Student Plans

ECSE Child Outcomes Summary

The Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) is used to record entrance and exit outcome data for children receiving Early Childhood Special Education services. Outcomes are reported on a 7 point scale in the areas of Positive Social-Emotional Skills, Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills, and Take Appropriate Action to Meet Needs. The COSF combines many sources of information to describe a child’s functional skills including norm-referenced testing, criterion-based measures, parent report, and input from team members. One source of information must be “age-anchored”. The COSF is not an assessment instrument, but rather summarized the information that IEP/IFSP teams already have.

This COSF follows the model developed by MDE. It includes documentation of foundational, immediate foundational and age-appropriate skills. The ratings are determined using the documentation of skills applied to a decision tree.

COSF Information

1. / Click the Create New Document linkfor an ECSE Child Outcomes Summary. Accept or key in summary date. Click submit. / The COSF document is found in Other Documents
2. / The first screen displayed is the Summary information page / The plan information page is displayed with information to be completed.
3. / All of the fields with red asterisks are required fields for the completeness check. / The choices for Family Information can be modified within Document Sections for the COSF information element.
4. / Choose the purpose of the Rating. More than one purpose may be selected.
The student information is pulled from the Student Information System at the school district. / Note that the required student (in red) information is automatically loaded and can be changed as required. These are required fields for the completeness check. Make sure that the school year is the correct year.

COSF Team Members

1. / Click on Team Member link to add members of the COSF team. Click the blue links to add case manager, guardians, other staff or other team members. / Note that the required (in red) information is automatically loaded and can be changed as required.These are required fields for the completeness check.

COSF Outcomes

1. / When the Outcomes link is first chosen, this screen appears: / For each Outcome area, click on descriptions
2. / The descriptions link is the area where you can enter required or optional text for Age Appropriate, Immediate Foundational and Foundational Skills, plus any concerns. If the answer is 'Y' to the question “Has the child shown any new skills…..” then you describe those new skills on this page.
You may append descriptions that were entered on the drafts page. / After clicking on the descriptio,click on either add new description or append draft description. The rating will be based on the description.
3. / Add new description screen will look like the screenshot below / Fill in the information below. New skills are required for exit ratings
4. / The draft component screen will have all of the same elements but the COSF outcome area will need to be selected so it is linked to where it will be appended.
5. / When description is complete, rate the outcome. These first rating questions will appear. Depending on your answer, additional questions will appear. Answer each question as it appears until a Rating appears at the top of the page. Click Submit to save your answers. / If both fields are answered yes, see responses below.
6. / Performing a check completeness at any time will show what information is missing / Note: certain answers to questions will require supporting information in the descriptions area.
7. / Printing document will bring up a PDF for viewing


Part C Eligibility Page

1. / This optional section was created to capture information on a Part C student

Information on Hearing

1. / This optional section was created to capture information on students with a hearing disability

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