From the Chaplain

Revd Canon D Quentin Bellamy

MA BMus [Wales]; Cert Theol [Oxon]

The Rectory,28 Bodelwyddan Avenue,Old Colwyn Conwy LL29 9NP

 01492 478659

Monday 18 April 2016

Dear Friends

Diocese of St Asaph Retired Clergy Association Meeting – Tuesday 31May 2016– 2.30pm

How swiftly this year is flying by; it’s high time that we had a get-together. So I’d like to invite you to our upcoming meeting of the St Asaph Retired Clergy Association which is to take place in the Parish Church of St Martin of Tours, Llay, near Wrexham on Tuesday 31Mayat 2.30pm. The Parish of Llay has recently come to the end of an interregnum and I’m delighted to tell you that the new Vicar, Rev’d Huw Butler will be our special guest speaker, and his subject will be “St Illtud’s Galilee Chapel”.

This will be followed byAfternoon Teain the church hall, after which we will join together forshort act of worship. I anticipate that “home-time” will be at around 4.30pm. There is plenty of on-street parkingclose to the church, andthegood people of St Martin’s will, once again,make us feel extremely welcome!

There will be NO CHARGE for afternoon tea, but in order for us to know how many to cater for, I do need you to return the reply slip below BYFRIDAY27 MAY (or earlier if possible). Alternatively,if you wish to save on postage, an email to me confirming your attendance will be just fine.

Our autumn meeting this year is scheduled forThursday 6 October 2016 at 11.30am at St Asaph Cathedral, with lunch to followat 1.00pmat The Oriel Hotel.I’ll be filling you in on the details nearer the time, but in the meantime it would be very helpful if you would make a note of this date in your diary.I hope that you will be able to come along and I very much lookforward to seeing you at either or both of these meetings.

If you know of anyone who hasn’t received this mailing, I would be very grateful if you’d make a copy of this letter and pass on to them – or if that is not convenient, please contact me and I’ll take care it.

With every blessing

Yours sincerely

The Rev’d D Quentin Bellamy


Please return this slip to Rev’d D Quentin Bellamy by FRIDAY27 MAY 2016

Name______Tel Number ______

I will/will not be attending the meeting on Tuesday 31May 2016 at the Church of St Martin of Tours, Llay.

I will/will not be accompanied

[This invitation is open to retired clergy, their spouses, and clergy widow(er)s.]