Code of Behaviour
Good behaviour is based on good relations between parents/guardians, child and school.
In St. Peter Apostle Junior National School, we hope to foster this ideal in co-operation with our parents/guardians. We have adopted a positive code of behaviour with emphasis on encouragement and reward so that good behaviour can prevail in our school.
The Board of Management of the school has ultimate responsibility for behaviour in the school. Within the school, the overall day to day responsibility for behaviour rests with the Principal. Each teacher has the responsibility for the maintenance of good behaviour and good order within his/her classroom while all staff share a common responsibility for good behaviour within the school premises.
In line with our Health and Safety Policy, the school will endeavour to act ‘In Loco Parentis’ and ensure the safety of everyone in the school environs.
Parents/guardians can support the school by encouraging their children to understand the need for school rules, and by communicating any relevant concerns to the school.
In the case where a parent reports a bullying incident, the school reserves the right to inform the relevant parties of the identity of the person making the complaint, when this is deemed necessary.
Aims of the code
- To create a positive learning environment that encourages and reinforces good behaviour.
- To promote self-esteem and positive relationships.
- To encourage consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour.
- To foster a sense of responsibility and self-discipline in pupils and to support good behaviour patterns based on consideration and respect for the rights of others.
- To facilitate the education and development of every child.
- To foster caring attitudes to one another and to the environment.
- To enable teachers to teach without disruption.
- To ensure that the school's expectations and strategies are widely known and understood through the parent’s handbook, availability of policies and an ethos of open communication.
- To encourage the involvement of both home and school in the implementation of this policy.
Staff members are committed to the implementation of the above aims.
- General School Rules
- We show respect for self and others.
- We show respect for other students and their learning.
- We should never leave the school grounds without permission.
- We should always use our walking feet around the school.
- We should wear our school uniform every day.
- We show courtesy and good manners.
- We try to use respectful ways of resolving difficulties and conflict, using the Incredible Years Positive Behavioural Principles.
- During Wet Play, no child may leave his/her seat without the permission and presence of an adult in the room
- Classroom Rules – Show Me Five!
- Feet on Floor
- Hands on Lap
- Mouth Closed
- Eyes on Teacher
- Ears Open
The Class Teacher discusses and practises these rules with the children at the start of the school year. Older classes may devise their own behavioural contract with their teacher.
- Yard Rules
- Gentle Hands
- Gentle Feet
- Kind Words
- Play Safely and Fairly
- Respect and Listen to adults on Yard
- Always be kind and include others when Playing
Children are encouraged at all times, within the class, yard and school settings, to find
and tell an adult if they are worried about their own or others’ safety and behaviour.
Positive Approaches
Positive behaviours are recognised, encouraged and rewarded. We acknowledge each class may
have different or varying incentives and reward systems. Reward systems seek to encourage
children of all abilities and talents. Children will be encouraged, praised and listened to by all
adults in the school.
Encouraging Positive Behaviour based on Incredible Years
- Overall policy of focusing on child’s good behaviour.
- Class Teacher has classroom rules displayed and ensures that the children have a good understanding of them.
- Care Team is established in the school and meets monthly.
- Weekly Assembly reinforces Incredibly Years strategies/philosophies already being taught at class level i.e.SPHE Programme.
NOTE: Emphasis at Assembly is placed on language needed for children to express themselves effectively. Problem solving strategies and skills are reinforced for children, thus enabling them to become more socially competent. These strategies ae currently developed in a small group setting and at class level, where class teacher is involved.
At weekly Assembly, two certificates per class are presented to pupils who have worked hard, improved or behaved well during the previous week.
Best behaved class at Senior Infant, (1st and 2nd classes) receive half-termly rewards.
Class teachers use ‘Circle Time’ to promote social, emotional competence and well-being and encourage children to reflect on various behaviours and well-being emotions.
‘Golden Time’ is given at discretion of teacher, generally on a weekly basis.
Individual children’s achievements always acknowledged at Weekly Assembly and in class to encourage positive role modelling, e.g. Friendship Certificates and Certificates of Achievement.
As part of the Incredible Years Principles both classroom rules and consequences for breaking these are discussed and practised in the classroom setting. These sanctions will be displayed in the classroom.
Sanctions will be displayed and practised in classroom with reference to the following:-
Teacher talks to child about inappropriate behaviour.
Child is temporarily separated from peers within the classroom.
Child loses privileges.
Child is sent to another class.
Principal, Ms. Tobin and Parent are informed.
In the event of:-
Continuous misbehaviour/serious misbehaviour the parents are informed and invited to a behavioural management meeting where behaviour management strategies are worked on.
Misbehaviour will be documented by the Class Teacher. Child agrees to try again and follow classroom rules.
In the event of a child continually misbehaving or breaking classroom rules, the following steps can be taken:-
1.Teacher reasons with the child.
2.The child is reprimanded and effort is made to make child understand the consequences of his/her actions.
3.The child is temporarily separated from peers, within the classroom.
4.Child loses privileges.
5.Child is separated from peers and sent to another classroom.
Continuous misbehaviour is documented and Parent is informed by Classroom Teacher.
Behavioural management strategies are worked on between parent, class teacher, Caoimhe Warren and Kathy Gleeson. Behavioural Plan may sometimes be required.
6.Principal may phone parents and parent will be requested to attend meeting with Principal and Caoimhe Warren.
B.Sanctions/Rewards for Yard and General School Environment
In line with our Anti-Bullying Policy, all adults on the yard observe and log physical, emotional and identity misbehaviours, re. Appendix 1.
Green Cards are given for positive behaviour on yard.
For misbehaviours on the yard, one or all of below may be used:-
-Child receives a warning from teacher.
-Child is asked to remove themselves from the situation i.e. go to the other end of the yard, stand at window.
-Child may be asked to remain with teacher/S.N.A.
-Child’s name is recorded (Doer) along with the ‘Receiver’ on the Yard Incident Sheets.
-Red cards are given for serious misbehaviours, such as, hitting, pushing, repeated rough play, being disrespectful to an adult on yard or not complying with an adult’s request.
Should serious misbehaviour continue, parents are asked to come to school and discuss the problem with Principal, Caoimhe Warren and the Class Teacher.
Serious misbehaviours may result in time off yard/reduced yard-time to ensure the safety of others and to act as a sanction.
C.Very Serious Misbehaviour
If incidents occur where a child is putting themselves or others in very serious danger, e.g. deliberately hurting others, parents will be informed and the child may be taken home. The parents will meet with Ms. Tobin, Ms Warren and the Class Teacher and it will be decided when it will be safe for the child to return to school. Disrespect towards Staff shall be viewed as a serious misbehaviour and shall be dealt with accordingly.
D.Internal Suspension
Internal Suspension is when a pupil is removed from their own base class and is placed in another class for up to three school days. This may happen if consistent misbehaviour are occurring or a very serious misbehaviour occurs.
This procedure is used in the case of a very serious misbehaviour and/or health and safety grounds:
The Board may authorise the Principal to sanction an immediate suspension for a period, not exceeding three school days pending a discussion with the parents. Expulsion may be considered in an extreme case in accordance with the Rules for National Schools and The Education Act 2000. Before suspending or expelling a pupil, the Board should notify the Education Welfare Officer in writing in accordance with the Education Welfare Act.
Removal of Suspension (Reinstatement)
Following or during a period of suspension, the parent/s may apply to have the pupil reinstated to the school. The parent/s must give a satisfactory undertaking that a suspended pupil will behave in accordance with the school code and the Principal must be satisfied that the pupil’s reinstatement will not constitute a risk to the pupil’s own safety or that of the other pupils or staff. The Principal will facilitate the preparation of a behaviour plan for the pupil if required and will re-admit the pupil formally to the class.
Children with Special Needs
All children are required to comply with the code of behaviour. However the school recognises that children with special needs may require assistance in understanding certain rules. Specialised behaviour plans will be put in place in consultation with parents and the class teacher, learning support/ resource teacher, and thePrincipal will work closely with home to ensure that optimal support is given. Special Educational Needs will be taken into account at all times. Professional advice from psychological assessments will be invaluable.
The children in the class or school may be taught strategies to assist a pupil with special needs adhere to the rules and thus provide peer support. This will be done in a supportive and safe way, acknowledging and respecting the difference in all individuals.
Within the ASD Unit, Butterfly Suite, emphasis will be placed on the individual needs of each child. Sanctions and rewards can be used at the discretion of the teacher.
Communicating with Parents
Communicating with parents is central to maintaining a positive approach to dealing with children. Parents and teachers should develop a joint strategy to address specific difficulties, in addition to sharing a broader philosophy which can be implemented at home and in school.
A high level of co-operation and open communication is seen as an important factor encouraging positive behaviour in the school. Structures and channels designed to maintain a high level of communication among staff and between staff, pupils and parents have been established and are being reviewed regularly.
Parents are encouraged to talk in confidence to teachers about any significant developments in a child’s life (in the past or present), which may affect the child’s behaviour.
The following methods of communication are to be used within the school:
- Home, School Community Liaison Teacher meetings
- Informal/formal parent/teacher meetings
- Letters/notes from school to home and from home to school
- School notice board
- Newsletters/school web-site/e-mails.
- Texting parents.
Related Policies available on request:
Child Protection Policy
Anti-Bullying 2014
Health and Safety Policy
Dignity at Work Policy
Appendix 1:Yard Log
Appendix 2:Behaviour Reflection Sheet
Appendix 3: Code of Conduct for Parents
This Policy was updated in May 2017.
Approved by Board of Management on: ______
Signed: ______
Appendix 1:Yard Log
Appendix 2: Behaviour Reflection Sheet.
Appendix 3: Code of Conduct for Parents
Code of Conduct for Parents
Parents are expected to:
- Ensure their children attend school and are punctual.
- Equip pupils with appropriate school materials, and full uniform.
- Be courteous towards pupils and staff.
- Make an appointment to meet with a teacher/the Principal through the office.
- Respect school property and encourage their children to do the same.
- Label pupils coats and other personal property.
- Strictly supervise pre-school children, when in the school.
- Strictly supervise all children on school grounds outside of official school times.
As the Board of Management is responsible for the Health and Safety of all staff and students, parents are requested not to approach or reprimand another person’s child on the school premises.
Under our Acceptable Usage Policy, parents are asked not to upload posts (i.e. comments/photos/tweets) on Social Media regarding pupils, staff, events in our school.