waters
Characterization, Identification and Taxonomy
P69 / Maria Elisabeth Albinsson / The CSIRO collectionof living microalgae: applications for harmful algae and climate researchP70 / Furuya, Ken / Taxonomic identity of green Noctiluca scintillans
P71 / Gall, Mark/Chang Hoe F / Comparative studies of cell morphology, pigment composition and toxicity of two flagellates Chattonella globosa and C. marina (Class Raphidophyceae) from the northeast coast of New Zealand
P72 / Ma, Yanyan / Identifying diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia Peragallo in coastal waters of Guangdong, the South China Sea
P73 / Wang, Da-Zhi / Comparative studies on the nitrogen physiology of toxic and non-toxic Alexandrium tamarense
P74 / Wong, T. Y. Joseph / A Kareniapapilionacea species complex in the Western Pacific
P75 / Yang, Xiao-ru / Diversity of associated bacterial flora in Alexandrium
P76 / Yeo, Hwan-Goo / Morphological Descriptions on Prorocentrum spp. in the Neritic Waters of Korea
P77 / Mariângela Menezes / Characterization of Alexandrium tamiyavanichi (Dinophyceae) in tropical Brazilian coast.
P78 / Sundström, Annica M. / Gymnodinium corollarium sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) — a new cyst forming cold-water dinoflagellate from the Baltic Sea; morphology, molecular phylogeny and ecophysiology
Toxins, Toxicology, Allelopathy, Ciguatera and
Shellfish Safety
P79 / Amzil, Zouher / First report on Azaspiracid and Yessotoxin groups detection in French shellfishP80 / Contreras, Andrea M. / Physiological effects of paralytic shellfish toxins in New Zealand marine bivalves
P81 / Compere ,C. / Direct detection of toxic micro-algae Alexandrium minutum through high sensitive gravimetric sensors
P82 / García, Carlos / Dinophysistoxins-3 causes human intoxication by consumption of contaminated shellfish
P83 / Gas, Fabienne / Monoclonal antibody against the surface of Alexandrium minutum used in a whole-cell ELISA
P84 / Higgins, Cowan / The Detection of PSP in the Northern Ireland Bivalve Monitoring Programme Using HPLC-FLD (AOAC 2005.06) as a pre-screen.
P85 / Ito, Emiko / Desulfated yessotoxin causes fatty degeneration and delayed intestinal fluid accumulation in mice
P86 / Jiang, Tianjiu / Toxin-production characters of Chattonella ovata Hongkong strain
P87 / Laabir, Mohamed / Allelopathic effect of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella on the growth and photosynthetic activity of some microphytoplanctonic species.
P88 / Liu, Renyan / The review of shellfish poisoning toxins in China
P89 / McCarron, Pearse / Azaspiracids-3, -4, -6 and -9 are products of heat-induced decarboyxlation ofcarboxyazaspiracid metabolites from mussels
P90 / Nuñez-Vázquez, E. J. / Ciguatera in Mexico
P91 / Mok, Jong Soo / Determination of lipophilic toxins associated with Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning in Korean bivalves by LCMS
P92 / Moroño, A. / Modeling the accumulation and loss of Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins (DST) by mussels including the variation of a previous model
P93 / Pagou, K. / First approach to an okadaic acid amperometric immunosensor: application to environmental samples
P94 / Pagou, Kalliopi / New Pathway for Okadaic Acid Transfer From Ingested Dinophysis acuminata Cells by a Shellfish During a Bloom in Eastern Mediterranean Waters.
P95 / Proença, Luis A. O / Recurrent DSP outbreaks in Southern Brazil
P96 / Quilliam, M.A. / Analysis of trace levels of domoic acid in phytoplankton cultures and seawater by liquid chromatography without derivatization: UV and MS detection
P97 / Robertson, Alison / Paralytic shellfish toxin resistance mechanisms in Bivalves
P98 / Rodriguez-Navarro, A. / Potentiation of anesthetic effect of outer pore blocker
P99 / Su, Jian Qiang / Algicidal bacteria associate with a toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamarense
P100 / Van Dolah, Frances M. / Novel structure of polyketide synthases in the brevetoxin producing dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis
P101 / Wood, Susie A. / Early detection and monitoring of anatoxins in riverine environments
P102 / Yamasaki, Y. / Species-specific and cell density-dependent allelopathic effects of Heterosigma akashiwo on various phytoplankters
P103 / Zhou, Chengxu / Karlodinium micrum (Dinophyceae) from the East China Sea,Its toxicity detections and interspecific ralationship withother HABs
P104 / González-Gil, Sonsoles / Is Dinophysis rotundata a toxigenic species?
P105 / Pistocchi R / Toxicity evaluation of the red-tide forming Raphidophyceae Fibrocapsa japonica from the northern Adriatic
P106 / The, Ho Van / On a toxic benthic dinoflagellte Gambierdiscus toxicus isolated from Cau Island, south central Viet Nam
P107 / Skinner, Mark / A HAB, Prorocentrum gillespii (Dinophyceae), ciguatera and nutrients from Muri Lagoon, Rarotonga, Cook Islands.
Genetics, Proteomics and Molecular-level Studies
P108 / Albinsson, M. Elisabeth / Development of Quantitative Real-Time PCR probes for Marinobacter sp. and Alcanivorax sp. for studying algal-bacterial interactions in the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatumP109 / Andree, Karl / A Quantitative PCR Assay for Selected Species of Pseudo-nitzschia found along the Catalan Coast of Spain
P110 / Esterhuizen, M / The effect of β-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) on oxidative stress response enzymes of the macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum
P111 / Hong, Dang Diem / Application of molecular biological techniques for monitoring of Harmful algal blooms in Vietnam coasts
P112 / Hubbard, Katherine A. / Genetic structure in toxic blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia
P113 / Kang, Yang Soon / Reactive oxygen species production from Korean and Japanese strains of harmful algae
P114 / Mi, TiezhuYu, Zhigang / Study on the relationship between the growth rate and expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen gene of Skeletonema costatum under different nutrient condition
P115 / Robert, Stan / Genes involved in cell-signalling between the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum and Marinobacter 879
P116 / Shin, Sang Won / A study of genetic diversity of size fraction eukaryotic plankton by the season through DGGE in the coastal waters of Tongyeong, Korea
P117 / Tenenbaum, Denise Rivera / Detecting and quantifying Prymnesium parvum with a spefciic RT qPCR assay
P118 / Wang, Da-Zhi /Li Cheng, / Identification and characterization of cell wall proteins in the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella DH01 using a proteomic approach
P119 / Wang, Da-Zhi /Lin Lin / Identification and characterization of physiological biomarkers of Alexandrium catenella using a proteomic approach
Monitoring System and Programmes
P120 / Bae, Heon-meen. / Marine monitoring system by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) and Unmanned Marine Vehicle(UMV)P121 / Blauw, A.N / A model supported monitoring system for Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) in Dutch coastal waters
Mitigation and Control
P122 / Choi, Joong Ki / Experiments on mitigation of Cochlodinium blooms by a red mud and effects on marine plankton.P123 / Park, Young-Tae / Effects of yellow clay on the anaerobic decomposition process in the Cochlodinium polykrikoides (Dinophyceae) and organic matters containing marine sediment
Cyanobateria (Blue Green Algae) and Harmful algae
in Freshwater Bodies
P124 /Blaha, Ludek
/ Inhibition of intercellular communication and activation of MAPKs: newly identified mechanisms of cyanobacterialtoxins with tumor promoting potenciesP125 / Blahova, Lucie / The first report on carcinogenic cyanobacterial alkaloidcylindrospermin in the Czech Republic, Central Europe, as determined by immunochemical and HPLC-MS methods
P126 / Dörr, Felipe Augusto, / Comparative analysis of the gas-phase reactions of Cylindrospermopsin
P127 / Druvietis, Ivars / Invasion of nuisance Raphidophyte Gonyostomum semen (Ehrb.) Diesingin Latvia’s freshwaters
P128 / Feng, Caiping / Investigation of potentially toxin-producing cyanobacteria in reservoirs of Singapore
P129 / Fensin, E.E. / Environmental factors that influence cyanobacterial populations in the lower Pmlico River North Carolin, USA
P130 / Gupta, Rajan Kumar / The fungicidal cyanobacterium
P131 / Hiroishi, Shingo / Dynamics of toxic bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa and its infective cyanophages in the environment
P132 / Ho, K. C. / Risk assessment of cyanobacterial blooms in the upland waters of Dongjiang (The East River) by bioassay: Bottle Test
P133 / Mélodie, Malécot / Ecotoxicoproteomics to study microcystin-LR effects in medaka fish
P134 / Pingle, S.D. / Fresh water odorours (Chrysophycinean) algae from pune and its neighbourhood area
P135 / Rakko, Aimar & Jukka, Seppäla / Effect of salinity on growth rate and particulate nutrient ratios of two Baltic Sea, filamentous cyanobacteria
P136 / Sagir Ahmed, Md / Anabaena sp. bloom and the occurrence of microcystins from a eutrophic pond in Bangladesh.
P137 / Suikkanen, Sanna / Life cycle strategies of bloom-forming, filamentous cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea
P138 / Thomazeau, Solène / Contribution of senegal and burkina faso cyanobacterial strains to phylogeny of cyanobacteria
P139 / Vassilakaki, Maria / Detection of cyanobacterial toxins in lake sediments from Germany, Finland, and China
P140 / VanVuuren ,Sanet.Janse / Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, a toxic invasive species in South African fresh waters
P141 / Xu, Hong / Study on the circadian rhythm and clock gene of Microcystis aeruginosa
P142 / Escalera, Laura / Cyanobacterial endosymbionts in a benthic species of Dinophysiales, Sinophysis canaliculata