North American Cruiser Association
Bridge Meeting
September 10, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 0930 AM, a quorum was present.
Welcome Bob Hough Chicago Yacht Club, to the meeting.
Report of the Officers
Treasurer Bob Ehlers;
NACA has $29,079.93 in the bank.
A list of expenses was provided
2014 membership revenues list was provided.
Question was raised, should we bill the member organizations, after discussion the consensus was yes bill them $75.00/year.
Details are available from Bob Ehlers.
Vice Commodore Scott Standjord:
IPBA is doing well, 10 contests, 66 racers.
Bob Lindal is in first
Alaska race planning is underway. Dates are @0 May to 13 July 2015.
Rear Commodore Ken Griffing absent, He is in Washington DC at the Power Squadron Board meeting.
Scorer Bob Lindal
Race scores fro the various organizations are coming in, slow but steady.
NAI 2014 Update Jeff Calabrese
Plans are complete and the event is progressing according to plan
The 2015 logo is available from the ships store.
Big challenge so far has been getting volunteer boats.
Most events will be held in the spinnaker room.
Dinner Saturday will be upstairs in the Commodores Room, 63 signed up for the banquet.
NOB file was sent out (Coastal Explorer).
Bob Irwin passed away, he was 99.5 years old.
Staff Commodore: Tom Collins
Welcome Bob Hough.
Report on officer nominations, Scott for Commodore, Ken for Vice, Ed for Rear, and Bob Hough for Exec/Secretary.
We have four member at large nominations; Chuck Anderson Chicago, Marty Muir SDCA, Chuck Irwin IPBA, Rich Dean SCCA.
The Gandelman Trophy is here, winner is a secret, tune in Saturday evening.
Commodore: Fay Baynard
Thanks to the bridge for your time and effort. Your leadership has been essential to the organization.
Fay urged the bridge to continue their regular contributions to the Cruiser Log. It makes that publication more interesting and gives our members a sense of log racing activities around the country.
NECA has contributed $6,000 to NACA. The money was used to purchase trophies for the next 10 NAI contests.
Old Business:
Cruiser Log
Elaine Townsend will be absent for 6 months starting January 2015. Ed Kutchma will fill in.
Jeff Calebrese will contribute an article to the Cruiser Log about the NAI, scores,...
NAI trophies
The supply of trophies will be depleted after this NAI. For first place we award one canon to the winner and the boat owner, and one each to the second and third place winners. That is a total of 40 trophies for ten years. Estimated total cost is $4,500 including the canons, mounts, and wooden plagues.
The board approved the expenditure of $4,500 for the trophies.
NAI 2015
After a report by Ed Kutchma it was decided to hold the 2015 NAI at Ventura Yacht Club, SBCCA host association, Ed Kutchma lead.
A firm date must be selected as soon as possible with a window of early September.
Future tentative dates are, 2016 - Seattle, 2017 – Long Beach, 2018 – St Petersburg, 2019 - Chicago,
Barusch-Castagne 2015
Proposed location is Shoreline Yacht Club.
New Business
Members need to think about a new or updated log racing video for the web site.
Next Conference call
November 11, at 10:00 AM PST
Meeting adjourned 11:30 AM PDT